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Everything posted by Tibix99

  1. Can't load the JStreamer, can you help?
  2. Hello Guys, i want to download a Liberty City map. Can somebody help me and give me a map link?
  3. Hy guys, somebody can link me a garage script? (Nearly for house system, and i can put garages) Sorry for bad english-
  4. Tibix99

    Walk style

    Hi guys! I need help. Can somebody know a walk style script, its for GTA IV? (sorry for my bad english) I need gta 4 walk style
  5. Tibix99

    pls help:

    This script is a garage script. (I write a new topic saw him)
  6. So i create a garage script: function addGarage(thePlayer, commandName, tipus) if (getElementData) >= 6 then x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local tipus = tonumber(tipus) if type == 1 then osszeg = 10000 intid = 70 ix, iy, iz = 615.12976074219, -124.89443206787, 997.9921875 elseif type == 2 then osszeg = 25000 intid = 24 ix, iy, iz = 610.23449707031, -1.8843175172806, 1000.921875 elseif type == 3 then osszeg = 50000 intid = 10 ix, iy, iz = 1403.0490722656, -2.8066546916962, 1000.910949707 else outputChatBox("#00aeefHasználat:#ffffff /" .. commandName .. " [1 = Small | 2 = Medium | 3 = High]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return end intbel = interiors[tonumber(intid)] local interiorid = intbel[1] name = "Garázs" local query = dbQuery(con, "INSERT INTO interiors SET x = ?, y = ?, z = ?, interiorx = ?, interiory = ?, interiorz = ?, name = ?, type = ?, cost = ?, interior = ?,intid = ?",x, y, z, ix, iy, iz, name, 4, osszeg, interiorid,intid) local insertered, _, insertid = dbPoll(query, -1) if insertered then loadOneInteriorWhereID(insertid) outputChatBox("#1E8BC3[Garázs]:#ffffff You have been create a garage!. (ID: " .. insertid .. " | Típus: " .. tipus .. " | Ár: " .. osszeg .. "$)", thePlayer, 255 ,255, 255, true) exports.mta_admin:outputAdminMessage("#00aeef" .. getElementData(thePlayer, "char:anick") .. "#ffffff created a grage. (ID: " .. insertid .. " | Típus: " .. tipus .. " | Ár: " .. osszeg .. "$)") else outputChatBox("sikertelen sql mentés", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end addCommandHandler("addgarage", addGarage, false, false)
  7. addCommandHandler("makeinterior", function(playerSource, cmd, intid, type, price,...) if (getElementData(playerSource,"acc:admin") >= 6) then if intid and price and type and (...) then x,y,z = getElementPosition(playerSource) intbel = interiors[tonumber(intid)] if intbel then if tonumber(type) >= 1 and tonumber(type) <= 4 then local interiorid = intbel[1] local ix = intbel[2] local iy = intbel[3] local iz = intbel[4] local name = table.concat({...}," ") local outint, outdim = getElementInterior(playerSource), getElementDimension(playerSource) local query = dbQuery(con, "INSERT INTO interiors SET x = ?, y = ?, z = ?, interiorx = ?, interiory = ?, interiorz = ?, name = ?, type = ?, cost = ?, interior = ?,intid = ?,outint = ?, outdim = ?",x, y, z, ix, iy, iz, name, type, price, interiorid,intid, outint, outdim) local insertered, _, insertid = dbPoll(query, -1) if insertered then loadOneInteriorWhereID(insertid) if tonumber(type) == 1 then types = "Ház" elseif tonumber(type) == 2 then types = "Biznisz" elseif tonumber(type) == 3 then types = "Önkormányzat" elseif tonumber(type) == 4 then types = "Garázs" end outputChatBox(rovid .." Sikeresen létrehoztad az interior-t (ID: #7cc576".. insertid.." #FFFFFF| Név: #7cc576".. name .."#FFFFFF | TÍPUS: #7cc576".. types .. "#FFFFFF)",playerSource,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox(rovid .." Nincs ilyen típus!",playerSource,255,255,255,true) end end else outputChatBox(rovid.." #ffffff/"..cmd.." [INTERIORID] [TIPUS] [ÁR] [NÉV]", playerSource,169,139,101,true) outputChatBox(rovid.." #ffffffTípus: 1: Ház 2: Biznisz 3: Önkormányzat 4: Garázs", playerSource,169,139,101,true) end end end Where is the error? This script is going be a house system script. (garages,houses...)
  8. Tibix99

    pls help:

    function addGarage(thePlayer, commandName, tipus) if (getElementData(thePlayer, admin )) >= 6 then tipus=type
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