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Lucas Henrique

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  1. Então, ele volta pro 0 ou seja o cj, não volta pro modelo anterior que puxamos na função inicio. Acabei arrumando isso tirando o "skinp" dentro do codigo SetPedSkin, vlw man pela ajuda :v
  2. Galera esse é meu codigo de trabalho, na function skins eu queria salvar a skin antes de pisar no marker pra pegar o trab com o comando /salvarskin e quando sair do veiculo ou finalizar o trabalho, ele puxaria o modelo de skin anterior, o problema é que ele volta pro CJ sempre, alguem poderia me ajudar? Marker = createMarker (2193.9870605469, -1000.0881958008, 62.851928710938 -1, "cylinder", 2, 117 ,254 ,0, 255) MarkerF = createMarker (2603.4150390625,-1918.1767578125,13.549844741821 -1, "cylinder", 2, 0 ,255 ,0, 255) setElementVisibleTo ( MarkerF, root, false ) trab = createBlipAttachedTo ( Marker, 42 ) setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, source, true ) Bfim = createBlipAttachedTo ( MarkerF, 19 ) setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, root, false ) function skins (root) local skinserv = getElementModel ( root, "skinp" ) outputChatBox ( "#ff00ffVocê salvou sua skin!",root,0,0,0,true ) end addCommandHandler ( "salvarskin", skins ) veh = {} function inicio (root) if isElementWithinMarker(root, Marker) then if veh[root] and isElement( veh[root] ) then destroyElement ( veh[root] ) veh[root] = nil end x,y,z = getElementPosition(root) Trabalho = true veh[root] = createVehicle(459,2192.45703125, -1007.572265625, 64.420482635498, 0, 0, 81.835632324219) setPedSkin ( root, 280 ) setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, root, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( MarkerF, root, true ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( root, veh[root] ) outputChatBox ("#ff00ff-------------------------------------------------------------",root,0,0,0,true ) outputChatBox ("#ffb200Você Pegou o Trabalho de Vendedor de Drogas,",root,0,0,0,true ) outputChatBox ("#ffb200Leve as drogas, para os local indicado,",root,0,0,0,true ) outputChatBox ("#ffb200A ser entregada, ganhara 8000R$",root,0,0,0,true ) outputChatBox ("#ff00ff-------------------------------------------------------------",root,0,0,0,true ) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Marker, inicio ) function fim (root) if veh[root] and isElement(veh[root]) then destroyElement (veh[root]) givePlayerMoney(root,8000) setPedSkin ( root, "skinp", skinserv ) setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, root, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( MarkerF, root, false ) outputChatBox ("#ff00ff-------------------------------------------------------------",root,0,0,0,true ) outputChatBox ("#ffb200Você Entregou todas as encomendas,",root,0,0,0,true) outputChatBox ("#ffb200E Recebeu 8000R$ de Pagamento!",root,0,0,0,true) outputChatBox ("#ff00ff-------------------------------------------------------------",root,0,0,0,true ) else end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", MarkerF, fim) function sair (root) if (veh[root]) and isElement(veh[root]) then setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, root, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( MarkerF, root, false ) destroyElement (veh[root]) setPedSkin ( root, "skinp", skinserv ) outputChatBox ("#ffb200-------------------------------------------------------------",root,0,0,0,true ) outputChatBox ("#00ff00Voce perdeu seu trabalho, Pois saiu do carro!", root ,0,0,0,true) outputChatBox ("#ffb200-------------------------------------------------------------",root,0,0,0,true ) else end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), sair )
  3. Eai glr tudo bem? Queria uma ajuda pra fazer um script de, a pessoa sem acl especifica, não consiga entrar no carro de um id especifico alguem poderia me ajudar? isObjectInACLGroup foi oque eu usei num script antigo, e eu voltei a fazer script agora, não lembro de muitas coisas, se puderem me ajudar
  4. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( ) ----- Server-Side local admin = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "updateClientRights", source, true, admin ) triggerClientEvent(source, "showMenu", root) end ) ----- Client-Side addEvent ( "showMenu", true ) addEventHandler ( "showMenu", root, guiShowMenu )
  5. function startBuilding ( ) if DEBUGMODE then outputDebugString ( "Building the gui.." ) end if heditGUI.window then destroyGUI ( ) end local template = getUserTemplate ( ) if not template then if DEBUGMODE then end return false end local window = buildMainWindow ( template ) buildUtilButtons ( template ) buildMenuButtons ( template ) buildMenus ( template ) buildSpecials ( template ) guiSetVisible ( window, false ) toggleEvents ( window, true ) forceVehicleChange ( ) checkTheUpdates ( ) -- We check the updates after the gui has been build, because like this the updates will get listed upon a setting change too. bindKey ( getUserConfig ( "usedKey" ), "down", toggleEditor ) addCommandHandler ( getUserConfig ( "usedCommand" ), toggleEditor ) return true end
  6. Quero colocar para apenas Staffs conseguir abrir o Painel b o Handling
  7. Não tem isObjectInACLGroup em cliente side addEvent ( "requestRights", true ) addEventHandler ( "requestRights", root, function ( ) if not isValidPlayer ( client ) then if DEBUGMODE then error ( "Invalid client at event 'requestRights'!", 2 ) end return false end local pAccount = getPlayerAccount ( client ) if isGuestAccount ( pAccount ) then triggerClientEvent ( client, "updateClientRights", client, false, false ) else local admin = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName ( pAccount ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) triggerClientEvent ( client, "updateClientRights", client, true, admin ) end end ) Mais um em Server-side
  8. Se eu soubesse kkkk Sou muito iniciante nisso, desculpe. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( ) local admin = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "updateClientRights", source, true, admin ) end ) Achei isso em Core.lua Sever side.
  9. function startBuilding ( ) if DEBUGMODE then outputDebugString ( "Building the gui.." ) end if heditGUI.window then destroyGUI ( ) end local template = getUserTemplate ( ) if not template then if DEBUGMODE then end return false end local window = buildMainWindow ( template ) buildUtilButtons ( template ) buildMenuButtons ( template ) buildMenus ( template ) buildSpecials ( template ) guiSetVisible ( window, false ) toggleEvents ( window, true ) forceVehicleChange ( ) checkTheUpdates ( ) -- We check the updates after the gui has been build, because like this the updates will get listed upon a setting change too. bindKey ( getUserConfig ( "usedKey" ), "down", toggleEditor ) addCommandHandler ( getUserConfig ( "usedCommand" ), toggleEditor ) return true end Aonde coloca?
  10. Meu servidor esta com handling de mod ativado, eu já entrei varias vezes nas configurações lua do handling achando aonde colocar isObjectInACLGroup e então nunca achei já coloquei vários em .lua (cliente side e sever side) do handling eu queria saber aonde e oque colocar pra só staffs ter acesso lembrando que a ACL é Staff.
  11. Mas dai eu teria que criar um script para isso?
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