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PVP Script

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I used this code for Friendlyfire, so players cant kill other players.. 

local pTeam = createTeam("Players",255,255,0) 
function sFF() 
setPlayerTeam( source, pTeam ) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), sFF) 

But i dont want friendlyfire for entire map. i want to set Las Venturas Area as PVP.. so is there anyway i can set friendlyfire on only in Las Venturas ?
i tried this 

function createTeamsOnStart ()
	teamPVP = createTeam ( "PVP", 0, 255, 255 )
	setTeamFriendlyFire ( teamPVP, false )
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createTeamsOnStart)

local randomSpawnTable =
    { 258, -2018, 22.5 },
	{ 1674, 2181, 22.8 },
	{ 2096, 1286, 10.8 },
	{ 1933, 1344, 10.8 },
	{ 2106, 1407, 24.2 },
	{ 1888, 1469, 11.4 }
function randomSpawn( thePlayer, randomSpawnTable )
    local random = math.random( 1, #randomSpawnTable )
addCommandHandler("PVP",  randomSpawn)  

but its not working..  i have to move players to PVP Team Manually from Admin panel then its working..

i want when player do /pvp he move to PVP Team and spawn in location.
Any Help Please ? :/


Edited by Shayan816
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If you want to disable friendly fire for specific players, you will need to approach it from a different direction, since if you disable with the nativa MTA function, it will be disabled for everyone else in the team. Try to use the event onClientPlayerDamage with cancelEvent, get the player's team + the zone name using getZoneName which can return Los Santos, Las Venturas, San Fierro if you pass the "cities only" argument as true. 

Edited by pa3ck
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i want to disable friendly fire for all teams/players when they go in las venturas.. or can we just disable Friendly Fire in Another Dimension ? 

so i could put a teleport to Another Dimension.. i have teleport to a las venturas in Dimension 207, so can we just disable friendly fire for dimension 207 ? 

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im trying to disable FriendlyFire for certain zone, so players can kill each other, can anyone help me ?


Pvparea = createColRectangle ( 909, 525, 2100, 2600 )
function Pvpzone ( thePlayer )
    setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 2032.6420898438, 1429.3059082031, 10.8203125 )
    outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .. " has Entered in PVP zone!" ) 
addCommandHandler ( "pvp", Pvpzone )


addEventHandler( 'onClientPlayerDamage', localPlayer,
	function( )
		if getElementData( localPlayer, 'damage' ) == 'yes' then
			cancelEvent( )

can anyone help me ? 

and im using this friendlyfire script

local pTeam = createTeam("Players",255,255,0) 
function sFF() 
setPlayerTeam( source, pTeam ) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), sFF) 


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You still don't understand what I said. If you use setTeamFriendlyFire to false, it will be disabled for every single player, no matter where they are or what color their eyes are.. That is why you should remove the player(s) from the team when they use the pvp command and that way the friendlyFire will be disabled. By the way, you have so many things going on, elementData, team, col... not sure what you essentially want.

Pvparea = createColRectangle ( 909, 525, 2100, 2600 )
function Pvpzone ( thePlayer )
  setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 2032.6420898438, 1429.3059082031, 10.8203125 )
  outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .. " has Entered in PVP zone!" )
  setPlayerTeam( thePlayer )
addCommandHandler ( "pvp", Pvpzone )

function Pvezone ( thePlayer )
  setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 2032.6420898438, 1429.3059082031, 10.8203125 ) -- change PVE position
  outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .. " has Entered in PVE zone!" )
  setPlayerTeam( thePlayer, getTeamFromName("Players") )
addCommandHandler ( "pve", Pvezone )


Edited by pa3ck
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ok i understood, i made this 

local pvpTeam = createTeam("PVP")

Pvpzone = createColRectangle ( 909, 525, 2100, 2600 )
function Pvpzone ( thePlayer )
    setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 2032.6420898438, 1429.3059082031, 10.8203125 )
    outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .. " has Entered in PVP zone!" ) 
    setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, pvpTeam )
addCommandHandler ( "pvp", Pvpzone )

so when players do /pvp they will be moved to PVP Team and they can kill each other, but problem is, when players go to pvp and die, they staying in PVP Team, but i want when players die in PVP team, they should be moved to Players Team back.. 

so i added onPlayerwasted on Friendlyfire Script..

local pTeam = createTeam("Players",255,255,0) 
function sFF() 
setPlayerTeam( source, pTeam ) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), sFF) 

function die()
setPlayerTeam( source, pTeam ) 
addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), die) 

But still Players are stuck in PVP Team, when they do /pvp i want to move them to Players Team when they get die in PVp


Edited by Shayan816
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