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Help to get internal.db informations

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Hello, so i have this script that gets the rank / experience from the player, and save in another database, to backup the rank/exp, because we need to reset the accounts, as it has more than 6000 accounts and its lagging because of this, and i want to know how to connect to the internal.db and get the informations, the function to get the information: rank, experience from internal.db ?


The script:

local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "backupexprank.db")
local qh = dbQuery( dbConnection,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts (nomeconta text,patente text,experiencia text)")
dbFree( qh )

function saveStat(sourcePlayer)
    local account = getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)
    local nomeconta = getAccountName(account)
    local patente = getAccountData(account, "rank")
    local experiencia = getPlayerIP(account, "experience")
    local qh = dbQuery( dbConnection, "SELECT * FROM accounts where nomeconta=?",nomeconta)
    local res = dbPoll(qh,-1) 
    dbFree( qh )
    if #res > 0 then
    dbExec( dbConnection, "UPDATE accounts SET experiencia=? where nomeconta=? ", experiencia,nomeconta )
    dbExec( dbConnection, "UPDATE accounts SET patente=? where nomeconta=? ", patente,nomeconta )
	outputChatBox ( "Saved account " .. nomeconta .. " with the rank " .. patente .. " with the exp at" .. experiencia ..)
    dbExec(dbConnection, "INSERT INTO accounts VALUES(?, ?, ?)", nomeconta, patente, experiencia)
	outputChatBox ( "Saved account " .. nomeconta .. " with the rank " .. patente .. " with the exp at" .. experiencia ..)
addCommandHandler("savestats", saveStat)


Ty !!!

Edited by Gabriel1375
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No, that's not what i'm saying, i want that THE SCRIPT connect to the database and get the information, and store it to a variable, the information RANK and EXP, because we need to reset the server and want to make and /save command, to save the stats and restore it after the database resetting, we can't do it manually, as we have more than 6000 accounts...

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15 hours ago, Gabriel1375 said:

No, that's not what i'm saying, i want that THE SCRIPT connect to the database and get the information, and store it to a variable, the information RANK and EXP, because we need to reset the server and want to make and /save command, to save the stats and restore it after the database resetting, we can't do it manually, as we have more than 6000 accounts...

wait i will give you how to do that


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