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[HELP] BCRP - Experienced mapper(s) required.


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Hey there, thank you for checking out this post.

I would like to begin by explaining why I'm in need of experienced and talented mappers. I have a community named Bone County Roleplay, we have been around for a month or so now and we've had about thirty players daily, we are content with our community and our player-base, however unfortunately, I am the only mapper and I feel that I'm not able to create content to a high enough standard to display within the server.

The staff team discussed that we want to move into Red County, rather than Bone County in the near future, so as I being the only mapper, took on the challenge of reforming Red County into a place in which looks pleasant and aesthetically pleasing, whilst maintaining a realistic and role-play approach.

So yes, that's pretty much it, if you're interested in assisting us, it would be greatly appreciated, you would be recognised and credited within the community as a mapper or contributer and if you decided to play, we would reward you with donation perks for helping. We have the ability to use SAMP objects in-game, as we have a resource that adds in the useful items, such as walls and door-frames.

Our forums:


I will show some screenshots of my creations below:

Sheriff's Office:




Fire Department:


General Area:


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