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I've sent a lot of msg to MTA team but don't answer so I decided post this because I lost my last acc, I am Varus and I've got banned 2 days ago, can someone tell me how much time am I banned? As I said, we already fix all this conflict with Karts and I sent him proofs that about everything, can someone tell me? And also is there any method to appeal the ban? ._.

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On ‎20‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 16:38, Zaganelly said:

I've sent a lot of msg to MTA team but don't answer so I decided post this because I lost my last acc, I am Varus and I've got banned 2 days ago, can someone tell me how much time am I banned? As I said, we already fix all this conflict with Karts and I sent him proofs that about everything, can someone tell me? And also is there any method to appeal the ban? ._.

Pobre, está desesperado porque le quitaron lo único de vida que tenía, un juego de internet xddd.
Eso te pasa por andar tumbando servidores, ahora te jodes.


Ve reuniendo para comprarte otra PC con el dinero que te vayan dando tus papis... Ah, cierto, los mataste. xdd :lol: 


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