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Custom wheel


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Hello everyone!

I tried to make custom wheels to vehicles (like tuning element) but i have some problems with code.

When the wheel camber angle is not default, the wheel get not good rotations.


local createdCustomWheels = {}

bindKey("f2", "down",
		local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
		if vehicle then
			addCustomWheel(vehicle, 1075, "front")

addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root,
		for vehicle, value in pairs(createdCustomWheels) do
			if vehicle and isElement(vehicle) and isElementStreamedIn(vehicle) then
				local vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = getElementPosition(vehicle)

				if value["wheel_lf_dummy"] then
					local componentX, componentY, componentZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy")
					local componentRX, componentRY, componentRZ = getVehicleComponentRotation(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy")

					attachElements(value["wheel_lf_dummy"], vehicle, componentX, componentY, componentZ, componentRX, -15 + componentRY, componentRZ)
				if value["wheel_rf_dummy"] then
					local componentX, componentY, componentZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy")
					local componentRX, componentRY, componentRZ = getVehicleComponentRotation(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy")
					attachElements(value["wheel_rf_dummy"], vehicle, componentX, componentY, componentZ, componentRX, -15 + componentRY, componentRZ)

function addCustomWheel(vehicle, wheelId, side)
	if vehicle and wheelId and side then
		local vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = getElementPosition(vehicle)
		if side == "front" then
			local lfX, lfY, lfZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy")
			local rfX, rfY, rfZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy")
			setVehicleComponentVisible(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy", false)
			setVehicleComponentVisible(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy", false)
			createdCustomWheels[vehicle] = {}
			createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"] = createObject(wheelId, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ)
			createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"] = createObject(wheelId, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ)
			setElementCollidableWith(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"], vehicle, false)
			setElementCollidableWith(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"], vehicle, false)
			setObjectScale(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"], 0.7)
			setObjectScale(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"], 0.7)
			attachElements(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"], vehicle, lfX, lfY, lfZ, 0, 0, 0)
			attachElements(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"], vehicle, rfX, rfY, rfZ, 0, 0, 0)


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Alright, I managed to figure it out for you. I also included the OOP version.

So, I found out attachElements doesn't have the custom order parameter which allows you to set the order of the rotation. The expected rotation order would be ZYX, in OOP this is not the case however. I am not entirely sure why this is, it might be because of some simple rule but I just don't realize it right now... maybe it's written somewhere in the depths of the Wiki, but I cba to find it right now.

I changed some of the parameters for the addVehicleCustomWheel function to allow tilt and scale upon call. I also added a command /customwheels so you can try it out by typing /customwheels [tilt] [scale]

Anyway, have fun, either one works, whichever you like the best.

I also cleaned up and commented the code just because people might be interested in this, so it's better if this is cleaned up for future reference.

For you specifically, the fix would be to look into the calculateVehicleWheelRotation function, which shows how I've attached the custom wheel to the vehicle. Those contents should replace your attachElements, because attachElements doesn't work, you have to attach manually with position and rotation...


-- Table containing vehicles that have custom wheels
local createdCustomWheels = { }

--[[ /customwheels [ number tilt, number scale ]
	 Adds custom wheels to your currently occupied vehicle and optionally applies a tilt angle and wheel scale. ]]
addCommandHandler( 'customwheels',
	function( _, tilt, scale )
		-- Let's get our vehicle
		local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer )

		-- Oh, we have a vehicle!
		if ( vehicle ) then
			-- Let's give it a wheel now
			addVehicleCustomWheel( vehicle, 1075, tilt, scale )

-- Let's bind that command to F2 as requested by OP
bindKey( 'f2', 'down', 'customwheels' )

--[[ void addVehicleCustomWheel ( vehicle vehicle, number model [ , number tilt, number scale ] )
	 Adds custom wheels to the vehicle. ]]
function addVehicleCustomWheel( vehicle, model, tilt, scale )
	-- If we've given the object's model number
	if ( tonumber( model ) ) then
		-- Let's delete any old ones
		for _, wheel in pairs( createdCustomWheels[ vehicle ] or { } ) do
			destroyElement( wheel.object )

		-- And let's nil it to be clear
		createdCustomWheels[ vehicle ] = nil

		-- Let's set some component names we want to customize
		local wheels = { 'wheel_lf_dummy', 'wheel_rf_dummy' }

		-- Let's iterate through those components
		for i = 1, #wheels do
			-- Let's hide the existing component
			setVehicleComponentVisible( vehicle, wheels[ i ], false )

			-- Initialize our wheel table
			local wheel = {
				tilt = tonumber( tilt ) or 0, -- We'll default a non-number tilt angle to 0
				name = wheels[ i ], -- Let's store the component name
				object = createObject( model, Vector3( ) ) -- Let's make a new wheel object

			-- Let's set the vehicle as the wheel object's parent
			setElementParent( wheel.object, vehicle )

			-- Let's make sure the wheel is not colliding with the vehicle
			setElementCollidableWith( wheel.object, vehicle, false )

			-- Let's change the scale
			setObjectScale( wheel.object, tonumber( scale ) or 0.7 )

			-- Let's update that original table
			wheels[ i ] = wheel

		-- And let's store all of those wheels now
		createdCustomWheels[ vehicle ] = wheels

--[[ void calculateVehicleWheelRotation ( vehicle vehicle, table wheel )
	 Let's calculate the wheel rotation for given wheel(s). ]]
function calculateVehicleWheelRotation( vehicle, wheel )
	-- If we have many wheels in the given argument
	if ( type( wheel ) == 'table' ) and ( #wheel > 0 ) then
		-- Let's iterate through them all
		for i = 1, #wheel do
			-- Let's call the method alone with just the iterator
			calculateVehicleWheelRotation( vehicle, wheel[ i ] )

		-- Let's stop here now

	-- If we have an object
	if ( wheel.object ) then
		-- Let's get the rotation vector of the original component
		local rotation = Vector3( getVehicleComponentRotation( vehicle, wheel.name, 'world' ) )

		-- Let's set our tilt angle
		rotation.y = wheel.tilt

		-- Let's make sure the wheel is at the original component's position
		setElementPosition( wheel.object, Vector3( getVehicleComponentPosition( vehicle, wheel.name, 'world' ) ) )

		-- Let's finally set the rotation (in ZYX order, important!)
		setElementRotation( wheel.object, rotation, "ZYX" )

-- Render-time!
addEventHandler( 'onClientPreRender', root,
	function( )
		-- Let's iterate through all the vehicles
		for vehicle, wheels in pairs( createdCustomWheels ) do
			-- If we have a vehicle, it's streamed in and it has wheels
			if ( vehicle ) and ( isElementStreamedIn( vehicle ) ) and ( #wheels > 0 ) then
				-- Let's calculate wheel rotation!
				calculateVehicleWheelRotation( vehicle, wheels )

Client-side (OOP)

-- Table containing vehicles that have custom wheels
local createdCustomWheels = { }

--[[ /customwheels [ number tilt, number scale ]
	 Adds custom wheels to your currently occupied vehicle and optionally applies a tilt angle and wheel scale. ]]
addCommandHandler( 'customwheels',
	function( _, tilt, scale )
		-- Let's get our vehicle
		local vehicle = localPlayer:getOccupiedVehicle( )

		-- Oh, we have a vehicle!
		if ( vehicle ) then
			-- Let's give it a wheel now
			vehicle:addCustomWheel( 1075, tilt, scale )

-- Let's bind that command to F2 as requested by OP
bindKey( 'f2', 'down', 'customwheels' )

--[[ void Vehicle:addCustomWheel ( number model [ , number tilt, number scale ] )
	 Adds custom wheels to the vehicle. ]]
function Vehicle:addCustomWheel( model, tilt, scale )
	-- If we've given the object's model number
	if ( tonumber( model ) ) then
		-- Let's delete any old ones
		for _, wheel in pairs( createdCustomWheels[ self ] or { } ) do
			wheel.object:destroy( )

		-- And let's nil it to be clear
		createdCustomWheels[ self ] = nil

		-- Let's set some component names we want to customize
		local wheels = { 'wheel_lf_dummy', 'wheel_rf_dummy' }

		-- Let's iterate through those components
		for i = 1, #wheels do
			-- Let's hide the existing component
			self:setComponentVisible( wheels[ i ], false )

			-- Initialize our wheel table
			local wheel = {
				tilt = tonumber( tilt ) or 0, -- We'll default a non-number tilt angle to 0
				name = wheels[ i ], -- Let's store the component name
				object = Object( model, Vector3( ) ) -- Let's make a new wheel object

			-- Let's set the vehicle as the wheel object's parent
			wheel.object:setParent( self )

			-- Let's make sure the wheel is not colliding with the vehicle
			wheel.object:setCollidableWith( self, false )

			-- Let's change the scale
			wheel.object:setScale( tonumber( scale ) or 0.7 )

			-- Let's update that original table
			wheels[ i ] = wheel

		-- And let's store all of those wheels now
		createdCustomWheels[ self ] = wheels

--[[ void Vehicle:calculateWheelRotation ( table wheel )
	 Let's calculate the wheel rotation for given wheel(s). ]]
function Vehicle:calculateWheelRotation( wheel )
	-- If we have many wheels in the given argument
	if ( type( wheel ) == 'table' ) and ( #wheel > 0 ) then
		-- Let's iterate through them all
		for i = 1, #wheel do
			-- Let's call the method alone with just the iterator
			self:calculateWheelRotation( wheel[ i ] )

		-- Let's stop here now

	-- If we have an object
	if ( wheel.object ) then
		-- Let's get the rotation vector of the original component
		local rotation = Vector3( self:getComponentRotation( wheel.name, 'world' ) )

		-- Let's set our tilt angle
		rotation.y = wheel.tilt

		-- Let's make sure the wheel is at the original component's position
		wheel.object:setPosition( self:getComponentPosition( wheel.name, 'world' ) )

		-- Let's finally set the rotation
		wheel.object:setRotation( rotation )

-- Render-time!
addEventHandler( 'onClientPreRender', root,
	function( )
		-- Let's iterate through all the vehicles
		for vehicle, wheels in pairs( createdCustomWheels ) do
			-- If we have a vehicle, it's streamed in and it has wheels
			if ( vehicle ) and ( vehicle:isStreamedIn( ) ) and ( #wheels > 0 ) then
				-- Let's calculate wheel rotation!
				vehicle:calculateWheelRotation( wheels )


Edited by myonlake
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