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[Question] Adding player account data to table


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So I have account data outputting to chat, as a test, but I want to add it to a table as I am trying to make a system where all accounts with the players current serial merge data into one account, the only problem is I want to insert it into a table like this:

data = {accountName, dataName, dataValue}

Here's my current code.

	local serial = getPlayerSerial( source )
	local oldAccounts = getAccountsBySerial( serial )
	if not oldAccounts == false then
		outputChatBox("You have an account and your data will now be transferred to the new one.", source, 50, 255, 200)
		dataSafe = {} --Empty table to save data
		for i=1,#oldAccounts do
			accounts = oldAccounts[i][1]
			local data = getAllAccountData( accounts ) -- get data
			if ( data ) then
				for k,v in pairs ( data ) do
					table.insert(dataSafe, oldAccounts, k, v)
		for i=1,#dataSafe do 
			local name, k, v = dataSafe[i][1],dataSafe[i][2],dataSafe[i][3]--x = key 1, y = key 2, z = key 3	
			outputChatBox(""..name..k..": "..v) -- print the key and value of each entry of data			

I came here asking as I am unsure about table.insert, I read a little online and it just confused me, hoping someone can help explain it. :)

I've got the error: Attempt to index field '?' a userdata value <<< Line 7

If I do accounts = oldAccounts then I get error wrong number of arguments to 'insert'


Thanks a lot for any help :)

Edited by kieran
Updated code, new problem
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I never used getAccountsBySerial myself, but the wiki says it returns a table of accounts, so I assume you get back something like this:

{ Account1, Account2, Account3}

So, what if you try:

accounts = oldAccounts[i]


accounts = oldAccounts[i][1]


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6 hours ago, pa3ck said:

I never used getAccountsBySerial myself, but the wiki says it returns a table of accounts, so I assume you get back something like this:

{ Account1, Account2, Account3}

So, what if you try:

accounts = oldAccounts[i]


accounts = oldAccounts[i][1]


Believe it or not I sorted this problem last night, but....  I still have big problems with table.insert

Here is my updated code, I can hopefully figure it all out if you or someone else helps me understand where I am going wrong with inserting into the table...

local accountSafe = {}
	local serial = getPlayerSerial( source )
	local oldAccounts = getAccountsBySerial( serial ) --So this returns a table, so in my mind, this will then BECOME a table...
	if not oldAccounts == false then --If they have old accounts (I will add checks for current account later)
		outputChatBox("You have an account and your data will now be transferred to the new one.", source, 50, 255, 200) --Tell them
		dataSafe = {} --Here is my "dataSafe" where I will use table.insert to add each index of, the account name, the data, the value
		local name --To store name
		for i=1,#oldAccounts do --For each account
			accounts = oldAccounts[i] --This is how I get the data from table
			name = getAccountName ( accounts ) --I get the name with "accounts" and it's the players name
			local data = getAllAccountData( accounts ) --I then get all the players data
			if ( data ) then --If they have data
				for k,v in pairs ( data ) do --Data returns tuple (Name, Value)
					table.insert(dataSafe, tostring(name)..","..tostring(k)..","..tostring(v)) --Here is the issue, it adds "nil"
		for i=1,#dataSafe do --Outside my for to cycle through accounts is where I will merge data, for now it prints the table
			name, k, v = dataSafe[i][1],dataSafe[i][2],dataSafe[i][3] --So it does index them, BUT, it indexes as nil...
			outputChatBox(tostring(name)..""..tostring(k)..""..tostring(v), source) --As you can see when it prints		

All you'd have to do to test this and see what I mean is add an onPlayerJoin handler...  I have tried adding indexes multiple ways, separated by commas. inserted with the index as a second argument as you'll see here, and even tried adding them together the same way you would if you were to output to chat, nothing but "nilnilnil"

Just so you know, the result I am trying to get is:

dataSafe = {
	{Account2,Name1,Value1}, --Each account gets the account name, then the account data name and then data value.
  	--Just keeps adding lines like above, obviously table is hidden, but this is to show what I want to happen in the background...



Here is a quick link to lua manual where table.insert is on page, I just don't understand the lua manual that clearly no matter how many times I read it :/  http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.5

I have no idea how to use it really and I am just blindly trying different things until it works...

On the bright side, I'm slowly getting there, it's just I could really do with an in depth view to table.insert....

Edited by kieran
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local serial = getPlayerSerial( source )
local accounts = getAccountsBySerial( serial )
if accounts and #accounts > 1 then
	outputChatBox("You have an account and your data will now be transferred to the new one.", source, 50, 255, 200)
	local dataSafe = {} --Empty table to save data

	for i=1, #accounts do
		local account = accounts[i]
		local allAccountData = getAllAccountData( account )
		local accountName = getAccountName(account)
		for key, value in pairs ( allAccountData ) do
			dataSafe[#dataSafe + 1] = {accountName, key, value}
	for i=1, #dataSafe do --Outside my for to cycle through accounts is where I will merge data, for now it prints the table
		local name, k, v = dataSafe[i][1],dataSafe[i][2],dataSafe[i][3] --So it does index them, BUT, it indexes as nil...
		outputChatBox(tostring(name)..""..tostring(k)..""..tostring(v), source) --As you can see when it prints		



There is also this function: (if you are interested in moving/replace data. Never used it, so I do not know how it will merge)


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