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Is it possible?


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Well sure, You will need the functions;

dxCreateRenderTarget, dxDrawRext, dxSetRenderTarget, dxDrawImage3D.

It won't be that hard if you can script.

You simply need to create a render target then create a text inside that render target using dxDrawText and dxSetRenderTarget and then you can draw the texture of this render target as a 3D image on the car.

I can give a short example if you are not familiar with those functions.

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Actually i am not familiar with scripting that well, if you could help me with a PM having some tips and the script if you can <3 It would be great help buddy.

and i want the tag to be saved to the car even if the car respawns if it's possible buddy!

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Well, if you were familiar with those functions then a small example could help you, but since you are not then this is going to take some time and I actually don't have free time now to write a whole script but I'll make sure to help you tomorrow on my free time.

So keep me updated about this issue.

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local modelNames = {
	[402] = "Nissan 240SX", 
	[529] = "529",
	[420] = "420",
	[550] = "550",
	[546] = "546",
	[540] = "540",
	[580] = "580",
	[527] = "Honda Civic Si",
	[587] = "Nissan Silvia S14",
	[436] = "Nissan Silvia S15",
	[426] = "BMW E39",
	--[526] = "BMW E34",
	[401] = "Nissan Skyline R34",
	[559] = "Toyota Supra",
	[562] = "BMW E36 M3",
	[477] = "Mazda RX7",
	[480] = "Porsche 911",
	[533] = "Honda S2000",
	[517] = "Toyota Celica",
	[405] = "Toyota Chaser Tourer V",
	[560] = "Subaru Impreza",
	[526] = "Audi S1 Quattro",
	[600] = "Audi S4"

function getVehicleNameFromModel(model)
	if not model then
		return false
	if not modelNames[model] then
		return "Nav zināms:" .. model
	return modelNames[model]

function getAllVehiclesModels()
	local models = {}
	for k,_ in pairs(modelNames) do
		table.insert(models, tonumber(k))
	return models

this one is for the names

and this one is for drawing:


addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, 
		if not drawingName then
		offsetY = offsetY + (offsetTargetY - offsetY) * 0.15
		local y = screenHeight - height + offsetY
		local h = screenHeight + offsetY
		      local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
		local vehids = getElementData(getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ),"handlingType")
		dxDrawText(""..drawingName, 3, y + 3, screenWidth + 3, h + 3, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 170), 3, "default-bold", "center", "center",false,false,false,true)
		dxDrawText(""..drawingName, 0, y, screenWidth, h, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 3, "default-bold", "center", "center",false,false,false,true)

		if drawingOwner then
			local ownerOffset = dxGetFontHeight(3, "default-bold")
			y = y + ownerOffset
			h = h + ownerOffset
			dxDrawText(drawingOwner, 0, y, screenWidth, h, tocolor(48, 113, 138), 2, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)

local function hide()
	drawingName = false

local function startHiding()
	offsetTargetY = height
	setTimer(hide, 1000, 1)

addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", root,
		if player ~= localPlayer then
		drawingName = getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(source))
		local ownerName = getElementData(source, "tws-ownerName")
		if ownerName then
			drawingOwner = "" .. tostring(drawingName)
			drawingOwner = false
		offsetY = height
		offsetTargetY = 0

		setTimer(startHiding, 4000, 1)


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16 hours ago, SuperCroz said:

@Daniels69 Well, I'd rather understand what the main issue here before posting some random script.

The guy wants to draw a text on the vehicle which exists on the 3D world, not to create custom vehicle names for certain vehicles.

Thats actually what i mean, if somebody can help me and thank you for your time @Daniels69 but it's not what i need :/

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I want to do /maketext and it shows a normal TEXT, normal text like "Hey sup" on the car

I want it to be shown on the top of the car or on the back, floating in the air, not a texture or shaders or anything, just a normal TEXT, anybody know how to do it?

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Ohh, just in the air?

For the server side. Later on, you can use the customNames table to set their custom name back after respawn.

customNames = {}

addCommandHandler("customname", function(thePlayer, cmdName, customName)
	local cVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer)
	setElementData(cVeh, "customName", customName)
	customNames[cVeh] = customName

For the client side.

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function()
	local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
	for i, k in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do
		if getElementData(k, "customName") then
			local cX, cY, cZ = getElementPosition(k)
			if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cX, cY, cZ, pX, pY, pZ) <= 20 then
				if isLineOfSightClear(cX, cY, cZ+1, pX, pY, pZ+1) then
				local cX, cY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(cX, cY, cZ+1)
				if cX and cY then
					dxDrawText(getElementData(k, "customName"), cX, cY)

This one should work just fine. Not tested tho. Give me a feedback of it. Still working on the texture one.

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