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Everything posted by RekZ

  1. Server Side function onPlayerSpawn() if isElement(source) then -- Source here is the player if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) == "Red Team" then -- Team Name giveWeapon(source, 31, 500, true) -- Weapon elseif getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) == "Blue Team" then -- Team Name giveWeapon(source, 30, 500, true) -- Weapon end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, onPlayerSpawn)
  2. This resource will make players who are in a different team give headshot to each other, but if they are from the same team nothing will happen. Server.Lua function MakePlayerHeadshot( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) if isElement(attacker) then if getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" then if getPlayerTeam( source ) ~= getPlayerTeam( attacker ) then if bodypart == 9 then triggerEvent( "onPlayerHeadshot", source, attacker, weapon, loss ) setPedHeadless ( source, true ) killPed( source, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) setTimer( BackUp, 900, 1, source ) end end end end end function MakeHeadshot( source, attacker, weapon, loss ) triggerEvent( "onPlayerHeadshot", source, attacker, weapon, loss ) killPed( source, attacker, weapon, 9 ) setPedHeadless ( source, true ) setTimer( BackUp, 900, 1, source ) end function BackUp( source ) if getElementType ( source ) == "player" then setPedHeadless ( source, false ) end end addEvent ( "onServerHeadshot", true ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), MakePlayerHeadshot ) addEventHandler( "onServerHeadshot", getRootElement(), MakeHeadshot ) Client.Lua function sendHeadshot ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) if attacker == getLocalPlayer() then if (getElementType(attacker) == "player") then if getPlayerTeam( source ) ~= getPlayerTeam( attacker ) then if bodypart == 9 then triggerServerEvent( "onServerHeadshot", getRootElement(), source, attacker, weapon, loss ) setElementHealth ( source, 0 ) setPedHeadless( source, true ) end end end end end --addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), sendHeadshot ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), sendHeadshot ) meta.xml <meta> <script src="Server.Lua" type="server" /> <script src="Client.Lua" type="client" /> </meta>
  3. Dont hate me but you forget to remove.. <include resource="CCS_challenge" /> and if we dont have the CCS_database, how i can use your userpanel ? [2020-06-18 01:24:49] ERROR: [MGM]\[Script]\[General]\CCS_userpanel\userpanel_s.Lua:283: exports: Call to non-running server resource (CCS_stats) [string "?"] [2020-06-18 01:24:49] ERROR: [MGM]\[Script]\[General]\CCS_userpanel\userpanel_s.Lua:30: exports: Call to non-running server resource (CCS_database) [string "?"] [2020-06-18 01:24:49] ERROR: [MGM]\[Script]\[General]\CCS_userpanel\userpanel_s.Lua:75: exports: Call to non-running server resource (CCS_database) [string "?"] [2020-06-18 01:24:49] ERROR: [MGM]\[Script]\[General]\CCS_userpanel\userpanel_s.Lua:219: exports: Call to non-running server resource (CCS_database) [string "?"] [2020-06-18 01:24:49] WARNING: [MGM]\[Script]\[General]\CCS_userpanel\userpanel_s.Lua:221: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 3, got nil]
  4. Acabo de mirarlo y da errores de que la base de datos que crea el propio resource esta bloqueada xd no tengo idea de eso pero te dejo el problema para que tengas un poco mas claro que ocurre, Salu2
  5. Mandarle eso a alguien nuevo es una tremenda invitacion a dejar el foro y el juego xd por eso la parte español del foro tiene tan pero tan mala fama entre todos los que hablamos español... Podrias probar el Valhalla en su tiempo estaba muy lindo, nose si le habran pasado factura los años.
  6. Its cool but you forget some resources like logger and ccs_database
  7. RekZ

    Server tag copied

    Oh thx i will try ?
  8. RekZ

    Server tag copied

    What i can do if other server use my server tag in the server name ?
  9. RekZ

    Mods Loading

    I have been looking for ways to lower the impact that mod loading has on the client, would it be a good idea to separate the mods by tables and load the mods every 5 seconds ? local WeaponsModels = { ["AK"] = { {FILE="AK/Weapon1" , ID=00000}, {FILE="AK/Weapon2" , ID=00000}, {FILE="AK/Weapon3" , ID=00000}, {FILE="AK/Weapon4" , ID=00000}, {FILE="AK/Weapon5" , ID=00000}, {FILE="AK/Weapon6" , ID=00000}, }, ["CPL"] = { {FILE="CPL/Weapon1" , ID=00000}, {FILE="CPL/Weapon2" , ID=00000}, {FILE="CPL/Weapon3" , ID=00000}, {FILE="CPL/Weapon4" , ID=00000}, {FILE="CPL/Weapon5" , ID=00000}, {FILE="CPL/Weapon6" , ID=00000}, }, } function load() if not getElementData(localPlayer,"login") then setTimer(load,10000,1) outputChatBox ( "Reload" ) return end setTimer(function() for index, weapon in pairs(WeaponsModels["AK"]) do engineImportTXD ( engineLoadTXD ( "models/"..weapon.FILE.. ".txd", weapon.ID ), weapon.ID ) engineReplaceModel ( engineLoadDFF ( "models/"..weapon.FILE.. ".dff", weapon.ID ), weapon.ID, true ) engineSetModelLODDistance( weapon.ID , 100 ) end outputChatBox ( "Mods AK" ) end, 1000, 1 ) setTimer(function() for index, weapon in pairs(WeaponsModels["CPL"]) do engineImportTXD ( engineLoadTXD ( "models/"..weapon.FILE.. ".txd", weapon.ID ), weapon.ID ) engineReplaceModel ( engineLoadDFF ( "models/"..weapon.FILE.. ".dff", weapon.ID ), weapon.ID, true ) engineSetModelLODDistance( weapon.ID , 100 ) end outputChatBox ( "Mods CPL" ) end, 5000, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), load )
  10. RekZ

    Loading mods

    I wanted to ask about some advice or some efficient way to reduce the impact of mod loading on the processor and hard drive for the client (cars, weapons, skins),
  11. function cameraFireing(weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement) if isElement(hitElement) then if (getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and hitElement ~= source) then if getElementData(source, "char.inMarkerZone") then triggerServerEvent("sendGroupMessage", root,"#ffffffThe camera: #ca5454("..getElementData(hitElement,"char.MarkerZoneName")..") #ffffffdetected shots.") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, cameraFireing)
  12. I dont think it is legal to sell models of other games created by their own design team but more foolish should be who buys it.
  13. Esta parte del foto en teoria es en ingles :L deberias probar a hacer la pregunta en ingles o preguntar en este lugar del foro. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/166-spanish-español/
  14. RekZ

    Password Server Error ?

    Here is the link https://upload.mtasa.com/u/655087931/server.log_
  15. RekZ

    Password Server Error ?

    I have some new information, the error persists, but I have been able to observe the players who try to connect with that error, they give an error in the console with the message "Client version is below minimum"
  16. RekZ

    Password Server Error ?

    I'm formatting the server right now that's why the ports are closed , since the error occurred I didnt edit any configuration, and according to that user who sent me the photo, when he tries to connect he receives the error message informing that the server is off. i my server is a dedicate server in OVH and I have 2 others that work correctly and others games that use others ports, the only thing I can tell you (I Think) this error occurred after the top position was finalized.
  17. tendrias que cambiar sasori por player no ? :L tambien vendria bien saber que evento usas, lo digo porque estas usando "sasori" como variable del jugador pero tambien "player" para obtener la posicion del jugador que no se ve afectado.
  18. RekZ

    Password Server Error ?

    Thats how some players see the server, i change the server name too. i dont known what i can do now :L im loosing players every day.
  19. the " borderless window mode" looks like fullscreen mode but more efficient
  20. RekZ

    Password Server Error ?
  21. function drawSpeedo() if ( getCameraTarget() or isPedDead(localPlayer) ) then Spect = getCameraTarget() else Spect = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) end if isElement(Spect) and getElementType(Spect) == "vehicle" then specHealth = getElementHealth(Spect) sHealth = (math.max(specHealth - 250, 0)/750)*100 colorR = sHealth > 50 and (255/100)*(100 - sHealth*2) + 255 or 255 colorG = sHealth > 50 and 255 or (255/100)*(sHealth*2) sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity (Spect) spectSpeed = math.floor(((sx^2 + sy^2 + sz^2)^(0.5))*180) dxDrawText(spectSpeed.." km/h", (1680/1920)*sX, (940/1080)*sY, (1804/1920)*sX, (966/1080)*sY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), (1/1920)*sX, font, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawRectangle((1620/1920)*sX, (990/1080)*sY, (((specHealth/10)*2.5)/1920)*sX, (7/1080)*sY, tocolor(colorR, colorG, 0, 255), false) dxDrawCircle (((1620+(specHealth/10)*2.5)/1920)*sX, (993/1080)*sY, 7, 0, 360, tocolor(colorR, colorG, 0, 255), tocolor(colorR, colorG, 0, 255), 32, 1, false) if getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot(Spect,8) then nosLevel = ( (getVehicleNitroLevel(Spect) or 0) *100 ) nosColor = (isVehicleNitroActivated(Spect) and colorTable[ "using" ]) or (isVehicleNitroRecharging(Spect) and (colorTable[ "chargin" ] or colorTable[ "stock" ]) ) --nosColor = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) dxDrawRectangle((1620/1920)*sX, (1020/1080)*sY, (((nosLevel*250)/100)/1920)*sX, (7/1080)*sY, nosColor, false) dxDrawCircle (((1620+(nosLevel*2.5))/1920)*sX, (1023/1080)*sY, 7, 0, 360, nosColor, nosColor, 32, 1, false) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawSpeedo) Sorry i remember the race dont spect the player, spect the vehicle now yes is functional
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