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Permanently stopping acwebbrowser on 3Ds Max


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Not really related to anything, so getting posted here...

This is only for windows users, only tested on windows 7

First thing's first, 3Ds max users may have noticed "acwebbrowser.exe *32" taking up a lot of CPU, so I found a simple way to stop this using a batch file.

First of all try killing the process in your services, restart your PC and if it's still there then follow the below instructions.

  1. Create a batch file and paste a shortcut to it in your startup folder by pressing: Start> All Programs > Startup
  2. Next you need to write the batch file.
taskkill /im acwebbrowser.exe /f
taskkill /im acwebbrowser.exe /f
timeout /t 2
taskkill /im AutodeskDesktopApp.exe /f
taskkill /im senddmp.exe /f
timeout /t 20

I'll explain the above a bit more....  taskkill kills a task, "/im" is image name, you put the process you wish to stop after it.  "/f" tells it to force the  process to stop.

"timeout /t x " is basically telling it to set a timer to do nothing, then /t allows you to specify "x" time in seconds, I have put it there as AutodeskDesktopApp.exe sometimes doesn't load straight away.

exit is obvious, it closes the command prompt.

We kill acwebbrowser twice as it starts up again automatically, so killing twice stops it from restarting....  I am not the brightest, but ey!  It works!


So the reason I have made this incredibly simple batch is to give 3Ds max users more speed, as this process is there just to notify you of updates, and that's it...  I've heard there is other ways to stop it, but personally I think this is easiest way.  Please remember, it may cause issues, this is just something that's helped me personally and I thought I'd share it.  Oh, and to start it again just click the desktop shortcut for Autodesk Desktop App.

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