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Everything posted by TheBite

  1. I really need that to 1.3.1 ver!!
  2. TheBite

    Dark screen

  3. TheBite

    Dark screen

    -Ethernet driver site says: 530 login incorrect. -The intel usb 3.0 driver is "failed to install one or more drivers of this device" -my sound is now muted with that driver
  4. TheBite

    Dark screen

  5. TheBite

    Dark screen

    404 - Not Found
  6. TheBite

    Dark screen

    Hey to all, i have a problem, when I'm trying to reset the mta window from minumize to full screen my screen become black for a few seconds then I tryed to play windowed or change the full screen mode to borderless etc but the screen in res 1920x1080 is very dark, then how to fix it?
  7. 1.3.3 isn't out yet (atleast I think it isn't) and the latest fixes in 1.3.2 can be found here. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.3.3-rc ... 130613.exe
  8. Hey, I just installed the mta 1.3.3 and I want to know what's new, fixed bugs etc..
  9. I'm tryed to paste this: in the admintag resource (server.lua) (why i think this resource is the problem) but nothing...
  10. Well, it's not working but when I type /superman (as guest of course) the game chat (not console) says: 2 times per 1 /sperman says: superman and some times says (for two times): Toggle and all with grey color PS: When I type anything in chat, chat says: Say My message The "Say" with grey color
  11. yeah, when i'm going out of a vehicle lights is auto-turning off / working.. PS: Good scipt
  12. I already do it, but nothing, pls, can you give me a tested resource why is very strange? I Want exclude the possibility it may be a problem in my server.
  13. DEFAK not woking :OOOOOOOOOO
  14. Not working.. http://i.imgur.com/RMTas90.png [2013-05-03 22:58:07] debugscript: Incorrect client type for this command and when I play as guest and I type superman on the same time console says: [2013-05-03 22:56:23] ERROR: Disable\script.lua:2: attempt to index local 'cmd' (a nil value)
  15. Yeah, when i changed the server to serverslide consle said (when restart scipt): [2013-05-03 19:12:36] Unknown script type specified in Disable. Assuming 'server'
  16. I can start it, but is not working...
  17. This script I tryed to make: disable.lua addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerCommand', root, function ( player, cmd ) if cmd == 'superman' then local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ); if isGuestAccount ( account ) then cancelEvent ( ); end end end ); meta.xml <meta> <info author="name" name="Disable" version="1.0" type="script"/> <script src="disable.lua" type="serverside" /> </meta> also I tryed to type: <script src="disable.lua" type="server" />
  18. I trying to connect in my server but is missing from local/internet and if press 192.168.**.** can't connect too. I also tryed too to type openports and the console says: Testing ports... Port testing service unavailable! (500: Internal Server Error) What the **** is this?
  19. -- IMPORTANT: If you don't want to read this just don't read it -- and please if you change the script, keep my credits. --[[ ****************************************** * * PROJECT: Country ID Project v1.1.1 * * Made by: Timic * Thanks to: lil_Toady * ****************************************** >> Description "Hello, thanks for using this resource, I'm very glad to update it to 1.1 and improve it I'll still continue this project, so report every bug on the community." ========================================== >> Installation Just open countryid.zip and then you'll have to insert it into a folder, so create a folder called countryid and then put files into the folder you created. You'll also have to put this folder into ":\Program Files\\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\" folder. If your server was running at the time of installation, just type: refresh in console or /refresh in chat box. Of course you must be logged in as admin to use these commands. IMPORTANT: Of course you'll have to put it in the ACL.xml file. (ACL means Access Control List) Example: a) Open ACL.XML b) Add after the following line c) d) Save it e) Restart the server f) Type in console refresh or type /refresh in chatbox g) Start it (Type in console start or type /start in chatbox) ========================================== >> LICENCE NO WARRANTY THE SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. ]] g_Root = getRootElement() function Initiate() country = getPlayerCountry(source) if country == nil or country == false then country = "n/a" end setElementData(source, "country", country) end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, Initiate) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),function() -- You can remove this if you want outputChatBox('#ffffff[C_ID] #ffff00Initiating CID system... #ffffffDONE', getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true) call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","country", getRootElement(), 9, 50) setTimer( function() country = getPlayerCountry(source) if country == nil or country == false then country = "n/a" end setElementData(source, "country", country) end, 4000, 1) end ) aCountries = {} function getPlayerCountry ( player ) return getIpCountry ( getPlayerIP ( player ) ) end function getIpCountry ( ip ) local ip_group = tonumber ( gettok ( ip, 1, 46 ) ) local ip_code = ( gettok ( ip, 1, 46 ) * 16777216 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 2, 46 ) * 65536 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 3, 46 ) * 256 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 4, 46 ) ) if ( #aCountries == 0 ) then loadIPGroups () end if ( not aCountries[ip_group] ) then aCountries[ip_group] = {} end for id, group in ipairs ( aCountries[ip_group] ) do if ( ( group.rstart <= ip_code ) and ( ip_code <= group.rend ) ) then return group.rcountry end end return false end -- Load all IP groups from "conf/IpToCountryCompact.csv" function loadIPGroups () unrelPosReset() local readFilename = "conf/IpToCountryCompact.csv"; local hReadFile = fileOpen( readFilename, true ) if not hReadFile then outputHere ( "Cannot read " .. readFilename ) return end local buffer = "" while true do local endpos = string.find(buffer, "\n") -- If can't find CR, try to load more from the file if not endpos then if fileIsEOF( hReadFile ) then break end buffer = buffer .. fileRead( hReadFile, 500 ) end if endpos then -- Process line local line = string.sub(buffer, 1, endpos - 1) buffer = string.sub(buffer, endpos + 1) local parts = split( line, string.byte(',') ) if #parts > 2 then local rstart = tonumber(parts[1]) local rend = tonumber(parts[2]) local rcountry = parts[3] -- Relative to absolute numbers rstart = unrelRange ( rstart ) rend = unrelRange ( rend ) local group = math.floor( rstart / 0x1000000 ) if not aCountries[group] then aCountries[group] = {} end local count = #aCountries[group] + 1 aCountries[group][count] = {} aCountries[group][count].rstart = rstart aCountries[group][count].rend = rend aCountries[group][count].rcountry = rcountry end end end fileClose(hReadFile) end -- Make a stream of absolute numbers relative to each other local relPos = 0 function relPosReset() relPos = 0 end function relRange( v ) local rel = v - relPos relPos = v return rel end -- Make a stream of relative numbers absolute local unrelPos = 0 function unrelPosReset() unrelPos = 0 end function unrelRange( v ) local unrel = v + unrelPos unrelPos = unrel return unrel end -- IP2C logging function outputHere( msg ) --outputServerLog ( msg ) outputChatBox ( msg ) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Set to true to enable commands "makecsv" and "iptest" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local makeAndTestCompactCsv = false if makeAndTestCompactCsv then local makeCor -- Takes a 'IPV4 CSV' file sourced from [url=http://software77.net/geo-ip/]http://software77.net/geo-ip/[/url] -- and makes a smaller one for use by Admin addCommandHandler ( "makecsv", function () local status = makeCor and coroutine.status(makeCor) if (status == "suspended") then outputHere( "Please wait" ) return end makeCor = coroutine.create ( makeCompactCsvWorker ) coroutine.resume ( makeCor ) end ) function makeCompactCsvWorker () outputHere ( "makeCompactCsv started" ) relPosReset() local readFilename = "conf/IpToCountry.csv"; local hReadFile = fileOpen( readFilename, true ) if not hReadFile then outputHere ( "Cannot read " .. readFilename ) return end local writeFilename = "conf/IpToCountryCompact.csv"; local hWriteFile = fileCreate( writeFilename, true ) if not hWriteFile then
  20. Hey to all, how to disable a command like /superman for general users? I tryed to type in ace - everyone "" but normal users can type superman and fly, now?
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