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  1. Good Job , How Can i Use onClientGUIClick for CustomTableView Lines ?
  2. hi there is any Event it called when player hit object ? (client side)
  3. @The_GTA nice idea this code dosent help me much but this idea with timer i think use it thank you so much
  4. @The_GTA i just want example back player to his 1 second ago position i just want dont let him leave , but i dont want teleport him to Center of Shape just close area near him
  5. Hey guys , i create some colShape using createColRectangle i want when this event run onColShapeLeave back player to colShape Position and i try this : local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition ( hitElement ) setElementPosition(hitElement,x2 - 4 ,y2 - 4, z2) its work but some times in specific positions , It works the opposite and send player out of colShape
  6. @majqq it work but i want when any car accident with another car when another car don't have driver it should be unfreez and move like real life
  7. hi guys i want when vehicle dont have driver player's Cant push it function carfreez() setTimer ( function() for _,veh in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if veh then if isVehicleEmpty(veh) then local speed = ( function( x, y, z ) return math.floor( math.sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z ) * 155 ) end )( getElementVelocity( veh ) ) if speed and speed < 2 then setElementFrozen(veh,true) end end end end end, 1000, 0 ) end carfreez() function addHelmetOnEnter ( theVehicle, seat, jacked ) setElementFrozen(theVehicle,false) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), addHelmetOnEnter ) it worked but i want when any car want push another car and car dont have driver , car move. any idea ?
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