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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Jessica


    Thanks for asking that, and yes i checked it, all of the object work in MTA expect for 19378 which is '' wall026 '' or ''wall027'' i believe.
  2. Jessica


    There will be two maps available to bid on, the first being what i call Survivor City, it's most basic use would be for a zombie apocalypse server, used as some type of safe zone, and the other can be used for more or less anything. I used SA:MP editor to make these, but i also have the MTA codes if anyone does decide to bid on my items. Both maps are finished 100% The rest i leave up to you all, and obviously, if the final bid is to low, i will not sell it. The opening bid must be £10 or above. Here's the screens http://imgur.com/a/XiJ1H Ps: There's a few screens in there that are totally irrelevant to this topic as i forgot to remove them before i uploaded them
  3. Well, my suggestion is about your crash, why don't you do what i do, and others most likely do as well. Make a RAR file or a untouched GTA directory in case your modding goes bad. Second, for things like '' tank with rockets to shoot NPC'S" you could maybe search around youtube or other releated gta modding sites for CLEO 3/4 mods.
  4. Yeah, that look's great! but, when i make these type of websites, i don't put much thought into them, unless it's for a specific client, or a client has asked for somthing specific, i mostly specialize in apocalyptic scenary, so, i don't really use bright and elegant colours, but yeah. That design is great!
  5. After i've made a few of these, i'm going to place them into on topic. Here, i have a basic website which i finished around a hour ago, so, its more or less the same as the last one, only, this one looks abit more suitable for MTA, hope you enjoy, please rate it Here's a little preview for those of you who want to download this. http://imgur.com/hyQX6id http://www.mediafire.com/download/38rhehb392nny2i/mta_template.rar
  6. imaooo woovie. I would normally upload screen shots, but at certain times of day, my internet goes to shit and the upload speed goes to like 0.000001 or something.
  7. I will take this all into account, thanks for responding everyone!
  8. Killer, hi, could you maybe send me a PM? i'm currently working on a project some what similar to yours.
  9. Killer, hi, could you maybe send me a PM? i'm currently working on a project some what similar to yours.
  10. Oh well, i apologise, i don't seem to be able to offer any further assistance, but if you have any more FAQ's, let me know and i'll reply as quick as i can.
  11. Well, as, i said, i want to release a version that people can't edit much, abit like the one DayZ had.
  12. Hi there, for those of you who've seen my last couple of post's you'll know i'm quite new here, and still in the learning process of learning to script LUA. So, i'm already working on a gamemode, which i won't say to much about as i want it to be a surprise, so, what i'm going to be on the release day, is release two versions, one in which you can only edit a few things, like items spawns, vehicle spawns ect, and the other, that will be totally editable, sort of like a source code. Anyway, i was digging around and found thishttps://luac.multitheftauto.com/ and from what I've read about it, it's only moderate on security level and can still be decompilied, does anyone know of any programmes i can use to 100% secure my scripts? Any help given is appreciated. Script Maps
  13. Well, since it's designed for single player modification, you won't be able to implement the majority of the things within the file, but what you can do is add the .fx files to a separate resource file. http://imgur.com/aafP8XV So, if you want to do this step by step, follow these instruction, or just download the resource i made for you. Resource: https://www.mediafire.com/?mf74lfpowgenjn3 <meta> <info name="yoya99Shader" description="TestShaderForYoya99" version="0.1" type="script" author="Jessica" /> <min_mta_version client="1.3.5" server="1.3.5"/> <!-- shaders --> <file src="Shaders/deferred.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/Helpers.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/object.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/particle.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/PostProcess.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/skin.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/sky.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/vehicle.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/water.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> </meta> After you create the meta, make a folder and call it what ever you wish. then within that folder, place the meta, and make another folder called Shaders, and finally, just drop the .fx files in. I'm not 100% sure that this resource will work, as i said, I've only been here a few days and anyone with more knowledge of this is more then welcome to lean in and help.
  14. Let me know if it works, if it doesn't use this. <meta> <info name="SunShaderTest" description="SunShaderTest" version="0.1" type="script" author="" /> <min_mta_version client="1.3.5" server="1.3.5"/> <!-- client scripts --> <script src="Client/SunShader.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <script src="Client/Sun.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- shared scripts --> <script src="Shared/classlib.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <script src="Shared/async.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <script src="Shared/Utils.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <!-- shaders --> <file src="Shaders/godRayBase.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <! ---Disable or remove this ---><file src="Shaders/sun.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/bw.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <! ---Disable or remove this><file src="Shaders/godrays.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/lensflares.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/dynamiclight.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/vehicle.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/mta-helper.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- textures --> <file src="Textures/lensflare_dirt.png" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Textures/lensflare_chroma.png" type="client" cache="false"/> </meta>
  15. If you want to disable them, try removing them, or disabling them from the meta <meta> <info name="SunShaderTest" description="SunShaderTest" version="0.1" type="script" author="" /> <min_mta_version client="1.3.5" server="1.3.5"/> <!-- client scripts --> <script src="Client/SunShader.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <script src="Client/Sun.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- shared scripts --> <script src="Shared/classlib.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <script src="Shared/async.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <script src="Shared/Utils.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <!-- shaders --> <file src="Shaders/godRayBase.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <! -Disabled- ><file src="Shaders/sun.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/bw.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <! -Disabled-><file src="Shaders/godrays.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/lensflares.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/dynamiclight.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/vehicle.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/mta-helper.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- textures --> <file src="Textures/lensflare_dirt.png" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Textures/lensflare_chroma.png" type="client" cache="false"/> </meta> But i'm not entirely sure that this will work, but, you can try if you want
  16. Unfortunately, i don't know, but i'll have a little look around, i was only introduced to MTA a few days ago. Why don't you try looking on the wiki, it's quite useful -- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Debugging
  17. I couldn't find anywhere more suitable to post this, so i'm just going to do it here. I'm currently in the process of learn LUA scripting, and i have to say, i'm loving it, but whilst i'm still in the early stages of learning, i thought i'd start releasing small website templates for people to use at there own will. The website contains basic HTML scripting, with one CSS script and one JavaScript, if you don't know what your doing, i suggest you refrain from messing around with the css and javascript files, and keep to the basic HTML. I've also took the liberty of adding some images in there, nothing have nothing to do with MTA but, they do have images, with the specific sizes. I'll say no more, everyone is more then free to edit the site in anyway, you don't need my permission for anything i release here, unless i specify it in future releases. Enjoy. https://www.mediafire.com/?y022i33tm83rgaj
  18. Hi there, try using these. Create a folder called -Client -Shaders -Shared -Textures Create the meta file. <meta> <info name="SunShaderTest" description="SunShaderTest" version="0.1" type="script" author="" /> <min_mta_version client="1.3.5" server="1.3.5"/> <!-- client scripts --> <script src="Client/SunShader.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <script src="Client/Sun.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- shared scripts --> <script src="Shared/classlib.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <script src="Shared/async.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <script src="Shared/Utils.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <!-- shaders --> <file src="Shaders/godRayBase.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/sun.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/bw.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/godrays.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/lensflares.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/dynamiclight.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/vehicle.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Shaders/mta-helper.fx" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- textures --> <file src="Textures/lensflare_dirt.png" type="client" cache="false"/> <file src="Textures/lensflare_chroma.png" type="client" cache="false"/> </meta> Then goto into the client folder i told you to make and make an LUA file called Sun & Another called SunShader Sun = {} function Sun:constructor(parent) self.parent = parent self.player = getLocalPlayer() self.isDebugMode = "true" self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 self.rx = 0 self.ry = 0 self.rz = 0 self.height = 100 self.rzOffset = 0 self.heightCurrentOffset = 0 self.heightMinOffset = 100 self.heightMaxOffset = 250 self.heightOffsetDirection = "up" self.m_Update = function() self:update() end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, self.m_Update) self.m_ToggleTestMode = function() self:toggleTestMode() end bindKey("N", "down", self.m_ToggleTestMode) end function Sun:toggleTestMode() if (self.isDebugMode == "true") then self.isDebugMode = "false" elseif (self.isDebugMode == "false") then self.isDebugMode = "true" end end function Sun:update() self.px, self.py, self.pz = getElementPosition(self.player) self.x, self.y, self.z = getAttachedPosition(self.px, self.py, self.pz, self.rx, self.ry, self.rz + self.rzOffset, 1500, 0, self.height + self.heightCurrentOffset) if (self.isDebugMode == "true") then self.rzOffset = self.rzOffset + 0.05 if (self.rzOffset > 360) then self.rzOffset = 0 end if (self.heightOffsetDirection == "up") then if (self.heightCurrentOffset < self.heightMaxOffset) then self.heightCurrentOffset = self.heightCurrentOffset + 0.1 else self.heightOffsetDirection = "down" end elseif (self.heightOffsetDirection == "down") then if (self.heightCurrentOffset > self.heightMinOffset) then self.heightCurrentOffset = self.heightCurrentOffset - 0.1 else self.heightOffsetDirection = "up" end end dxDrawLine3D(self.px, self.py, self.pz, self.x, self.y, self.z, tocolor(255, 255, 0, 255), 4, true) end --dxDrawLine3D(self.px, self.py, self.pz, self.x, self.y, self.z, tocolor(255, 255, 0, 255), 4, true) end function Sun:getSunPosition() return self.x, self.y, self.z end function Sun:destructor() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, self.m_Update) end local SunInstance = nil SunShader = {} function SunShader:constructor() self.shadersEnabled = "false" self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() self.lensFlareDirt = dxCreateTexture("Textures/lensflare_dirt.png") self.lensFlareChroma = dxCreateTexture("Textures/lensflare_chroma.png") self.viewDistance = 0.00005 self.sunColorInner = {0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 1} self.sunColorOuter = {0.85, 0.65, 0.55, 1} self.sunSize = 0.04 self.excludingTextures = { "waterclear256", "*smoke*", "*particle*", "*cloud*", "*splash*", "*corona*", "*sky*", "*radar*", "*wgush1*", "*debris*", "*wjet4*", "*gun*", "*wake*", "*effect*", "*fire*", "muzzle_texture*", "*font*", "*icon*", "shad_exp", "*headlight*", "*corona*", "sfnitewindow_alfa", "sfnitewindows", "monlith_win_tex", "sfxref_lite2c", "dt_scyscrap_door2", "white", "casinolights*", "cj_frame_glass", "custom_roadsign_text", "dt_twinklylites", "vgsn_nl_strip", "unnamed", "white64", "lasjmslumwin1", "pierwin05_law", "nitwin01_la", "sl_dtwinlights1", "fist", "sphere", "*spark*", "glassmall", "*debris*", "wgush1", "wjet2", "wjet4", "beastie", "bubbles", "pointlight", "unnamed", "txgrass1_1", "txgrass0_1", "txgrass1_0", "item*", "undefined*", "coin*", "turbo*", "lava*", "ampelLight*", "*shad*", "cj_w_grad"} self.m_Update = function() self:update() end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, self.m_Update) self.m_ToggleShaders = function() self:toggleShaders() end bindKey("M", "down", self.m_ToggleShaders) self:createShaders() self.sun = new(Sun, self) end function SunShader:toggleShaders() if (self.shadersEnabled == "true") then self:removeShaders() if (self.sun) then self.sun.isDebugMode = "false" end elseif (self.shadersEnabled == "false") then self:createShaders() end end function SunShader:createShaders() if (self.shadersEnabled == "false") then self.screenSource = dxCreateScreenSource(self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight) self.renderTargetBW = dxCreateRenderTarget(self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight) self.renderTargetSun = dxCreateRenderTarget(self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight) self.renderTargetGodRaysBase = dxCreateRenderTarget(self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight) self.renderTargetGodRays = dxCreateRenderTarget(self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight) self.bwShader = dxCreateShader("Shaders/bw.fx") self.godRayBaseShader = dxCreateShader("Shaders/godRayBase.fx") self.sunShader = dxCreateShader("Shaders/sun.fx") self.godRayShader = dxCreateShader("Shaders/godrays.fx") self.lensFlareShader = dxCreateShader("Shaders/lensflares.fx") self.dynamicLightShader = dxCreateShader("Shaders/dynamiclight.fx", 1000, 0, false, "world,ped,object,other") self.vehicleShader = dxCreateShader("Shaders/vehicle.fx", 1000, 0, false, "vehicle") if (not self.dynamicLightShader) or (not self.vehicleShader) or (not self.bwShader) or (not self.godRayBaseShader) or (not self.sunShader) or (not self.godRayShader) or (not self.lensFlareShader) or (not self.screenSource) or (not self.renderTargetBW) or (not self.renderTargetSun) or (not self.renderTargetGodRaysBase) or (not self.renderTargetGodRays) then outputChatBox("Loading sun shader failed. Please use debugscript 3 for further details") self:removeShaders() else engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(self.dynamicLightShader, "*") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(self.vehicleShader, "*") for _, texture in ipairs(self.excludingTextures) do engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(self.dynamicLightShader, texture) end self.shadersEnabled = "true" end end end function SunShader:update() if (self.dynamicLightShader) and (self.vehicleShader) and (self.bwShader) and (self.godRayBaseShader) and (self.sunShader) and (self.godRayShader) and (self.lensFlareShader) and (self.screenSource) and (self.renderTargetBW) and (self.renderTargetSun) and (self.renderTargetGodRaysBase) and (self.renderTargetGodRays) then if (self.sun) then self.sunX, self.sunY, self.sunZ = self.sun:getSunPosition() self.sunScreenX, self.sunScreenZ = getScreenFromWorldPosition(self.sunX, self.sunY, self.sunZ, 1, true) dxUpdateScreenSource(self.screenSource) showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) setTime(12,0) setSunSize(0) setSunColor (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) setSkyGradient(90, 85, 120, 120, 130, 175) setCloudsEnabled(false) setFarClipDistance(1200) setFogDistance(850) -- object lighting dxSetShaderValue(self.dynamicLightShader, "sunPos", {self.sunX, self.sunY, self.sunZ}) dxSetShaderValue(self.dynamicLightShader, "sunColor", self.sunColorInner) dxSetShaderValue(self.dynamicLightShader, "ambientColor", self.sunColorOuter) -- vehicle lighting dxSetShaderValue(self.vehicleShader, "sunPos", {self.sunX, self.sunY, self.sunZ}) dxSetShaderValue(self.vehicleShader, "sunColor", self.sunColorInner) dxSetShaderValue(self.vehicleShader, "ambientColor", self.sunColorOuter) if (self.sunScreenX) and (self.sunScreenZ) then -- scenario bw dxSetShaderValue(self.bwShader, "screenSource", self.screenSource) dxSetShaderValue(self.bwShader, "viewDistance", self.viewDistance) dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTargetBW, true) dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.bwShader) dxSetRenderTarget() -- sun dxSetShaderValue(self.sunShader, "screenSource", self.screenSource) dxSetShaderValue(self.sunShader, "bwSource", self.renderTargetBW) dxSetShaderValue(self.sunShader, "sunPos", {(1 / self.screenWidth) * self.sunScreenX, (1 / self.screenHeight) * self.sunScreenZ}) dxSetShaderValue(self.sunShader, "sunColorInner", self.sunColorInner) dxSetShaderValue(self.sunShader, "sunColorOuter", self.sunColorOuter) dxSetShaderValue(self.sunShader, "sunSize", self.sunSize) dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTargetSun, true) dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.sunShader) dxSetRenderTarget() -- godray base dxSetShaderValue(self.godRayBaseShader, "screenSource", self.screenSource) dxSetShaderValue(self.godRayBaseShader, "renderTargetBW", self.renderTargetBW) dxSetShaderValue(self.godRayBaseShader, "renderTargetSun", self.renderTargetSun) dxSetShaderValue(self.godRayBaseShader, "screenSize", {self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight}) dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTargetGodRaysBase, true) dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.godRayBaseShader) dxSetRenderTarget() -- godrays dxSetShaderValue(self.godRayShader, "sunLight", self.renderTargetGodRaysBase) dxSetShaderValue(self.godRayShader, "lensDirt", self.lensFlareDirt) dxSetShaderValue(self.godRayShader, "sunPos", {(1 / self.screenWidth) * self.sunScreenX, (1 / self.screenHeight) * self.sunScreenZ}) dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTargetGodRays, true) dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.godRayShader) dxSetRenderTarget() -- lensflares dxSetShaderValue(self.lensFlareShader, "screenSource", self.screenSource) dxSetShaderValue(self.lensFlareShader, "sunLight", self.renderTargetGodRays) dxSetShaderValue(self.lensFlareShader, "lensDirt", self.lensFlareDirt) dxSetShaderValue(self.lensFlareShader, "lensChroma", self.lensFlareChroma) dxSetShaderValue(self.lensFlareShader, "sunPos", {(1 / self.screenWidth) * self.sunScreenX, (1 / self.screenHeight) * self.sunScreenZ}) dxSetShaderValue(self.lensFlareShader, "sunColor", self.sunColorInner) dxSetShaderValue(self.lensFlareShader, "screenSize", {self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight}) --dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.bwShader) --dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.sunShader) --dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.godRayBaseShader) --dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.godRayShader) dxDrawImage(0, 0, self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight, self.lensFlareShader) end end end dxDrawRectangle (0, self.screenHeight * 0.5, self.screenWidth * 0.14, self.screenHeight * 0.25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) dxDrawText("Sun Shader:", 5, self.screenHeight * 0.52, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.52, tocolor (255, 200, 0, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) if (getFps()) and (getFps() > 30) then dxDrawText("#FFFFFFFPS: #00FF00" .. getFps(), 5, self.screenHeight * 0.56, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.56, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true, false, 0, 0, 0) else dxDrawText("#FFFFFFFPS: #FF0000" .. getFps(), 5, self.screenHeight * 0.56, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.56, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true, false, 0, 0, 0) end dxDrawText("Shaders enabled: " .. self.shadersEnabled, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.58, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.58, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) if (self.sun) and (self.sunX) and (self.sunY) and (self.sunZ) then dxDrawText("Debug enabled: " .. self.sun.isDebugMode, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.60, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.60, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText("SunPosX: " .. math.floor(self.sunX + 0.5), 5, self.screenHeight * 0.62, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.62, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText("SunPosY: " .. math.floor(self.sunY + 0.5), 5, self.screenHeight * 0.64, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.64, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText("SunPosZ: " .. math.floor(self.sunZ + 0.5), 5, self.screenHeight * 0.66, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.66, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) else dxDrawText("Debug enabled: false", 5, self.screenHeight * 0.60, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.60, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText("SunPosX: -", 5, self.screenHeight * 0.62, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.62, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText("SunPosY: -", 5, self.screenHeight * 0.64, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.64, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText("SunPosZ: -", 5, self.screenHeight * 0.66, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.66, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0) end dxDrawText("Press 'M' to enable/disable shaders.", 5, self.screenHeight * 0.70, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.70, tocolor (255, 128, 0, 200), 0.75, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true, false, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText("Press 'N' to enable/disable debugmode.", 5, self.screenHeight * 0.72, 5, self.screenHeight * 0.72, tocolor (255, 128, 0, 200), 0.75, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true, false, 0, 0, 0) end function SunShader:removeShaders() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, self.m_Update)
  19. Ohhh, right, i just presumed since SAMP has pawno, MTA would have somthing, and that was the first thing i came across, thanks for the advice Sam.
  20. Hi there, i've just been introduced to MTA by a good friend of mine, and the whole concept of the client astonishes me, i can do so much with it, well, once i learn scripting that is, but anyways, back on topic. I did a little reading around and found the unofficial MTA scripter programme, so, i downloaded it, and it's saying that i don't have MTA installed. And i''ve been getting this message when i try to install it http://i.imgur.com/Ly4duxl.jpg But i have MTA installed, alongside the server files http://i.imgur.com/ITMQJoA.png Any help given is greatly appreciated.
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