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Problem in Client


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Hi all, several weeks ago I was trying to solve a problem which i can not find solution. I've tried everything and nothing has worked. I need something to check if the user account is banner from the arena, and this code does not work ... Any help?
All the code is in client side.

The part of the function who call the checker:

if checkArenaBan(getAccountNamePlayer(_local), getElementID(arena.Element)) then
	addNotification("Usted está prohibido en esta arena.", "error")

The checker:

function checkArenaBan(account, arena)
	local banlist = xmlLoadFile("arenas/acl/banlist.xml")
	for i, m in ipairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(banlist)) do
		if xmlNodeGetAttribute(m, "account") == account and xmlNodeGetAttribute(m, "arena") == arena then
			return true
			return false


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if everything is clientside it might be cheeky because players can edit xml files when it's added on clientside. this is prolly the source of the issue because you might be trying to reach a server xml file on clientside and it naturally cannot reach the file. try serverside

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10 minutes ago, Adolfram said:

if everything is clientside it might be cheeky because players can edit xml files when it's added on clientside. this is prolly the source of the issue because you might be trying to reach a server xml file on clientside and it naturally cannot reach the file. try serverside

Oh right, thank you, but i have a question, how can i use a function from serverside to clientside with a return value, like true or false?

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you'll use arguments, it's all well explained on wiki. takes some time to understand though.

here are related wiki links:




it's like passing arguments to a function. pretty handy stuff really

you'll use arguments, it's all well explained on wiki. takes some time to understand though.

here are related wiki links:




it's like passing arguments to a function. pretty handy stuff really.


here's an example for you:



addEvent ("myEvent"); --add your event
addEventHandler ("myEvent", root, --and its handler
  	function (data) --argument of your data
		outputChatBox (tostring (data)); --execute


triggerServerEvent ("myEvent", resourceRoot, "My name is Jeff"); --this triggers "myEvent" event added on serverside and outputs "My name is Jeff" on serverside


Edited by Adolfram
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18 hours ago, Adolfram said:

you'll use arguments, it's all well explained on wiki. takes some time to understand though.

here are related wiki links:




it's like passing arguments to a function. pretty handy stuff really

you'll use arguments, it's all well explained on wiki. takes some time to understand though.

here are related wiki links:




it's like passing arguments to a function. pretty handy stuff really.


here's an example for you:



addEvent ("myEvent"); --add your event
addEventHandler ("myEvent", root, --and its handler
  	function (data) --argument of your data
		outputChatBox (tostring (data)); --execute


triggerServerEvent ("myEvent", resourceRoot, "My name is Jeff"); --this triggers "myEvent" event added on serverside and outputs "My name is Jeff" on serverside


Thanks dude, now I understand. I was wondering if you have Skype so I can help with this problem, because I understood but not how to do it, you can help by Skype?

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