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Roleplay gamemode script that works? & mtascripts.com, is this legit?


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Hello, I've been floating around the forum a couple days before i just now made the account, I've tried a variety of different scripts/gamemodes, but they all come back with SQL errors even though the details are correct and the Database is imported. Am I doing something wrong possibly? Or are these gamemodes just incomplete scripts/databases? When I go to log on to the server, I click register, type in the details, but when i click create, it does nothing?

P.S How do these resources work? Are they like plug n play resources, by that I mean, if I add another resource for the server to run, would it still work as normal along side other resources? I noticed a pet system on mtascripts.com. Is this a legit site to buy gamemodes from?


Sorry if this is the wrong place, I didn't see any other place to post a topic like this, I tried to search the forums for similar threads but none showed. I come from SAMP but I'm really interested in taking a look at what MTA has to offer, which I guess leads to my other question, how does it work with scripts after updates? On SA:MP most old gamemodes won't work as well on current servers. But I noticed MTA hasn't had an update for a while so I thought I'd ask :)

Edited by jremi
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That website seems legit to me, seen it about a few years ago, with some :~ty template/design, now they seem to have improved. I don't think someone would go through the effort of improving and also paying the host for their website for nothing, or maybe the guy(s) have too much money and free time :P But those are leaked scripts, if you buy from them you won't be able to get help from this form, you will have to rely on them for help, which I don't think they will give out

Edited by ..:D&G:..
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