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Everything posted by Meshare

  1. but hard use xampp need to use it ? if need and you know how can instal it ? if you can instal it i will give you my website to instal xampp '
  2. i try server but be download file size : 0
  3. try : local pickups = {} addEvent("onPlayerTrash", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerTrash", root, function(wName, wAmmo) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) pickups[source] = createPickup(x, y, z, 2, getWeaponIDFromName(wName), 1000, tonumber(wAmmo)) if pickups[source] then addEventHandler("onPickupHit",root,onHitPickup) outputChatBox("*Has tirado correctamente el arma "..wName, source, 0, 255, 0) takeWeapon(source, getWeaponIDFromName(wName), tonumber(wAmmo)) else outputChatBox("*Ha ocurrido un error al tirar el arma. Reporta este bug en /report.", source, 255, 0, 0) end end ) function onHitPickup(player) if ( source == pickups[player] ) then destroyElement(pickups[player]) pickups[player] = nil removeEventHandler("onPickupHit",root,onHitPickup) end end
  4. this is fuill code ?
  5. test : local respawn = 2000; local pick = createPickup(x,y,z,type,id,respawn); setTimer(function(); respawn = nil; destroyElement(pick); end,6000,1); destroy after 6 scn
  6. function startCarDownload() fetchRemote ( "http://pstangerredo.bugs3.com/46.dff", myCallback, "", false ) end addCommandHandler ( "rem", startCarDownload ) function myCallback( responseData, errno ) if errno == 0 then outputChatBox ( "it works" ) local newFile = fileCreate("derp.dff") if (newFile) then fileWrite(newFile,responseData) fileClose(newFile) end loadMod() end end function loadMod() dff = engineLoadDFF ( "derp.dff", 587 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 587 ) end
  7. The Server : (for example just) local TheTableServer = {}; setTimer( function(); for _,allResult in ipairs (TheTableServer) do; if ( allResult ) then; triggerClientEvent("upResultTableToClient",getRootElement(),allResult); end; end; end; ,10000,0); The Client : local TheTableClient = {}; addEvent("upTableToClient",true); addEventHandler("upTableToClient",getRootElement(), function(AllResult); for _,allResult_ in ipairs (TheTableClient) do; if ( allResult_ ) then; table.remove(TheTableClient,allResult_); end; end; table.insert(TheTableClient,allResult); end; ); this code will copy all result in table server then past all result table to client table ( every 10 Seconds )
  8. source : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ge ... yersInTeam I did not search thank you .
  9. hey all i want getAlivePlayers but in my team not all players in server function alive() local playersAlive = getAlivePlayers() -- i want all player in my team only . outputChatBox("Alive Players in you team : "..#playersAlive.."",source,255,255,0,true) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),alive)
  10. hi guys how i can Up My Vehicle file - dff - col - txd , to url then Up to server , for fast download server ? Such as sound Url .
  11. Meshare


    thanks again , i want if click button do Target random player alive in my team
  12. Meshare


    thanks , but i can see dead players , i want see only alive players
  13. Meshare


    hi guys ' g_Players = getElementsByType("player") -- get a list of all players in the server for i,aPlayer in ipairs(g_Players) do -- find out what index the local player has in the list if aPlayer == getLocalPlayer() then g_CurrentSpectated = i break end end function spectatePrevious() -- decrement the spectate index and spectate the corresponding player if g_CurrentSpectated == 1 then g_CurrentSpectated = #g_Players else g_CurrentSpectated = g_CurrentSpectated - 1 end setCameraTarget(g_Players[g_CurrentSpectated]) end function spectateNext() -- increment the spectate index and spectate the corresponding player if g_CurrentSpectated == #g_Players then g_CurrentSpectated = 1 else g_CurrentSpectated = g_CurrentSpectated + 1 end setCameraTarget(g_Players[g_CurrentSpectated]) end -- Bind above functions to arrow keys bindKey("arrow_l", "down", spectatePrevious) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", spectateNext) it is this in my code setCameraTarget for all players ' i want for all players in my team not all players in server ' thanks '
  14. math.random ?? ليه مايختصرها getRandomPlayer
  15. ماحد يعرف يحل المشكله؟ xml مانفع كودك ياطلال وحاولة في المثال الي بالويكي من قبل مانفع ارجو الحل من اصحاب الخبره في
  16. Meshare

    error xml

    < Name> Test1 Test2 Test3 Name>
  17. Meshare

    error xml

    local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile ( "exampleFile.xml" ) if xmlFile then local node = xmlFindChild( xmlFile, "Name", 0 ) local success = xmlNodeGetValue ( node ) if success then for i,nodee in ipairs(success) do guiGridListSetItemText(List,row,1,tostring(nodee),false,true) end end end bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got string) i want up all Write in xml to list
  18. local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile ( "exampleFile.xml" ) if xmlFile then local node = xmlFindChild( xmlFile, "Name", 0 ) local success = xmlNodeGetValue ( node ) if success then for i,nodee in ipairs(success) do guiGridListSetItemText(List,row,1,tostring(nodee),false,true) end end end bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got string) يجي بالستهxmlالمقصود من الكود كل الي في
  19. لم تتمم الأفادة الى الان
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