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Everything posted by kev|GER

  1. I've done this in another resource: function testt (source) pMoneyz = exports["points"]:loadPlayerData (source,"cash") outputChatBox (pMoneyz, source) end addCommandHandler ("cha", testt) But in debugscript it outputs : 'ERROR: Call: failed to call 'points:loadPlayerData' [string "?"]' Thanks in advance.
  2. Well, I've got this: function getPlayerCash (player) loadPlayerData (player,"cash") end
  3. I want to use the data 'cash' in the xml file in another resource. How can I do an exported function?
  4. Hey there, I'm dealing with some problem that I can't solve without help. I've got a script that saves a player's cash in a xml file. In another script, I need to somehow, import the player's cash from the xml file to do an if check. Can someone help me out? The xml file looks like that: <users> <user> <SERIAL_1948D27D64A12DD19329F2D5377717E3 points="78" cash="318" ></SERIAL_1948D27D64A12DD19329F2D5377717E3> <SERIAL_2631516CC240A88B3BBD41F466C11844 "></SERIAL_2631516CC240A88B3BBD41F466C11844> <SERIAL_E9A45949A1814608ADD0C7D9F2881B03 points="130" cash="10211"></SERIAL_E9A45949A1814608ADD0C7D9F2881B03> <SERIAL_00E6645D0EDE3AE58733D9E0D8DC24E4"></SERIAL_00E6645D0EDE3AE58733D9E0D8DC24E4> </user> </users> I hope I made myself understandable. Thanks in advance.
  5. kev|GER

    Destroy blip

    Thanks for such the quick answers.
  6. kev|GER

    Destroy blip

    Hello, I've got a couple of questions, I'd like to know how to delete a blip attached to a player, and a way of getting it back, matching the team color and stuff. I've tried destroyBlipAttachedTo, as mentioned in some topics over this forum, but that function doesn't even exists. I've seen examples of removing the blip when the player connects, but what about when a command is activated? Like a script that would make the player lose its blip, and then , with a toggle, attach the blip back? The attachment of the blip is easy, as it would only be createBlipAttachedTo, but I'd like to know how how get the blip that is a attached to the source, and use destroyElement to destroy it. Thanks in advance, -kev
  7. So? It's right. I attachel the element one whit the other element.
  8. What can be the problem?
  9. No, THe boat is moving, the carrier isn't. Thats the problem.
  10. So, I tried attach the boat to the carrier and when I droved the boat, the ship didn't move. HEres the script tropic = createVehicle ( 454, 2120.2375488281, 3017.9653320313, 0, 0, 0, 268.5 ) partofcarrier1 = createObject ( 10771, 2014.1197509766, 3017.8559570313, 9.375, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier2 = createObject ( 11145, 1951.1853027344, 3017.8220214844, 8.2094535827637, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier3 = createObject ( 11146, 2005.0550537109, 3018.4548339844, 16.224634170532, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier4 = createObject ( 3884, 2072.220703125, 3010.1181640625, 22.22149848938, 0, 0,0 ) partofcarrier5 = createObject ( 3885, 2072.37890625, 3009.3210449219, 21.750085830688, 0, 0,0 ) partofcarrier6 = createObject ( 10772, 2015.9813232422, 3018.1411132813, 20.938188552856, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier7 = createObject ( 11149, 2008.0537109375, 3012.9792480469, 15.536260604858, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier7 = createObject ( 10770, 2017.3670654297, 3010.7241210938, 42.518768310547, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier8 = createObject ( 3115, 1915.5963134766, 3017.947265625, 13.7763671875, 0, 0, 0 ) -- Atachement of the Objects attachElement ( tropic, partofcarrier1, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier1, partofcarrier2, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier2, partofcarrier3, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier3, partofcarrier4, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier4, partofcarrier5, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier5, partofcarrier6, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier6, partofcarrier7, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier7, partofcarrier8, 0, 0, 0 )
  11. We have special vehicles in DKR you can control, hot air balloons, rockets and hangar ships, did you see it there? Cause I am pretty sure we attach hangar objects to an invisible tropic by command. I didn't seen it there. But I'll try play there and see how it is. Can u release the scripts ? Or give me the short part about that timer and the way it will know the ships rotation etc. I'd be really appreciate.
  12. Okay, I got the attachment thingy. Now I'd like to do something like moveCarrierForward = moveObjectToTarget ( nameOfObject, numberOfPixelsUp, NumberOfPixelsDown, left right and rotations etc.) I can't find the command. I know the moveObject one but it will fail I think cause it moves the a location given, I dont wanna that. Then, I wont do it by GUI. I want to do something like addCommandHandler ( "carrierforward, moveCarrierForward ) and all the other commands. So, what I need to know it's what are the commands to do it. Thanks a lot. Btw, if possible, after I've the script finished if some1 can help me putting it into a GUI,cuz whit commands it takes more time and stuff. Script atm: partofcarrier1 = createObject ( 10771, 2014.1197509766, 3017.8559570313, 9.375, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier2 = createObject ( 11145, 1951.1853027344, 3017.8220214844, 8.2094535827637, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier3 = createObject ( 11146, 2005.0550537109, 3018.4548339844, 16.224634170532, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier4 = createObject ( 3884, 2072.220703125, 3010.1181640625, 22.22149848938, 0, 0,0 ) partofcarrier5 = createObject ( 3885, 2072.37890625, 3009.3210449219, 21.750085830688, 0, 0,0 ) partofcarrier6 = createObject ( 10772, 2015.9813232422, 3018.1411132813, 20.938188552856, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier7 = createObject ( 11149, 2008.0537109375, 3012.9792480469, 15.536260604858, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier7 = createObject ( 10770, 2017.3670654297, 3010.7241210938, 42.518768310547, 0, 0, 0 ) partofcarrier8 = createObject ( 3115, 1915.5963134766, 3017.947265625, 13.7763671875, 0, 0, 0 ) -- Atachement of the Objects attachElement ( partofcarrier1, partofcarrier2, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier2, partofcarrier3, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier3, partofcarrier4, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier4, partofcarrier5, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier5, partofcarrier6, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier6, partofcarrier7, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElement ( partofcarrier7, partofcarrier8, 0, 0, 0 )
  13. Can u please explain me how to do that? And what after that? How I move the carrier up and down, to right and left ? And how I can, after have the functions done, "redirect" them to the gui that I've created? Thanks for reply.
  14. Thanks for reply mate. I know how to do that, but I want a drivable carrier, not just the elevator.
  15. Ye, that was the one I tried, but just can't put it working. And in comments people are complaining a bit about it, so don't think it really works well.
  16. Hello everyone, First, I've searched and searched looking for it and didn't found it. I need a script of some working Aircraft Carrier. I'm a noob at scripting, and I'm trying to learn it. Ofc, as all other guys, I prefer ask for the script instead of try make one. But I can give it a try. I need the script for a public server I'm trying to create. I've played in other server and I saw that they, somehow, created it. I downloaded a resource in mta page, but just can't get it working and, for what I read, it's not that good. So, if possible, give me a link or something for I download. I can give a try and script it, but I just don't know what functions and other things I must use and learn. Till now, I've created a GUI (which is the way I wanna control it) whit GUI Creator resource. After that, don't know what's next. I know I must create the objects, but don't know how move them all together, and how to put it being controlled by GUI. Sorry for my bad English. Thanks.
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