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[HELP] SetElementVelocity problem


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I've been struggling with this last part of a script I'm making.

Basically an object spawns, and needs to be launched forwards. However, this doesn't happen. the object just sits still.

function rustlerCreateProjectile()
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
        if getElementModel(vehicle) == 476 and rustler50calstate == 1 then
		outputChatBox ("50cal firing")
	elseif rustler20mmstate == 1 then
	    outputChatBox ("20mm cannons firing")
	elseif rustler37mmstate == 1 then 
		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
		local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(vehicle)
	    local projectile37mm = createObject (2686, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, true)
		local projectileattach = attachElements (projectile37mm, vehicle, 0, 4.3, -0.15)
		setTimer (function()
		detachElements (projectile37mm)
		end, 50, 1)
		setTimer ( function()
        setElementVelocity(projectile37mm, 0, 0, 50) --this is the part that I cannot get to work		
		--destroyElement ( projectile37mm )
		end, 50, 1 )
		outputChatBox ("37mm cannon firing")
bindKey("mouse1", "down", rustlerCreateProjectile)

What am I missing?

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You are going to want to use a Matrix for these kind of stuffs it really comes in handy and also OOP.

Here's a simple projectile constructor i made which requires you to enable OOP:

local lp = localPlayer
local speed = 1
local lifetime = 1000
local id = 2686

function createProj( veh )
	local self = {
		pos = veh.matrix:transformPosition(0, 4.3, -0.15),
		rot = veh.rotation,
		vel = veh.velocity,
	self.proj = Object( id, self.pos, self.rot )
	self.proj:setCollidableWith( veh, false )

		removeEventHandler( "onClientPreRender", root, self.move )
		self = nil

	function self.move( dt )
		self.proj:setVelocity( ((self.proj.matrix.forward*speed)+self.vel)*dt/17 )
	addEventHandler( "onClientPreRender", root, self.move )


addEventHandler( "onClientKey", root, function( k,p )
	if k == "mouse1" and p then
		if not lp.vehicle then return end
end )


  • Thanks 2
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