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About Martyz

  • Birthday 31/01/1996


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    European Pro Gamers
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Punk-@ss B*tch

Punk-@ss B*tch (12/54)



  1. What errors do you get in debugscript?
  2. Man tai kaip tik labai lengva kažkaip buvo pereit prie LUA nuo Pawn (? taip vadinas? pamiršau ;D)
  3. change "mtadev" to "root" and"t9CPZJbJTe8FtnwC" to "" (if you have no pass)
  4. addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', getRootElement(), function(button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if(source == GUIEditor.label[2]) if(button == 'left') then if(state == 'down') then guiLabelSetColor(source, red, green, blue) -- set your color when mouse is pushed elseif(state == 'up') then guiLabelSetColor(source, red, green, blue) -- set your color when mouse is released end end end end )
  5. Tau gaila, kad parašiau ar šiaip neturi ką veikt?
  6. Here is the correct way of using it: setTimer(unbindKey, 15000, 1, source, "F3", "down", "spawnScreen" ) But you should unbind it immediately when player dies and bind it after 15 sec.
  7. Okay, I see you are zero in scripting.. function drawText() dxDrawRectangle(sW-90,(sH/2)-50,70,40, tocolor(0,0,0,110)) dxDrawText ( hexColorHome..homeName.."("..homeAlivePlayers.."):".."#ffffff "..displayHome, sW-80, (sH/2.26), sW, sH, tocolor(255, 102, 1, 255), 1, "default-bold", 'right', 'center', false, false, false, true, true, 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText ( hexColorVisit..visitName.."("..visitAlivePlayers.."):".."#ffffff "..displayVisit, sW-80, (sH/2.17), sW, sH, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1, "default-bold", 'right', 'center', false, false, false, true, true, 0, 0, 0) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawText)
  8. Šiaip tik tą dieną, kai parašiau IP, paleidau servą, o kai būsiu 100% įsitikinęs, kad serveris normaliai veikia, sukursiu normalią temą su aprašymu ir t.t. Juk ne kokio defaultinio gamemodo, kaip play, serverio IP numečiau, jei kam įdomu pažiūrėt kitų lietuvių serverius, tas užeis
  9. Tai, kad nepastebiu nieko blogo čia, viskas matosi.
  10. guiStaticImageLoadImage first parameter - theElement: The static image element to be changed. Your skinHover element is not static image, it's button. You should create an image instead of skinHover button OR remove the button and create an image instead of it in skinH function.
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