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  On 09/05/2020 at 10:56, Hades4 said:

This have cpu issues?



I am not sure, I don't have anybody that I can test it with. For hardware that can run basic GTA properly, it should be fine.

If anybody that has an old computer, I would be very happy if that person could make a benchmark.

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  On 09/05/2020 at 17:02, aka Blue said:

Nice! But I will use it only for screenshots or similar because with all that timers and checks I think that it will be fatal for potato PC's.


That part is only used for the initialization (loading the lowLOD objects). When that is over, there will be hardly any Lua activity what so ever except for the break-able objects. I highly recommend to check how the code actually works. ?


And a nice fact, there is only 1 timer active at the same time in the whole resource. That is the whole purpose of the second Lua file timer_c.Lua = Timer lag reduction.

Edited by IIYAMA
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  On 09/05/2020 at 11:22, IIYAMA said:

I am not sure, I don't have anybody that I can test it with. For hardware that can run basic GTA properly, it should be fine.

If anybody that has an old computer, I would be very happy if that person could make a benchmark.


The CPU usage was normal (average 0.62% in IPB when flying around the map) on my Intel Celeron E3200 (2.40 GHz)

This PC only have a integrated video card with 128 MB dedicated video memory, so the only problem is the lower fps because a lot of objects drawed. (Tested on a green venturas map with the forest generator publiced by Essle ~ Total 2124 tree objects created)

But yeah, this is a great work :)


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  On 07/06/2020 at 16:37, SanMartin said:

if I’m not mistaken, I haven’t changed anything since the moment I downloaded the script

  • The resource has been unpacked, which is already a change. (not required to unpack, except in special cases)
  • The resource name has been changed, since it original is written lowercase.

Which are not really changes that can cause big problems... but you definitely did make changes.

What happens if you use the /refreshall command as administrator?

Check the server window to see if there are any errors and if the resource is available.


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Thanks more for the comments, all methods have been tried. The result is as follows:

[01:50:10] Not starting resource draw-distance as this server version is too low (1.5.4 required)
[01:50:10] start: Failed to start resource 'draw-distance'

Does this mean that I need to install an older version of the MTA, or is it somehow necessary to update the server?

Sorry for my bad english)

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  On 07/06/2020 at 20:55, SanMartin said:

Thanks more for the comments, all methods have been tried. The result is as follows:

[01:50:10] Not starting resource draw-distance as this server version is too low (1.5.4 required)
[01:50:10] start: Failed to start resource 'draw-distance'

Does this mean that I need to install an older version of the MTA, or is it somehow necessary to update the server?

Sorry for my bad english)



I am not sure which version you are using. But the resource might be working fine for your server, if you do the following:

Remove the following line from your meta.xml

<min_mta_version server="???" client="???" />


But be aware that you might see some warnings, which are related to functions that are not available inside of your server (version).

  • setPedsLODDistance = available ???
  • setVehiclesLODDistance = available ???



Updating your server, might be handy if you want to be able to use the resources that use the newest features.






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When I deleted the line, I received an error that indicated to me that there was no line. So I just reinstalled the mta client to a new one. As it turned out, I used the old modified client. Everything works, the script is just perfect.
I don’t understand where you have so much patience to bail out fools like me. Thank)

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  • 10 months later...
  On 08/05/2020 at 19:24, IIYAMA said:


Distância de traçado v1.0.2

Este recurso melhora a distância de alcance de todos os seus recursos que fazem uso de arquivos de mapa. Isso deixa seus mapas 10x mais bonitos na minha opinião!


  • Melhora muito a distância de alcance dos objetos do mapa
  • Maximização da distância de alcance para pedestres e veículos. (Ver configurações MTA> vídeo: Renderizar veículos sempre com muitos detalhes + Renderizar peds sempre com muitos detalhes)
  • Suporte a vários recursos (este efeito é aplicado em todos os elementos mapRoot)
  • O método de carregamento paralelo é usado, mas a velocidade de carregamento é, nesse caso, reduzida para melhorar o desempenho.
  • O efeito não se aplica apenas aos recursos que estão sendo iniciados , mas também aos recursos que estão em execução .


  Baixe aqui  

T h i s r e s o u r c e é uncompiled!

Repositório: https://gitlab.com/IIYAMA12/draw-distance



Vídeo - Criado por@ Anx1ty





Começando a 200 unidades de distância



400 unidades de distância (esta é a distância onde muitos objetos serão descarregados, mas neste caso trocados com objetos lowLOD)



E mesmo a 600 unidades de distância, é tecnicamente visível -> (enquanto a névoa está lentamente consumindo tudo ... :eating:)


  Baixe aqui  


Todo o hardware pode executar isso? -> Não tenho ideia ... provavelmente ?. Apenas tente.




please do a tutorial on how to use this script !!

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  On 09/04/2021 at 08:02, IIYAMA said:

Isso é mesmo necessário? Tudo que você precisa fazer é iniciar o script.


[v1.0.2] O script começará a ler a árvore de elementos de recursos em execução e espelhará os objetos com elementos lowLOD. Isso é tudo o que há para fazer no básico.





when I'm going to start the following error appears

Not starting the resource distance, as this version of the server is very low 1.5.4

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  On 09/04/2021 at 09:30, gabriel01010 said:

when I'm going to start the following error appears

Not starting the resource distance, as this version of the server is very low 1.5.4



  1. open the file meta.xml
  2. Remove the following line: <min_mta_version client="1.5.4" server="1.5.4" />

The script will start, but some of the new features will not work (like increased draw distance for vehicles and peds). You could notice some errors in the console at the following lines, but that should be fine.




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  On 09/04/2021 at 10:02, IIYAMA said:


  1. abra o arquivo meta.xml
  2. Remova a seguinte linha: <min_mta_version client="1.5.4" server="1.5.4" />

O script will start, but some of the new features will not work (like increased draw distance for vehicles and peds). You could notice some errors in the console at the following lines, but that should be fine.





Funcionou! obrigado.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  On 08/05/2020 at 19:24, IIYAMA said:


Draw distance v1.0.2

This resource improves the draw distance of all your resources that make use of map files. It makes your maps 10x more beautiful in my opinion!


  • Greatly improves the draw distance of map objects
  • Maxed out the draw-distance for peds and vehicles. (See MTA settings > video: Render vehicles always in high detail + Render peds always in high detail )
  • Multi-resources support (this effect is applied on every mapRoot element)
  • Parallel loading method is used, but the loading speed is in that case reduced to improve performance.
  • The effect is not only applied on resources that are starting, but also resources that are already running.


  Download here  

This resource is uncompiled!

Repository: https://gitlab.com/IIYAMA12/draw-distance



Video - Created by @Anx1ty





Starting at 200 units distance



400 units distance (this is the distance where a lot of objects will be unloaded, but in this case switched with lowLOD objects)



And even on 600 units distance, it is technically visible -> (while the fog is slowly eating it up... :eating:)


  Download here  


Can all hardware run this? --> I have no idea... most likely ?. Just give it a try.




Hello, is there a way to remove fps drops?

This resource is very useful But all players get FPS between 30 and 38 When I stop your resource, FPS increases significantly The fps limit of my server is 75

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