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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/19 in all areas

  1. Thanks everyone for your responses! I'll try and collate the responses this week, and we still need to fully discuss & compare submissions. Expect to hear back with the full results by the 10th of October. edit: might take a little longer!
    2 points
  2. بعض الصور من الكافيه اللي جالس فيه مقابل كوبري ستالي صور للميلفن كيك اللي جالس اكله
    1 point
  3. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientPlayerVehicleEnter onClientPlayerVehicleEnter can also trigger for the remotePlayers(players other than yourself). So that issue doesn't require any serverside code. ------------------------------------------------- If you want to learn how to sync data, you could start with something not so complicated. And later learn how to use triggerEvents.
    1 point
  4. https://pastebin.com/GbyYxc7q for revision
    1 point
  5. If fetch was success, the 'error' equals 0. So, 'if (error) then' always true. You need to terminate the function and print the error, if 'error' not equals or greater then 0. Hungarian: A visszakapott error változó mindig vesz fel értéket, ha minden rendben volt, akkor nullát. Mivel 'if (error) then' mindig igaz lesz, ezért minden esetben kilépsz a funckcióból a returnal. Correct: -- SERVER SIDE function newCommand(player, cmd, code) fetchRemote('http://domain.tld/index.php?get&code='..code, function(data, error) if (error ~= 0) then return print(error); end print("Result: " .. data); end); end addCommandHandler('cmd', newCommand);
    1 point
  6. غالبا والله مش فاكر اسم الكافيه ده اللي هوا قدام كبري استانلي
    1 point
  7. O arquivo files/fonts/font.ttf não existe ou não foi declarado no meta.xml
    1 point
  8. Naquela linha 32, weapon não foi declarado em lugar nenhum.
    1 point
  9. Ponha o Evento onClientRender no final da função, no seu caso, na linha 39.
    1 point
  10. Se tu não renderizar não vai aparecer nada mesmo não ;-; Dica: addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, f_hud)
    1 point
  11. local arma = getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon ) dxDrawText("Arma: "..arma.. " || Pente: " ..tostring (showammo1).." / "..tostring (showammo2), x*1143, y*400, x*1195, y*82, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), x*0.9, fonte, "left", "center", false, false, true, false, false) você vai botar isso alir em arma eu criei a váriavel que é getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon) vai saber/pegar o nome da arma. alir em ..tostring (showammo1) descobre quantas balas tem e o ..tostring (showammo1) quantos pentes em x,y,z pode ta mudando as cordenadas e escolhendo Espero te lhe ajudado
    1 point
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