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Everything posted by AGENT_STEELMEAT

  1. addEventHandler("onPlayerModInfo", root, function(_,_) kickPlayer(source) end)? Never mind, it seems Mate_ is the greatest scripter who has ever lived. Let us all bow down to his holiness and hope that one day he will grace us with his source code.
  2. So I got as far as the first sentence and then I quit. Please learn how to properly structure your sentences. Here are some resources I think you'll benefit from: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/e ... heet0.html http://www.english4dummies.com/ As for the actual gamemode, it is sloppily coded. There a a myriad of bugs that nobody can fix since _Mate is so determined to make his stuff OMG DECOMPILABLE LOL. In reality, it is possible to decrypt his scripts, but I won't go into any detail on that. We have proved that there are major security flaws in Basemode, so it is VERY likely they will appear in Aspect. Also, MTA's anticheat can detect texture mods if is enabled. No need for a anticheat. It's gamemodes like this that make me want to punch a dolphin in the blowhole.
  3. Then I guess it's time to ruin somebody's life again!
  4. Now if you could track outgoing callRemote calls, you can see if your passwords are being sent to a remote server.
  5. I'm a roleplayer now? Also, 'gta3.img' hacks are detected by MTA, not this spaghetti-code gamemode.
  6. Is this a Basemode sequel or something? It looks like you made the same mistakes yet again. You've worked excessive amounts of encryption/theft protection into a publicly-released gamemode with a myriad of bugs and security holes. The only thing that was nice about Basemode was the fact that the idea was somewhat-unique. Why are you bothering to protect this spaghetti code? If your going to release something to the public, you should actually release it. Otherwise, keep your crap to yourself. Not to mention, why should anyone trust you? Who knows what sorts of backdoors/information gathering functions you may have implemented behind-the-scenes.
  7. Update 2/3: -Updated download links.
  8. Hey all, I've made a small Python script for compiling all the Lua scripts in a directory (recursively). In order to use it, you need to have Python installed on your PC, and have the Lua compiler (luac.exe) added to the Windows PATH (if your using Windows, should be added automatically). It should be cross-compatible, thought I haven't tested it yet. To use it, simple put it in the directory you want to compile (i.e in your resource, next to meta.xml), and double-click. It should execute like a normal program, unless you've set python scripts to automatically open in an editor. The script will backup the entire resource before compiling, if requested. This script is mostly useful for people wishing to compile entire resources before deploying them to a remote server (to prevent theft in case of an hacker getting into your FTP), as the new protected flag in meta.xml takes care of client-side scripts. I plan on hopefully making errors less mysterious in the future. Let me know if you have any feedback! Download Sauce Python Configuring Python for Windows
  9. It's not bugged, it works just fine...
  10. This implements a clientside onClientElementDimensionChange event, which triggers whenever the local player's dimension changes. The source of the event is the local player, and it passes two arguments: the current dimension and the last dimension. You could extend this by adding using triggerServerEvent, or even by looping through all streamed in elements and checking their status if isElementSyncer() returns true. That's a bit complicated however. addEvent("onClientElementDimensionChange", true) local lastDimension = getElementDimension(localPlayer) local function processDimensionChanges() local currentDimension = getElementDimension(localPlayer) if currentDimension ~= lastDimension then lastDimension = currentDimension triggerEvent("onClientElementDimensionChange", localPlayer, currentDimension, lastDimension) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, processDimensionChanges) -- Example usage: local function outputDimensionChange(currentDimension, lastDimension) outputChatBox("You have traveled from the "..lastDimension.." to the "..currentDimension.."!", 0, 255, 0) end addEventHandler("onClientElementDimensionChange", localPlayer, outputDimensionChange)
  11. Better idea - cache all the settings as element data under the resource root element. Then, update the cache at time a setting changes in onSettingChange. This way, you can easily implement a clientside get() function.
  12. Ehh no, any scripts / parts of scripts posted in this section should be considered public domain.
  13. SOPA and PIPA aren't important anymore. They won't be passed. The new Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act and the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement are much bigger demons.
  14. DESPERATE BUMP Hey all, just wanted to let you know that me and Remi-X are still alive, but we need more ideas! Currently, I am trying to implement the GTA:IV importer, but need help with tuning some of the variables (click here to take a look). Other than implementing III and VC importing, I'm out of ideas. So, HELP PLS! You can always submit patches to me or Remi-X for review.
  15. So he should complete a basic serverside component to call startCountdown. Also, yes I did, and it sucks.
  16. -=I Blaawee I=- you used 9 functions for a simple countdown script, that is retarded Here is the clientside component: local countdownImage, countdownCount function startCountdown() countdownImage = guiCreateStaticImage(305,119,110,190,"images/10.png",false) setTimer(decrementCoundown, 1000, 11) countdownCount = 10 end function decrementCoundown() countdownCount = countdownCount - 1 if countdown > 0 then guiStaticImageLoadImage (countdownImage, "images/"..countdownCount..".png") elseif countdown == 0 then guiStaticImageLoadImage (countdownImage, "images/go.png") else destroyElement(countdownImage) end end
  17. How about leaving the official release posts to actual MTA staff? -.-
  18. Unless you live in the United States, your voice does not mean anything. Sorry. On top of that, it probably will pass, regardless of what anyone does. Lets just prepare to walk around their feeble attempts at DNS blocking.
  19. This feature already exists - it's called playercount. By having a nice server, you attract players. Rather than beg and beg for votes on this rating system, servers should focus on bringing innovative features of gameplay to attract players. The product they put out should speak for itself, not the amount of votes they manage to garner (both legitimately and otherwise).
  20. But then you might end up hiring a very nooby scripter (or, a very smart one ) that will use more lines than necessary for more cash.
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