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Everything posted by arnoldasz

  1. I am trying to create a file, but I get this error when server executes createFile function: local file = createFile ( resourceName..".txt" ) By the way, I am editing map editor.
  2. You can't stream this radio station, because there are no mp3/wav file, you can listen to it only in website.
  3. I writed comment, over that function. This message means, that I am sending info from client side script into server side script. I am sorry if it was unclear. Now I have another problem ( I don't want to create other thread, so I'll post in that ). I have a query to mysql server, but I can't get error which has been occoured: res = mysql_query ( mysql, "INSERT INTO `table` ( `name`, `ip`, `pass` ) VALUES ( '" .. name .. "', '" .. ip .. "', MD5('" .. pass .. "')" ) outputChatBox ( "error:" .. mysql_error ( mysql ), source ) Nothing outputs in chat ( I know that error occours, because query returns nil )
  4. I've put that before in ACL file, but server was on, so it haven't saved . Thanks anyway.
  5. I am trying to get player ip, but I get errors in console: [22:02:57] WARNING: FreeRoam\fr_server.lua:75: Access denied @ 'getClientIP' [22:02:57] ERROR: FreeRoam\fr_server.lua:75: attempt to concatenate a nil value Whats wrong? Code: -- Function that sends info to server script: function onRegisterButtonClicked ( button, state ) if button == "left" and state == "up" then local username, password = guiGetText ( MainWindow [ "lineEdit_3" ] ), guiGetText ( MainWindow [ "lineEdit_4" ] ) if string.len ( username ) > 3 and string.len ( password ) > 3 then triggerServerEvent ( "registerPlayer", localPlayer, username, password ) else outputChatBox ( "#FFFF00[serveris]#FF0000[Klaida]:#FFFFFF Slapyvardį ir slaptažodį turi sudaryti ne mažiau kaip 4 simboliai." ) end end end -- Server addEventHandler ( "registerPlayer", rootElement, function ( username, password ) local res = mysql_query ( mysql, "SELECT `reg_id` FROM `server_users` WHERE `IP` = '" .. getPlayerIP ( source ) .. "'" ) end )
  6. No . Didn't know that I need. Thanks.
  7. Default MTA port is 22003, but you can use any other.
  8. I have started server on my pc, but there is one problem. Server accept connections, but when player connects from internet ( not LAN ) he gets timeout. He sees cars and other stuff, but download bar shows on his screen and nothing happens ( it sticks on 0 ). How to solve this'?
  9. No, I mean ____ _ _ ___ _____ / ___|| | | |_ _|_ _| \___ \| |_| || | | | ___) | _ || | | | |____/|_| |_|___| |_|
  10. oi oi koki mes turtingi, užgyvenam ant windows 7
  11. tai kad nėr čia rimtų vyrų, vien šūdmaliai
  12. Well, I understand this, but I don't understand what's the point of two same events which called when player joins to server, if they do the same thing? Is it because server side scripts can't be in same .lua file with client side script?
  13. Hello, I am new on MTA, and I don't understand the differense between server-side and client-side scripts. What is the differense between them? For example, what can I do in 'onPlayerSpawn' event and what can't I do in it, and what can I do in 'onClientPlayerSpawn' event, and what I can't.
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