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[HELP] Elevator Script (car goes through object)

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Hello, I am trying to make an elevator script using an createObject, moveObject and attachElements to attach a vehicle to the object, the problem is, the vehicle goes through the object even if I add an Z offset, this is my code:

local elevatorcolshape = createColRectangle ( 1666, 1188, 30.6, 20.0 )
local elevator = createObject(3115, 1676.9, 1197.8, 24.2)
local elevatorSTATE = "techo"
function elevator1337(source,command,goto )
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount( source )
	local accname = getAccountName( playeraccount )
	local playerx,playery,playerz = getElementPosition( source )
	local elevatorx,elevatory,elevatorz = getElementPosition(elevator)
	if (accname == "knight") then
		if (goto) then
			if (goto == "piso") then
				if (elevatorSTATE ~= "piso") then
					if (isElementWithinColShape(source, elevatorcolshape ) and playerz < 20) then
						outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: NO PUEDES LLAMAR EL ELEVADOR PORQUE TE VA A APLASTAR",source,255,0,0,true )
						local isinveh = isPedInVehicle( source )
						if (isinveh) then
						elevatorSTATE = "piso"
						outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: ELEVADOR MOVIENDOSE A: "..goto,source,0,255,0,true )
						moveObject( elevator, 1000, 1676.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
						setTimer(moveObject, 1250, 1, elevator, 1000, 1685.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
						setTimer(moveObject, 2500, 1, elevator, 1000, 1685.9, 1197.8, 9.7)
						if (isinveh) then
							setTimer(detachElements,3000, 1,getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),elevator)
					outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: EL ELEVADOR YA ESTA EN: "..goto,source,255,0,0,true )

			if (goto == "techo") then
				if (elevatorSTATE ~= goto) then
						local isinveh = isPedInVehicle( source )
						if (isinveh) then
					elevatorSTATE = goto
					outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: ELEVADOR MOVIENDOSE A: "..goto,source,0,255,0,true )
					moveObject( elevator, 500, 1685.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
					setTimer(moveObject, 750, 1, elevator, 500, 1676.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
					setTimer(moveObject, 1500, 1, elevator, 500, 1676.9, 1197.8, 24.2)
					if (isinveh) then
						setTimer(detachElements,3000, 1,getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),elevator)
					outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: EL ELEVADOR YA ESTA EN: "..goto,source,255,0,0,true )
addCommandHandler("elev", elevator1337 )

I would like to know if there is a way to avoid the car going through the item and fall, thanks

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19 hours ago, Hale said:

Try using setElementFrozen instead of attaching the vehicle and object, and a short setTimer for ~500ms.

Hello, sorry for late reply, just tried using setElementFrozen, and it just freezes the vehicle and the elevator object goes through the car and goes up

20 hours ago, idarrr said:

Maybe use setElementCollisionsEnabled to disable physical interaction between vehicle and an object. 

Hello, sorry for late reply, tried this yesterday and the problem persists

Hello, I fixed it in a funny way, what I did is add a second elevator object, and made its alpha 0 (invisible) and attached it to the original elevator, it works now, I´ll leave the code for whoever needs it

local elevatorcolshape = createColRectangle ( 1666, 1188, 30.6, 20.0 )
local elevator = createObject(3115, 1676.9, 1197.8, 24.2)
local elevatorclone = createObject(3115, 1676.9, 1197.8, 24.2)
attachElements(elevatorclone,elevator )
setElementAlpha(elevatorclone, 0 )
local elevatorSTATE = "techo"
function elevator1337(source,command,goto )
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount( source )
	local accname = getAccountName( playeraccount )
	local playerx,playery,playerz = getElementPosition( source )
	local elevatorx,elevatory,elevatorz = getElementPosition(elevator)
	local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerx, playery, playerz, elevatorx,elevatory,elevatorz )
	if (accname == "knight") then
		if (goto) then
			if getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) then
				outputDebugString( distance )
				-- get the vehicle element
				local playerVehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( source )
				attachElements(playerVehicle, elevator,0,0,1)
				-- get the current freeze status
				setElementFrozen ( playerVehicle, true )
				setTimer(setElementFrozen, 1950, 1, playerVehicle,false )
				setTimer(detachElements, 1950, 1, playerVehicle,elevator )
			if (goto == "piso") then
				if (elevatorSTATE ~= "piso") then
					if (isElementWithinColShape(source, elevatorcolshape ) and playerz < 20) then
						outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: NO PUEDES LLAMAR EL ELEVADOR PORQUE TE VA A APLASTAR",source,255,0,0,true )
						-- local isinveh = isPedInVehicle( source )
						-- if (isinveh) then
						-- 	attachElements(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),elevator,0,0,15)
						-- end
						elevatorSTATE = "piso"
						outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: ELEVADOR MOVIENDOSE A: "..goto,source,0,255,0,true )
						moveObject( elevator, 500, 1676.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
						setTimer(moveObject, 750, 1, elevator, 500, 1685.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
						setTimer(moveObject, 1500, 1, elevator, 500, 1685.9, 1197.8, 9.7)
						-- if (isinveh) then
						-- 	setTimer(detachElements,3000, 1,getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),elevator)
						-- end
					outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: EL ELEVADOR YA ESTA EN: "..goto,source,255,0,0,true )

			if (goto == "techo") then
				if (elevatorSTATE ~= goto) then
						-- local isinveh = isPedInVehicle( source )
						-- if (isinveh) then
						-- 	attachElements(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),elevator,0,0,15)
						-- end
					elevatorSTATE = goto
					outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: ELEVADOR MOVIENDOSE A: "..goto,source,0,255,0,true )
					moveObject( elevator, 500, 1685.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
					setTimer(moveObject, 750, 1, elevator, 500, 1676.9, 1197.8, 18.2)
					setTimer(moveObject, 1500, 1, elevator, 500, 1676.9, 1197.8, 24.2)
					-- if (isinveh) then
					-- 	setTimer(detachElements,3000, 1,getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),elevator)
					-- end
					outputChatBox( "[BASE 1337]: EL ELEVADOR YA ESTA EN: "..goto,source,255,0,0,true )

addCommandHandler("elev", elevator1337 )

Thanks for the help guys :)

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