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  1. u can fix the font just figure it out how...
  2. u use a dxDraw interface right? then just create a guiEdit make alpha 0 and draw it with dxDrawText like this: text = guiCreateEdit(0.48, 0.47, 0.12, 0.02, "", true) setElementAlpha(text,0) dxDrawText( guiGetText(text) ,0.48, 0.47, 0.12, 0.02, tocolor(150, 150, 150,250), 1, segoeui, 'left', 'center') but u need 2 eventHandlers for that - need to render (onClientRender) dxDraw and do not need to render guiCreateEdit So create a Event and trigger it once, after remove EventHandler (onClientRender) u need to destroy guiElement
  3. which resources ar started when you join your server? Normaly a user has a blackscreen AND ar not enable to walk or anything so just edit your script and trigger the spawn after login
  4. Hey I have a Code, which search SQL Database for a result.. Everything works fine, but it only finde ONE result.. What can I do, to have more than one result? My Code: for i=1,8 do local f=dbPoll(dbQuery(handler,"SELECT `Name` FROM `userdata` WHERE Test1 = ? AND Test2 = ?","5",tostring(i)),-1,true) local f=f[1] if f then for k,v in pairs (f) do outputChatBox(v..' TEstTEst ') end end end
  5. search by yourself lol.. we wont create u a hole script for nothing and we dont search for u
  6. than check the name when they join your server there isnt a other way I think
  7. addEventHandler('onPlayerChangeNick',getRootElement(),function(oldnick,newnick) local newnick2=string.lower(newnick) local containadmin=string.find(newnick2,'admin') if containadmin == nil then else cancelEvent() outputChatBox('your name contains "admin" wich is not allowed',source) end end) here.. this script dosnt change the name by removing the 'admin'-tag, but it'l show a chatBox and cancel the Event if someone tries to change a name wich contains 'admin'
  8. xFFrozen


    re-read the wiki: This event is triggered when a resource is started. Please note that this is not triggered the same time as the serverside event onResourceStart is. The event is triggered when any clientside resourcesare started. This means it is triggered when a clientside script is initiated after a download, which includes downloading after join.
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