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dbExec Problem


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Hey there dear community, today I started to work on a system which will be sync with my forum, leaving out it. Im trying to update a value on a colum, however, I couldn't do it due to I cannot understand at all dbExec Function


local tableAccount = {"plCash","plPoints","plMapsplayed","plMapswon","plWinratio","plHunters","plToptimes","plToptimes1","plPvps","plPvpswon","plPvpsratio"}

function updatePlayerDatas(account)
	for i=1,#tableAccount do
		local randomValues = math.random(1,328842)
		dbExec (dbConnectTable.connection, "UPDATE core_members SET "..tableAccount[i].."="..randomValues.." WHERE `name` = "..account .."" ) 

Table: core_members

Column: tableAccount Array

Debugscript 3 drops me: You have an error on your SQL syntax ...

Thanks for reading.


Edited by Overkillz
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I think (not sure) that it's better to run 1 query instead of multiple queries in a row

dbExec (dbConnectTable.connection, "UPDATE core_members SET ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ??, ?? = ?? WHERE `name` = ??", tableAccount[1], 0, tableAccount[2], 0, tableAccount[3], 0, tableAccount[4], 0, tableAccount[5], 0, tableAccount[6], 0, tableAccount[7], 0, tableAccount[8], 0, tableAccount[9], 0, tableAccount[10], 0, tableAccount[11], 0)

Don't concat, use ?? and write the parameters in the end. It does seem a lot tho might be a better way and I haven't tested it


Note that I've used 0 as value for everything this has to be changed

Edited by ViRuZGamiing
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Im a bit dump. I have solved the problem following ur example.

I didn't realize that ??=?? expression is remplaced by the arguments.

However, I was using a for, so, the code can be shorter by this

	local tableNamecall = "core_members"
	local name = "name"
	for i=1,#tableAccount do
		local randomValues = math.random(1000,328842)
		dbExec( dbConnectTable.connection, "UPDATE ?? SET ??=? WHERE ??=?", tableNamecall, tableAccount[i], randomValues, name, account )


#You can close the topic

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Your code is shorter indeed but the difference is, Analogue example:

You're in a store and want 10 things, you:

For each question do

   Look for a worker and ask where you Can find 1 thing.


While you could ask all 10 items in 1 time. It's a performance difference

Edited by ViRuZGamiing
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