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I need HELP pls


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3 hours ago, ViniG said:

What can I use to make all players invisible and just what is playing visible?

Here is a command that can be used to toggle all players visibility:


--//Variable stating whether players are visible or not
local is_visible = "true"

function setPlayersVisibility(src, cmd, state)
  if (not state or state ~= "true" or state ~= "false") then
    outputChatBox("Syntax: /setplayersvisible <state>", src, 255, 0, 0)
    return false
  if (state == is_visible) then
    outputChatBox("Players visibility is already set to this value.", src, 255, 0, 0)
    return false
  for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))
    if (state == "true") then
      if (is_visible ~= "true") then
        is_visible = "true"
      setElementAlpha(player, 255)
      if (is_visible ~= "false") then
        is_visible = "false"
      setElementAlpha(player, 0)

  outputChatBox("You have changed the visibility of all players to ".. is_visible .. ".", src, 0, 255, 0)
  return true
addCommandHandler("setplayersvisible", setPlayersVisibility)


Also, if you want to make them completely invisible you could use:

setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( player thePlayer, string component, bool show )

This can be used to hide their nametag.

Edited by Pembo
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