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Everything posted by fastman92

  1. No. I have only downloaded the files, from github, then Execute create-projects.bat Open Build\MTASA.sln Compile Install data files: utils\premake5.exe install_data Install resources: utils\premake5.exe install_resources (optional step) What to do? Is there anyone from the MTA team who can tell me his Skype nickname?
  2. I removed "Build" directory, then used create-projects.bat again The path defined by DXSDK_DIR wasn't inserted to vcxproj files. What to do?
  3. It's not my intention. The question why there's a different streaming could be answered by the lead MTA developers. Tell me what I should do if I want to add a new CPP or H file.
  4. It's set up correctly DXSDK_DIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\ One thing that raised my attention, Client core can't be compiled because of the missing d3dx9.h, but at the same time the file "Client Core.vcxproj" doesn't have any occurence of string DXSDK_DIR
  5. I'm getting these errors: 1>------ Build started: Project: DirectX9GUIRenderer, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 2>------ Skipped Build: Project: breakpad, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 2>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration 3>------ Build started: Project: Client Core, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>cl : Command line warning D9025: overriding '/MTd' with '/MT' 1> d3d9texture.cpp 1>e:\projects\mtasa-blue\vendor\cegui-0.4.0-custom\src\renderers\directx9guirenderer\d3d9texture.cpp(31): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory 3>cl : Command line warning D9025: overriding '/MTd' with '/MT' 1> d3d9renderer.cpp 3> StdInc.cpp 3> Compiling precompiled header. 3> 3>e:\projects\mtasa-blue\client\core\stdinc.h(16): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory 1>e:\projects\mtasa-blue\vendor\cegui-0.4.0-custom\src\renderers\directx9guirenderer\d3d9renderer.cpp(31): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory 1> Generating Code... 4>------ Build started: Project: GUI, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 4>cl : Command line warning D9025: overriding '/MTd' with '/MT' 4> StdInc.cpp 4> Compiling precompiled header. 4> 4>e:\projects\mtasa-blue\client\gui\stdinc.h(13): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 3 failed, 36 up-to-date, 1 skipped ========== I have DirectX SDK installed. What should I do?
  6. Tell me what is MTA codebase made of. Is it C++ code or something else as well? I'm thinking about the LUA. Suppose it gets rellocated: .data:00A9B0C8 ; CModelPeds *CModelInfo::ms_modelInfoPtrs[20000] .data:00A9B0C8 _ZN10CModelInfo16ms_modelInfoPtrsE dd 4E20h dup(?) Where would 0xA9B0C8 get referenced? Only in the MTA C++ code, where the value could be found or in the LUA as well? I'm using the Github for Windows and cloning the MTA at the moment.
  7. Yes, ok. I'll download TortoiseSVN. Not really, when coding I know what I'm doing. If you need a proof, you can see that my project the FLA patches over 9000 memory addresses in GTA SA and game is completely stable.
  8. Thanks for replies. At the moment I only want to make the MTA compatible with the FLA. Some addresses are reallocated and the C++/ASM code will have to be altered. I need to learn how to use a Github and make changes to the MTA project, submit changes to it. I'm using Visual Studio 2015. fastman92 limit adjuster
  9. Welcome everyone. I want to join the MTA team and make some changes to the MTA source code. Who to contact? How can I start?
  10. Beware that Open limit adjuster doesn't have much functionality.
  11. I second that completely. It's not hard to make the code compatible with the new limits. It only requires the understanding what are the limits defined by: like file ID limit will obviously reallocate the file info array, which has 26316 elements by default and if we want more the limit adjuster must move this array. Pretty simple.
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