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  1. I've been trying to save the position of the player's character and it saves... but in a new table, not in the main one where its the account's name, the character's name and the rest. -> This is what happens<- This is the code I'm using for the "character money, position, and health" // i translated some concepts to english so you can understand easly what I'm trying to make: (server-side) function saveDataCharacter() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local money = getPlayerMoney(source) local health = getElementHealth(source) local sendInfo = exports.mysql:_Exec("INSERT INTO characters (x,y,z, money, health) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", x, y, z, money, health) if (sendInfo) then iprint("Data saved") else iprint("Error saving") end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), saveDataCharacter)
  2. Boa noite senhores, Estou com problema para salvar uns dados que eu preciso. saveDataMis = { {"_killzombies_"}, {"_killzombies_Max_"}, {"_killzombies_City_"}, {"_explores_"}, {"_explores_timer_"}, {"_explores_timer_Max_"}, } Quero salvar ele usando 2 tabelas para procurar depois do _ ex: level_killzombies_ City (level e cidade (zona) Eu fiz assim component = {"LV01_01", "LV01_02","LV01_03", "LV01_04", "LV01_05", "LV01_06", "LV01_07", "LV01_08", "LV01_09", "LV01_10"} zones = {"Las Venturas", "Los Santos","Tierra Robada", "Bone County", "San Fierro", "Red County", "Whetstone", "Flint County", "Los Santos"} function leveis2() for i,hud in ipairs(component) do leveis = hud end for i,hud2 in ipairs(zones) do zone = hud2 end return leveis,zone end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),function(quitType, reason, responsibleElement) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account then if not getElementData(source,"logedin") then return end local level,zone = leveis3() for i,data in ipairs(saveDataMis) do setAccountData(account,tostring(level..data[1]..zone),tonumber(getElementData(source,tostring(level..data[1]..zone)))) end end end) Ele nao esta puxando todos os elementos da tabela, ele so pega o elemento final do component e zones. É meio complicado de explicar. Mais espero que entendam eu preciso so fazer salvar estes elementos. Eu queria editar criar varias linhas na tabela por isso fiz isso. obrigado
  3. I was testing the "create character" system I been working on with a friend, and we did not expect this... when we both register our accounts and create our characters we can't see each other, we are invisibles, I don't know how to prevent this or what did I scripted wrong, please, help This is the part that TP our characters and I think here it's the problem: (Client-Side) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnSeleccionar, function() showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(ventanaElegirSkinsM, false) setElementPosition ( getLocalPlayer(), 1742.9543457031,-1862.6853027344,13.575992584229) setElementDimension( getLocalPlayer(), 0) setElementRotation( getLocalPlayer(), -0, 0, 357.78338623047) setElementInterior( getLocalPlayer(), 0) triggerServerEvent("descongelar", getLocalPlayer(), localPlayer) setPlayerMoney(2500) All the rest of the code runs like I wanted, the money, the triggerevent, the position, etc, but for some reason, the script send us to different "interiors" or "dimensions". And, most important thing is that when we both create our character, we can't see each other new nickname, the skin neither
  4. I made a login menu for my server, I wanted to put some buildings as a background so I used setCameraMatrix, all works perfectly, but when I try to cancel the camera position and the music (I added playSound too) it doesn't work and the camera keeps far from the player, and the music keeps playing Client-Side function fondoLogin(thePlayer) local cancion = playSound("loginSoundtrack.mp3") setSoundVolume(cancion, 0.5) setElementPosition(thePlayer, -1400.2099609375,106.88999938965,1032.2734375) setElementInterior(thePlayer, 1) setCameraMatrix ( 1709.7098388672,-1449.96484375,151.87727355957, 1537.9990234375,-1276.736328125,238.57434082031, 0, 100 ) triggerServerEvent(source, "parartodo", source) end addEvent("posicionar", true) addEventHandler("posicionar", getLocalPlayer(), fondoLogin) ---------Suposed to stops the music and cameraMatrix---------------- function parartodo(thePlayer, cancion) setCameraTarget (thePlayer) stopSound(cancion) end addEvent("pararmusicaycamara", true) addEventHandler("pararmusicaycamara", getLocalPlayer(), parartodo) Server-Side function registroHRP(user, clavecreada) if(addAccount(user, clavecreada))then outputChatBox("Bienvenido") triggerClientEvent(source, "cerrar", source) logIn(source, getAccount(user, clavecreada), clavecreada) setElementPosition(source, 209.41818237305,-33.872188568115,1001.9296875) setElementInterior(source, 1) setElementDimension(source, 1) setPedRotation(source, 180) triggerClientEvent(source, "pararmusicaycamara", source) else outputChatBox("La cuenta ya existe.") end end -----------"triggerClientEvent(source, "pararmusicaycamara", source)" doesn't work--------------
  5. It's me again. I was testing my edited vehicle script and found a error, when the player enters in the vehicle, It's doesnt matter the chair, they can turn on the engine even if they sit down behind the driver position. I was wondering, there is a recourse that could prevent this? I mean, only execute the comand "turn on the vehicle" when player is sitting in the driver's chair
  6. I have been editing a vehicle script to make it work in a RP but I have a problem when executing the command to lock the vehicle, it locks perfectly from the outside, nobody can enter unless the owner unlocks the vehicle, but the problem is that if the owner locks inside, you can still go out. I did some research and found that something could be done with cancelEvent and "onClientVehicleStartExit", I've tried everything but nothing seems to work for me with that command, any advice? This is the code: function setPlayerVehicleLocked(player, vehicle) local vehname = vehicle:getName() if (vehicle:getData("vehicles:locked") == 1) then vehicle:setData("vehicles:locked", 0) vehicle:setLocked(false) player:outputChat("Desbloqueaste tu "..vehname..".", 214, 37, 37) connection:exec("UPDATE vehicles SET locked=? WHERE id=? AND owner=?", 0, vehicle:getData("vehicles:id"), vehicle:getData("vehicles:owner")) elseif (vehicle:getData("vehicles:locked") == 0) then vehicle:setData("vehicles:locked", 1) vehicle:setLocked(true) player:outputChat("Bloqueaste tu "..vehname..".", 141, 229, 22) connection:exec("UPDATE vehicles SET locked=? WHERE id=? AND owner=?", 1, vehicle:getData("vehicles:id"), vehicle:getData("vehicles:owner")) end end function onclientVehicleStartExit() if (vehicle:getData("vehicles:locked") == 0) then cancelEvent(onVehicleStartExit) end end ("onclientVehicleStartExit", root, onVehicleStartExit)
  7. He estado editando un script de vehiculos para hacerlo funcionar en un RP pero tengo un problema a la hora de ejecutar el comando de cerrar el vehículo, se cierra perfectamente, desde afuera nadie lo puede abrir a menos que el dueño lo abra, pero el tema es que si el dueño cierra por dentro, aún así puedes salir. Investigué un poco y encontré que se podía hacer algo con cancelEvent, he intentado de todo pero nada parece funcionarme con ese comando, algún consejo?
  8. Selamlar Beyler Askeri Rp Sunucum İçin F2 Plugini Gerek Sadece Can Ve Zırh Olcak Yapabilcek Arkadaş Varsa Discorddan İletişime Geçerse Çok İyi Olur TravisSakat#0001
  9. Hello guys I recently had ideas for setting up a server in MTA. I heard a bit about lua and its characteristics. I wanted to know what programming languages are needed to set up a game server in MTA and manage it from beginner to professional. thank you.?
  10. BOA TARDE, Desde já desejo um FELIZ ANO NOVO A TODOS DA COMUNIDADE. Venho pedir a ajuda de voces, ja tentei e tudo e o erro ainda continua. Eu coloquei um Timer quando o "ped" sai de uma ColShope e ele executa este element. So que ele nao reconhece o Element e da o ERRO OBRIGADO Bad argument @ 'setElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] function ZombieExit2(element) if isElement(element) and getElementType(element) == "ped" then local spawn_ztype = tonumber(getElementData(element,"spawn_ztype")) if spawn_ztype == 9 or spawn_ztype == 11 or spawn_ztype == 2 or spawn_ztype == 3 or spawn_ztype == 4 or spawn_ztype == 5 or spawn_ztype == 6 or spawn_ztype == 7 or spawn_ztype == 8 or spawn_ztype == 10 or spawn_ztype == 20 then setElementData(element,"zombieExit",element) setTimer(function(element) setElementData(element,"zombieTimer",getElementData(element)) end,40000,1,element) end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", ColCuboid2, ZombieExit2 )
  11. Olá estou aqui com uns mods de empregos que permitem ganhar exp sempre que conclui o trabalho porem estava a funcionar perfeitamente mas depois de colocar o servidor na host começou a aparecer este erro : "ERROR:[Agencia]/ir-lixeiro/Danilin_S.lua:147:attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value" e ja nao esta ganhando EXP Alguem sabe resolver? Apenas tem Server-Side local Marker_Emprego = createMarker ( 2182.86792, -1982.49438 +6, 13.55141 -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 16, 111, 231, 50) local Blip_Emprego = createBlipAttachedTo( Marker_Emprego, 11 ) local Veiculo = createVehicle( 408, 2178.33301, -1982.59888 +6, 13.55138 +0.5, 0, 0, 90 ) setBlipVisibleDistance(Blip_Emprego, 150) setElementFrozen( Veiculo, true ) setVehicleDamageProof( Veiculo, true ) setVehicleLocked(Veiculo, true) Marker_Aleatorios = { {2182.49585, -1996.44495, 13.54688}, {2190.50732, -2002.93738, 13.54688}, {2165.94678, -1986.73853, 13.55469}, {2193.5373535156, -2009.6970214844, 13.55469}, -- AS MESMA POS DA DE CIMA (PRA NÃO SAIR O MESMO TODA HORA) {2190.50732, -2002.93738, 13.54688}, {2182.49585, -1996.44495, 13.54688}, {2193.5373535156, -2009.6970214844, 13.55469}, {2165.94678, -1986.73853, 13.55469}, } --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Infos Trab >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] local Blip_Marcar = createBlipAttachedTo( Marker_Emprego, 0 ) setElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, root, false ) function Infos_Emprego ( source ) local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) if Emprego == "Lixeiro" then if isElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, source ) then setElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, source, false ) outputChatBoxInfo ( "Seu Local de Trabalho foi Desmarcado do Mapa!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) else setElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, source, true ) outputChatBoxInfo ( "Seu Local de Trabalho foi Marcado no Mapa!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "infos", Infos_Emprego ) --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Carregar Lixo >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] Object_Lixo = {} Marker_Entregar = {} function Pegar_Lixo (source) local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( Marker_Emprego ) local Lixo = getElementData( source, "Lixo" ) local Random_Pos = math.random ( #Marker_Aleatorios ) if not isPedInVehicle ( source ) then if isElementWithinMarker(source, Marker_Emprego) then if Lixo == false then if Emprego == "Lixeiro" then setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "liftup", 1.0, false ) setTimer(function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end setElementData(source, "Recompensa", 0) setPedAnimation( source, nil ) setElementData( source, "Lixo", true ) toggleControl( source, "jump", false ) toggleControl( source, "fire", false ) toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", false) setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 4.1, true, true, true ) Object_Lixo[source] = createObject( 1264, Px, Py, Pz ) Marker_Entregar[source] = createMarker ( Marker_Aleatorios[Random_Pos][1], Marker_Aleatorios[Random_Pos][2], Marker_Aleatorios[Random_Pos][3] -2.2, "cylinder", 2.5, 16, 111, 231, 50) setElementVisibleTo ( Marker_Entregar[source], root, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( Marker_Entregar[source], source, true ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Marker_Entregar[source], Fim_Emprego) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(Object_Lixo[source], source, 4, 0, 0.4, - 0.6, -90, 0, 0 ) end, 1000, 1) else outputChatBoxError ( "Apenas lixeiros podem trabalhar aqui!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end end end addCommandHandler("lixo", Pegar_Lixo) function Mensagem_Aviso (source) local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then return end if Emprego == "Lixeiro" then if isElementWithinMarker(source, Marker_Emprego) then --outputChatBox ( "Digite /lixo para pegar no lixo!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Marker_Emprego, Mensagem_Aviso) --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Entregar Lixo >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] function Fim_Emprego (source) local Xp = tonumber(getElementData(source, "minutes")) or 0 local Lixo = getElementData( source, "Lixo" ) local Recompensa = math.random(25, 50) local Recompensaxp = math.random(25, 50) if not isPedInVehicle ( source ) then if isElementWithinMarker(source, Marker_Entregar[source]) then if Lixo == true then setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "putdwn", 1.0, false, false, false, true ) setTimer(function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end setElementData( source, "Lixo", false ) toggleControl( source, "jump", true ) toggleControl( source, "fire", true ) toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", true) setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "liftup", 0.0, false, false, false, false ) --if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Vip2")) then --setElementData(source, "Recompensa", Recompensa *2) --setElementData(source, "minutes", Xp + getElementData(source, "Recompensa")) --givePlayerMoney(source, getElementData(source, "Recompensa")) --triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "#106FE7[ #ffffffVIP#106FE7 ] #ffffffVocê entregou o lixo e ganhou: "..getElementData(source, "Recompensa").."$", "sucesso") --elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Vip")) then --setElementData(source, "Recompensa", Recompensa *2) --setElementData(source, "minutes", Xp + getElementData(source, "Recompensa")) --givePlayerMoney(source, Recompensa) --triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "#106FE7[ #ffffffVIP#106FE7 ] #ffffffVocê entregou o lixo e ganhou: "..getElementData(source, "Recompensa").."$", "sucesso") if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Everyone")) then setElementData(source, "Recompensa", Recompensa) givePlayerMoney(source, Recompensa) setElementData(source, "minutes", Xp + getElementData(source, "Recompensaxp")) if ( getElementData(source,"minutes") > 999 ) then setElementData(source,"minutes",0) setElementData(source,"Level",(getElementData(source,"Level") or 0) +1) end end end, 1200, 1) end end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root, function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end end) addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end setElementData( source, "Lixo", false ) toggleControl( source, "jump", true ) toggleControl( source, "fire", true ) toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", true) end) function outputChatBoxInfo(text, player, ...) triggerClientEvent(player, "N3xT.dxNotification", root, tostring(text), "info") end function outputChatBoxError(text, player, ...) triggerClientEvent(player, "N3xT.dxNotification", root, tostring(text), "error") end
  12. Bom meu painel GUI está deste modo: E queria deixa-lo deste: Alguém poderia me dizer qual a função ou se tem como alinhar as colunas de um modo em especifico?
  13. Olá pessoal tenho aqui um script de Trancar veiculo porem se eu sair do veiculo e deixar ele trancado e entrar noutro veiculo e trancar ficam os dois trancados e tenho acesso para destrancar os dois, mas todos os player tambem tenhem ou seja eles podem destrancar os veiculos que eu tranquei alguem pode ajudar? Client Side function processLockUnlock(vehicle) local locked = isVehicleLocked(vehicle) if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then if locked then playSounds("lockin") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, false) else playSounds("lockin") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, true) end else if locked then playSounds("lockout") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, false) setVehicleOverrideLights ( vehicle, 2 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 1000, 1, vehicle, 1 ) outputChatBox ( "\n#ff8c00✘ #ffffffINFO #ff8c00✘➺ #ffffffVeiculo Destrancado!\n", 255, 165, 0, true ) else playSounds("lockout") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, true) setVehicleOverrideLights ( vehicle, 2 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 1000, 1, vehicle, 1 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 1500, 1, vehicle, 2 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 2000, 1, vehicle, 1 ) outputChatBox ( "\n#ff8c00✘ #ffffffINFO #ff8c00✘➺ #ffffffVeiculo Trancado!\n", 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end local klikkTimer = false function setVehicleLockState() --Função trancar o carro if klikkTimer then return end if isTimer(klikkTimerRun) then return end klikkTimer = true klikkTimerRun = setTimer(function() klikkTimer = false end,500,1) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if vehicle then processLockUnlock(vehicle) else local int2 = getElementInterior(localPlayer) local dim2 = getElementDimension(localPlayer) local mx,my,mz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local x,y,z = getElementPosition(v) local int = getElementInterior(v) local dim = getElementDimension(v) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,mx,my,mz) if dist <= 10 and int2 == int and dim2 == dim then processLockUnlock(v) return end end end end bindKey("l", "down", setVehicleLockState)
  14. Olá pessoal enviei recentemente um servidor para a host porem, eu tinha um mod de custumizaçao de skins o SQH_characters mas infelizmente deixou de funcionar assim que enviei o servidor para a host não sei porque se alguem poder ajudar agradecia
  15. Could everyone help me with radio and telephone voice chat script?
  16. Client local armoredVehicles = { [432] = true, [601] = true } function warMachineDamage(attacker, weapon, loss, x, y, z, tire) local model = getElementModel(source) if weapon and armoredVehicles[model] then cancelEvent() triggerServerEvent ("damageWarMachine", source, source, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, warMachineDamage) Server addEvent( "damageWarMachine", true ) function damageWarMachine( vehicle, attacker, weapon, bodypart) local vehicleHealth = getElementHealth(vehicle) setElementHealth(vehicle, vehicleHealth - 250 ) end addEventHandler( "damageWarMachine", root, damageWarMachine ) Não quero que ele leve Hit Kill, e sim tome danos de leve, exemplo: 1 tiro de RPG tira 40% de vida. Más não consigo ?
  17. Boa Tarde, Quero saber como faço para desativar a opção que tem no MTA em que o jogador pode desabilitar texturas do jogo. Exemplo: Tenho textra de ruas e climas, porem tem uma função no esc> configurações. E la ele consegue desabilitar quando o servidor tem textura ja ativa, fazendo ficar igual ao do GTA normal. Quero fazer isso pois tenho textura de mapa e com isso tem jogador desabilitando essa função e bugando em umas parte do jogo. Desde ja agradeço, muito obrigado
  18. inimarker = createMarker(-2387.396, -594.046, 131.714, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 100) finmarker = createMarker(-2532.308, -617.736, 131.562, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 100) iniblip = createBlipAttachedTo(inimarker, 42) finblip = createBlipAttachedTo(finmarker, 0) setElementVisibleTo(finmarker, root, false) setElementVisibleTo(finblip, root, false) vehjob = {} function inicio(player) if vehjob[player] and isElement(vehjob[player]) then destroyElement(vehjob[player]) vehjob[player] = nil end vehjob[player] = createVehicle(459,-2403.141, -599.966, 132.648) outputChatBox("Entregue o veiculo do contrabando", player, 255, 255, 255, true) warpPedIntoVehicle(player, vehjob[player]) setElementVisibleTo(finblip, player, true) setElementVisibleTo(finmarker, player, true) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", inimarker, inicio) function fim(player) if vehjob[player] and isElement(vehjob[player]) then givePlayerMoney(player, 1000) destroyElement(vehjob[player]) setElementVisibleTo(finblip, player, false) setElementVisibleTo(finmarker, player, false) outputChatBox("Voce Finalizou o trabalho com sucesso e ganhou a recompensa", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", finmarker, fim) function cancelarjob(player) destroyElement(vehjob[player]) setElementVisibleTo(finblip, player, false) setElementVisibleTo(finmarker, player, false) outputChatBox("perdeu a carga", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end addCommandHandler("cancelar", cancelarjob) Na parte de Cancelarjob eu queria fazer que a pessoa sai do veiculo e ele cancela ja tentei com o addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(),cancelarjob) mas sempre da um erro tem como alguem me ajudar?
  20. Hi! This is a new handling editor for your server. This panel has the standard handling settings with some extra function. You can save your handlings, and you can remove too if you don't want use anymore. In addition you can add your handling to the shop to get some money if someone buys your handling. Feel free to ask if you have any questions, or you found a bug after buying it. I will help you anytime. Contact me on discord: Turbesz#9644 Some pictures of the script: https://imgur.com/a/HLElpLQ Link to buy: https://payhip.com/b/S6nVY
  21. I'm having trouble creating a gun shop But when I press b4 (buy m4) on GUI I face a problem And he says to me Client triggered server side event, but event is not added servers Client triggered server side event givem4, but event is not added serverside GUIEditor = { button = {}, staticimage = {}, label = {} } yoyoWnd = guiCreateWindow(114, 139, 575, 311, "gun panel ~~~ by Yoyo", false) guiWindowSetSizable(yoyoWnd, false) guiSetProperty(yoyoWnd, "CaptionColour", "FFFE0505") guiSetVisible(yoyoWnd,false) GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 21, 67, 62, ":metaa/img/32.png", false, yoyoWnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(254, 21, 69, 62, ":metaa/img/29.png", false, yoyoWnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[3] = guiCreateStaticImage(-241, 0, 70, 59, ":metaa/img/30.png", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[2]) GUIEditor.staticimage[4] = guiCreateStaticImage(496, 21, 69, 62, ":metaa/img/27.png", false, yoyoWnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[5] = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 125, 67, 61, ":metaa/img/30.png", false, yoyoWnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[6] = guiCreateStaticImage(256, 125, 67, 61, ":metaa/img/31.png", false, yoyoWnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[7] = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 240, 67, 61, ":metaa/img/22.png", false, yoyoWnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[8] = guiCreateStaticImage(496, 240, 69, 60, ":metaa/img/23.png", false, yoyoWnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[9] = guiCreateStaticImage(496, 125, 65, 61, ":metaa/img/33.png", false, yoyoWnd) b1 = guiCreateButton(10, 83, 67, 21, "uzi", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b1, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") b2 = guiCreateButton(257, 83, 67, 21, "mp5", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b2, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") b3 = guiCreateButton(498, 83, 67, 21, "spas", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b3, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") b4 = guiCreateButton(256, 186, 67, 21, "m4", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b4, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") b5 = guiCreateButton(10, 186, 67, 21, "ak-47", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b5, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") b6 = guiCreateButton(496, 186, 67, 21, "lancher", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b6, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(77, 261, 71, 23, "", false, yoyoWnd) b8 = guiCreateButton(77, 261, 71, 23, "pistole", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b8, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") b10 = guiCreateButton(425, 260, 71, 23, "Silenced", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(b10, "NormalTextColour", "FF6CFE00") GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(151, -51, 46, 35, "", false, yoyoWnd) cl = guiCreateButton(240, 258, 98, 35, "close", false, yoyoWnd) guiSetProperty(cl, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") function yoyo () guiSetVisible (yoyoWnd,true) showCursor (true) end bindKey ( "F6","down",yoyo) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if ( source == cl ) then guiSetVisible ( yoyoWnd , false) showCursor ( false ) end end ) function buym4() if ( source == b4) then showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(window1,false) triggerServerEvent("givem4", localPlayer) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buym4) function buym4() local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney(source) if (playerMoney >= 40000) then takePlayerMoney(source,40000) giveWeapon(source,31,200) end end addEvent("givem4",true) addEventHandler("givem4", root, buym4) function buym4() if ( source == b4) then showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(window1,false) triggerServerEvent("givem4", localPlayer) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buym4) HELP PLSSS
  22. hello good to all I need a little help with a script, is that I want to make a voice chat, only for acl, which works with command. Please I need someone to help me with that script, I thank you in advance. Plis
  23. Hello everyone, God bless you greatly, I want to know if you can help me with a script, I would appreciate it very much. I have the following script, I want those commands to work private for acl, or if there is a separate script to put that only those of that acl can execute it better to make a list of the private commands. local Veiculos = {581, 462, 521, 461, 468, 586} -- IDs das Motos. Gorilla = {} function CreateVehicle (source) if getElementData (source, "xx", true) then outputChatBox ('#8B0000Espere 1 minuto Para Pedir Una Moto ...',source,255,255,255,true) return end if isElement(Gorilla[source]) then destroyElement (Gorilla[source]) Gorilla[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local Cars = Veiculos[math.random(#Veiculos)] Gorilla[source] = createVehicle (Cars,x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,Gorilla[source]) outputChatBox ('#40FF00[SERVER] #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(source)..' #FFFFFFSaco Una Moto con El Comando #FFFFFF[ #FFFF00/moto #FFFFFF]', root, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData (source, "xx",true) setTimer (setElementData, 1000, 1, source, "xx", false) end addCommandHandler ("moto", CreateVehicle) function DestroyVeiculo () destroyElement (Gorilla[source]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, DestroyVeiculo) --Carro local Veiculos = {402, 562, 560, 477, 602} -- IDs das carros. Gorilla = {} function CreateVehicle (source) if getElementData (source, "xxx", true) then outputChatBox ('#8B0000Espere 1 minuto...',source,255,255,255,true) return end if isElement(Gorilla[source]) then destroyElement (Gorilla[source]) Gorilla[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local Cars = Veiculos[math.random(#Veiculos)] Gorilla[source] = createVehicle (Cars,x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,Gorilla[source]) outputChatBox ('#40FF00[SERVER] #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(source)..' #FFFFFFSaco Un Auto Con El Comando #FFFFFF[ #FFFF00/auto #FFFFFF]', root, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData (source, "xxx",true) setTimer (setElementData, 1000, 1, source, "xxx", false) end addCommandHandler ("auto", CreateVehicle) function DestroyVeiculo () destroyElement (Gorilla[source]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, DestroyVeiculo)
  24. Olá, estou tentando por uma animaçao para andar, já tirei os movimentos das pernas, mas o ped só fica girando no eixo, nao anda
  25. It's about cambering the cars, but when I use the script and turn on ENBseries, the tires disappear due to a reflection that appears in the script for the tires. I want to remove that reflection from the resource. A video to watch : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LmfHwTCUimI2Zb9B4CGD9KovExWfb4Cs/view?usp=sharing The resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oUXeCGbVBb8uJbmUoesovndYl3rGumny/view?usp=sharing Help me please
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