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Everything posted by -UtopiA-

  1. I thought it was to be released at the end of March/beginning of April.
  2. Hey sucka, get an army of sailors and cops to go against my M60 (Mexican) or my Stubby (Robber) and see who gets smoked. OR Take an army of 5 Cops and 5 Sailors V.S. 5 Mexicans and 5 Robbers. Mexicans/Robbers win. Although the Offensive Mex/Robber does require skill in actually using the weapons. No newbie can just play as a Mex/Robber and expect to own. But it all depends on what you perfer: Offensive or Defensive. It seems, though, 90% of MTA is Offensive...
  3. DAMN! Don't sync crouching! Crouching behind walls saves my ass ALL the time. Now I'm actually looking forward to 0.4++... Hm, the first time maybe I've actually looked forward to ANY update for ANYTHING, for that matter. Updates (just like movie sequels) are usually shit.
  4. Well I don't get ruffled over cheaters... And the lag was insanely bad last night. You can't tell me that sometimes all that lag doesn't get a bit frustrating. Imagine a whole server with 200-300 pingers and a few in the 800's. It's hell, let me tell you.
  5. I just exploded on a bunch of laggers fighting @ robber spawn. Took a few passes with the heli, ripped them to shreds. The lag was SO bad, I swooped down, then 30 seconds later I was flying away then ALL 3 laggers died at once. It's like their lag is synced to the second.
  6. You messed up that link the first time, LB. Don't think I didn't see that. I'm in love with my start menu:
  7. Hey Mac-10 give me your theme damnit Here's mine, though. http://www.thegamersalliance.com/uploaded/Desktop.jpg Kinda boring, mebbe, but it does me good.
  8. Yup yup. Even in the shower. Or should I say SHOW HAIR? (Way off topic, I think.)
  9. Big Brother is watching.
  10. While I'm not really up for being an asshole in games, I also think being NICE is sometimes unnecessary. Some newbies (And by "newbie" I mean the book-definition), no matter what you say or do, will think you're a cheater. If you try to be nice, you get "Shut up CHEATER!", etc etc. These days, whenever anyone gets called a cheater, or whenever I get called a cheater, I look at it as a compliment. If I see someone I know isn't a cheater being called a cheater, I'll say something like "Way to go, dude!". However when people start getting serious about it, like 5+ people going on "So-and-so is a M4D Ch34t3RZ" rampage, I usually give them two options: 1. Report it. Report the damn cheater. The admins know by now who is and isn't cheating, and more importantly, they know who to trust. Admins ask for 3rd party sources from people they CAN trust, rather than the rampaging newbies. And the 2nd option, the most appealing to me, and often the best way to go: 2. SHUT THE FUCK UP. In all reality, those are the only two options you have, as opposed to bitching about it. Next time someone calls you a cheater, just simply say "Report it or SHUT THE FUCK UP!". Because, really, newbies' complaining does nothing. Cheaters don't turn off their cheats. So if they really suspect you of 'cheating', in all likelihood, you won't turn your 'cheats' off. So, the only solution: A report. A sidenote about the kindness thing in MTA: Games aren't fun anymore when I'm scared I'll come accross someone I played, they'll recognize me, and immediately start pummeling my ass with some sort fo bludgering object or even shooting me. (in real life) It's a damn game... Just treat it like one.
  11. Don't even kid about that gun. Anyone who uses that stupid piece of shiny tin leaves themselves wide open for hits. I only use it once a day to deviate from the Stubby gun. That, and I know that no one else is smart enough to realize they can actually kill someone with a Spas, no problem. They're too busy running away being stupid. Stubby VS Spas. Stubby Wins.
  12. Yeah that little snippet at the end was just for you. It's funny because you thought I was some 1-timer newbie guy getting lucky or something. And your whole warping thing isn't such a great excuse, because yeah, I see you warping too. Every 5 seconds you'd STOP moving then a few seconds later zoom around at 1000 MPH. Anyway, up until my two messages at the end I had said nothing and you people were being incredibly defensive, as if everytime I killed you I was saying "0wN3d N00bz!". But I wasn't. I wasn't saying anything. For all you knew, I could have been sitting on my end saying "Man, these guys are kicking my ass." But instead you assumed I was saying to myself how much I was owning you. If you want to know the truth, the whole time I was thinking how disappointing it is that people are so damn mean for no real purpose. By the way Kung, I thought Ermac was a newb. If somebody would have told me he was actually a "skilled" player, I never would have believed them. It's much more fun playing incognito.
  13. I just played all day under a fake name (I won't list it here). Without saying ANYTHING for the entire time. It's sad; but eventually everyone was hating me, teaming up against me (Teams of up to 4 and 5 at one point). Everytime I killed one of them, it was "LAG!" Everytime they killed me, it was "OWNED BITCH!" Eventually they started with the insults, excuses, etc. At first it was "luck" Then it was "Lag" Then it was "cheater!" Then it just became a blurred mess of "lol"s. If you wanna have a fun time, use a fake alias and play a game and don't ever say anything. Moral of the story: People who always say "To stop an online argument, just don't talk." are incredibly WRONG in MTA. If you don't talk, the arguments get even worse. I think it's safe to say the environment of MTA is not a friendly one. Yes, there's lag. Yes, a lot of it is luck. Now please, let's all just be kind to each other. I'm sure the Devs didn't make this game intending for it to become a bitch-fest of arguments.
  14. No no, Lara and I were having a race to see how many people we could accuse of cheating that day.
  15. Whenever you play any other shooting game (Single player OR online), you instinctively aim AROUND the enemy, rather than directly at them.
  16. Your ping should be 0, technically, but I've lanned with 3 people and we had under 15 at all times. We also played on a public server and we all pinged normal for my ping, which is usually around 40 to 60. All three players, 40 to 60.
  17. It said 38% Death from Cancer.. Gee, under the "Do any of your relatives suffer from.." One of my aunts died from cancer, so I checked that. Wow, I wonder how they figured out 38% of Cancer? Oh, and a sense of humor isn't something you want to see on a DeathTest.
  18. The only cheap weapons are the ones you suck at defending against. END OF STORY In other words, learn how to fight specific weapons in a specific way and they won't be so cheap. You think spas is cheap? A stubby can own a spas anyday. Molotovs? Too short range. Heli blades? They have enterable buildings and trees for a reason.
  19. In other words, Kung is an undisputable champ because no one else has access to the "Time in MTA" feature.
  20. Kung how'd you get that thing to show up like that? I beat that time, but there's no time thingy or anything
  21. Would it be illegal for Rockstar to "steal" their work, thus far? Seems to be like they would, I know companies in the past that took 'new' features for their upcoming games by mods the players made.. (IE: Jedi Knight 3.) I hope SA doesn't have multiplayer, it's all the PC version has.
  22. I think the single player only draws things (cars, people, etc) right in front of you whereas multi player must draw characters on the other side of the map. That's why the more people, the more jerky it is. That's the way I see it... Doesn't make much sense... I'm sure someone else has a more "techinical" answer.
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