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sending request to the server !!!!


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Hello guys at first i have a roleplay server

the problem: when i enter my  server and type user , pass  i see sending request to the server and nothing happen then



and i see that errors in log:

[2017-04-15 21:24:39] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global 'mysql_escape_string' (a nil value)

[2017-04-15 21:24:39] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global 'mysql_escape_string' (a nil value)

[2017-04-15 21:24:39] ERROR: account/login-panel/server.lua:32: call: failed to call 'mysql:escape_string' [string "?"]

[2017-04-15 21:24:39] ERROR: account/login-panel/server.lua:32: attempt to concatenate a boolean value

[2017-04-15 21:27:22] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

script of the files that have errors:


CODE REMOVED BY Solidsnake14

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