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Check if string contains value from table


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I'm trying to make my login panel not allow usernames that contain specific words to register.

I want to use a table since there are many words that I want to be restricted (like swear words), but I don't know how I could do this.

restrictedusernamewords = {"badword1", "badword2", "badword3"}

for k,v in ipairs(restrictedusernamewords) do
	if string.match(usernameregister, v) then
		outputChatBox ( "Please don't include vulgar words in your username!", client )
		register the account

Right now if the username doesn't contain all the words in the table, it will output the chat message and still register the account.

I searched and couldn't find anybody using string.match or string.find with a table like this, am I trying to do this the wrong way?

Edited by UnchiuDawg
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local foundRestricted = false

for k,v in ipairs(restrictedusernamewords) do
	if string.match(usernameregister, v) then
		outputChatBox ( "Please don't include vulgar words in your username!", client )
		foundRestricted = true
if not foundRestricted then
	-- Do register


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