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Little question about tiling a texture with a shader


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Hello! I managed to create a little shader which applies a texture over a existing vehicle texture. The only issue i have is the fact, that i want this texture to be applied multiple times to the vehicle in a row, lets say for example 4-8x tiling, since its a detail texture.

Also, is there a way to manipulate the alpha of the sDetailTexture so i can manipulate its strength with Lua?

Shader code:

texture sDetailTexture;

sampler SamplerDetail = sampler_state
    Texture = (sDetailTexture);
	AddressU = Clamp;
	AddressV = Clamp;

technique simple
    pass P0
        Texture[0] = sDetailTexture;
		AlphaBlendEnable = TRUE;
		DepthBias = -0.0003;
		AlphaRef = 1;


Edited by Einheit-101
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Its only one texture Layer that should be Tiled several times. My goal is to reduce texture size because its more efficient to use 4x 512x512 texture instead of 1x 2048x2048. And after all I want to set the alpha of that texture to make the effect less strong, it's basically a single dirt texture that gets more dirty after some seconds.

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