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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. o tal ERRO ---> WARNING: PRP_mysql\server.Lua:22: Bad usage @ 'dbConnect' [Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0] especificando o erro,eu tento dar start ele não inicia e da esse Warning quem puder da um força ae agradeço meu Client-side local sqlDatas = { ["host"] = "", --ip da hospedagem exemplo ["user"] = "aleatorio", --Usuario exemplo ["pw"] = "bj22sdadasd", --senha exemplo ["database"] = "aleatorio", --db exemplo } local results = {} function getSQLDatas() return sqlDatas end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() dbHandler = dbConnect("mysql","dbname="..sqlDatas["database"]..";host="..sqlDatas["host"], sqlDatas["user"], sqlDatas["pw"], "autoreconnect=1") if not dbHandler then outputDebugString("[mysql]: Banco de dados não conectado") cancelEvent(true) end outputDebugString("[mysql]: Banco de dados conectado!") end) function getConnection() return dbHandler end function getMySQLUsername() return username end function getMySQLPassword() return password end function getMySQLDBName() return db end function getMySQLHost() return host end function getMySQLPort() return port end function query_free(q,poll) local this = #results + 1 results[this] = dbQuery(dbHandler, q) if poll then local result, num_affected_rows, last_insert_id = dbPoll(results[this], -1) if result == nil then dbFree(results[this]) return this, nil elseif result == false then dbFree(results[this]) return this, nil else dbFree(results[this]) return this, tonumber(last_insert_id) end end dbFree(results[this]) return this end function getConnection() return dbHandler end function singleQuery(str,...) if (dbHandler) then local query = dbQuery(dbHandler,str,...) local result = dbPoll(query,-1) if (type(result == "table")) then return result[1] else return result end else return false end end function execute(str) if (dbHandler) then local query, id = query_free(str, true) return query else return false end end function getFreeResultPoolID() return #results + 1 end function escape_string(str) if (str) then return str end return false end function query_rows_assoc(str,...) if (dbHandler) then local this = #results + 1 results[this] = dbQuery(dbHandler, str, ...) return dbPoll(results[this],-1) else return false end end function query(str,...) if (dbHandler) then return query_rows_assoc(str,...) else return false end end function query_fetch_assoc(str,...) if(not str)then return false end return singleQuery(str,...) end function query_insert_free(str) if (dbHandler) then local query, id = query_free(str, true) return id else return false end end function num_rows(result) if(not result)then return 0 end if (type(result == "table")) then return (#result or 0) else return 1 end end
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