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[HELP] Changing weapons handling


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Hi guys! I'm looking for a way to change the silenced pistol and sawn-off shotgun handling, specifically I want to make the sawn-off fire two-handedly from the hip just like the pump shotgun and the silenced pistol fire and handle similar with the country rifle.

I have already edited many other weapon properties, but so far I've had no luck with this kind of changes and couldn't find any info on how to do it. Is this at least partial attainable? I tried experimenting with flags and failed, is there any undocumented flag that would do it?

I know for sure that I've seen a two-handed dual-barrel on some server at least once, but it might have been just an edited pump shotgun (this is a no go, since I need that one too).


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I'll try to elaborate a bit: I have replaced the silenced pistol with a crossbow. But my ped still holds it and shoots it like it is a pistol, generating clipping issues in ped idle stance and looking quirky when you shoot it. What I want is to hold it across the chest, like you do with the rifle and shoot it by holding it with both hands appropriately. Similar for the sawn-off.

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7 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

Did you try to set the ped an animation whenever he is not aiming with the gun?

No, I didn't, actually it never occurred to me. I naturally supposed that tampering with the animation while aiming will break aim stance, but I'll try it.


8 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said:

Are you sure it's possible the change the "holding style" of a weapon?

Unfortunately no, I'm not sure it's possible, that's what I'm trying to determine.

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Hi @Zorgman!

I've been struggling with the same problem, but I've tried something that might help you. I have not succeeded yet, and I am a scripting beginner, so take this with a grain of salt.

You can use setPedAnimation whenever a player with a silenced is shooting/aiming/walking. Specify the path to the animation table that contains the rifle's animations, and you should be golden. 

Like I said I haven't been able to successfully incorporate this in my own server yet, but maybe you will find a way to do it ;)

Good luck!

Edited by Noah_Antilles
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