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salary system help


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--salary system

local salario2 = 1000
local salario3 = 1000
local salario4 = 1000
local salario5 = 1000

function salario()
setTimer(salario2, 1000, 1)
setTimer(salario3, 1000, 1)
setTimer(salario4, 1000, 1)
setTimer(salario5, 1000, 1)
setTimer(reset, 1000, 1)

addCommandHandler("salario", aktu)

function aktu ()
local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount( thePlayer ) )
 if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accountName, aclGetGroup ( "PMSP2" ) ) then
givePlayerMoney(source, salario2)
setPlayerMoney(root, 2000)

--function salario2(p)
--if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup("PMSP2")) then -- 
--givePlayerMoney(source, salario2)
--givePlayerMoney ( source, 30000 )
--setPlayerMoney(source, 2000)

function salario3(p)
if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup("BOPE2")) then -- 
givePlayerMoney(source, salario3)

function salario4(p)
if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup("ROTA2")) then -- 
givePlayerMoney(source, salario4)

function salario5(p)
if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup("NARCOS2")) then -- 
givePlayerMoney(source, salario5)

function reset()
setTimer(salario, 5000, 1) -- return the new start

I wish someone help me if I am again making a salary system for acl and time

if puderen help me and I am grateful tanbem help many who need Fates basic script

Edited by rogerioexper
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Use debugscript and it will tell you in detail what's wrong with the script. But from what I can spot, p is never defined and as such will return a null reference - resulting in errors.

Another issue is that you're trying to call the variable as opposed to the function in your timers. For example;

setTimer(salario3, 1000, 1) -- Variable
setTimer(salario3(), 1000, 1) -- Function

I would also recommend that you do not use the same name for variables and functions to keep things clean and not confuse yourself or others. :)


I don't think any of your code is actually executed unless you left some code out. These functions, salario() and reset() are never triggered. You'll want to use an event such as onResourceStart for this.

Edited by Dealman
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A better implementation to this would be with tables:

-- Define ACLs' salary
local acl2salary = {
    -- ["ACL NAME"] = salary,
    ["PMSP2"] = 2000,
    ["BOPE2"] = 1000,
    ["ROTA2"] = 1000,
    ["NARCOS2"] = 1000

function giveSalaries ()
    -- Loop throught all the previously defined ACLs
    for aclName, salary in pairs ( acl2salary ) do
        -- Loop throught all the ACL's objects
        for index, objectName in pairs ( aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( aclName ) ) ) do
            -- Check if the object is an account (and if it is, check if the account exists)
            if ( objectName:find ( "^user." ) and getAccount ( (objectName:gsub ( "^user.", "" )) ) ) then
                -- Try to get a player from his account name
                local player = getAccountPlayer ( getAccount ( (objectName:gsub ( "^user.", "" )) ) )
                -- Make sure we've found a player
                if ( player ) then
                    -- Give him the money
                    givePlayerMoney ( player, salary )
                    outputChatBox ( "SALARY: You received $" .. salary .. "!", player )

-- Repeat every 5 seconds infinite times
setTimer ( giveSalaries, 5000, 0 )

Untested, but it should work.

Edited by znext
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Ah, znext beat me to it. I've written an example as well, I haven't tested it either but it should work. :)

local group1Salary = 1000
local group2Salary = 2000
local group3Salary = 3000
local group4Salary = 4000
local group5Salary = 5000

local salaryTimer = nil -- If we store the timer we can easily access it later

function Initialize()
	salaryTimer = setTimer(function()
		local allPlayers = getElementsByType("player") -- Get all the current player elements, and store them in a local variable
		for key, thePlayer in ipairs(allPlayers) do -- Loop through all the player elements, and store them in the temporary variable thePlayer
			if(isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Group1"))) then
				givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, group1Salary)
				outputChatBox("You've received a salary of $"..tostring(group1Salary).."!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
			elseif(isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Group2"))) then
				givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, group2Salary)
				outputChatBox("You've received a salary of $"..tostring(group2Salary).."!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
			elseif(isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Group3"))) then
				givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, group3Salary)
				outputChatBox("You've received a salary of $"..tostring(group3Salary).."!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
			elseif(isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Group4"))) then
				givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, group4Salary)
				outputChatBox("You've received a salary of $"..tostring(group4Salary).."!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
			elseif(isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Group5"))) then
				givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, group5Salary)
				outputChatBox("You've received a salary of $"..tostring(group5Salary).."!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
	end, 10000, 0) -- This timer will trigger the included function every 10 seconds for an infinite amount of times
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, Initialize) -- Run this function when this resource is started


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