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[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

i have a small question

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:


[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

oh WHY

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

didnt they include punchin

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

its synced for god sakes

jacob says:

i don know but i should hack the mtaclient to syncronize it

jacob says:

you knwo what the WHOLE problem is?

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:


jacob says:

when you punch, the Animation value is 17. if they would send 16 instead of 17, it would be synced.

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:


jacob says:

fucking gay huh

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:


[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

so wait

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

if they do

jacob says:

If myanimation = 17 then myanimation = 16

i did the same thing in gta:syncd for syncronized punching

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:


[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

thats what they should do

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:


[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

fucking wtf

jacob says:


[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

for 5 versions

jacob says:


[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

they didnt know that

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:

jesus christ

jacob says:

12 if you include the gta3 version

jacob says:

which has the same problem

[soBeit] {not PLAYIN MTA} says:


jacob > mta (i had to say it, he found it out)

now i wanna hear the reasons why it wasnt synced lol...excuses excuses...

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Ok a couple of points, firstly it appears you are altering clients again, this is not acceptable.

Secondly note the screenshots show the other person taking no damage, so theres no synchronisation there. If only it were as simple as changing a number like that, we dont send anything at all when a player is punching, so im not sure where you got that idea from.

The only time you will see another player punching is when you 'missed' the weapon switch and arrive to see an unarmed player (or vice verca). The other players client syncs the fact he is attacking (with shotgun or pistol etc) so you see a punch. (which those images are mimicking, notice the other player is using a flamethrower its end)

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