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[SOLVED] triggerClientEvent -> GUI


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Ok, so ... I will try to explain everything correctly.

I try to make a GUI visible by a server script and ... For some reason does that I don't know for the moment everyone see this GUI ... But I just wanna that the source of the server side can see the GUI. You understand ?

function seegui(source) 
triggerClientEvent("achatarmesgui",root, source) 
addCommandHandler("seegui", seegui) 

prixarmes = { 
neufmm = {1500,22}, 
tecneuf = {4000,30}, 
deagle = {3000,24}, 
ak = {7000,32}, 
shotgun = {5500,25}, 
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() 
achatarmess = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 608) / 2, (screenH - 347) / 2, 608, 347, "Achat armes", false) 
guiWindowSetSizable(achatarmess, false) 
guiSetVisible ( achatarmess, false ) 
eaglei = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 171, 95, 95, "deserteagle.png", false, achatarmess) 
neufi = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 48, 95, 95, "9mm.png", false, achatarmess) 
teci = guiCreateStaticImage(142, 52, 95, 95, "tec9.png", false, achatarmess) 
shotguni = guiCreateStaticImage(261, 52, 95, 95, "shotgun.png", false, achatarmess) 
aki = guiCreateStaticImage(405, 56, 95, 95, "ak47.png", false, achatarmess) 
achatarmeslabel1 = guiCreateLabel(20, 143, 75, 17, prixarmes.neufmm[1], false, achatarmess) 
achatarmeslabel2 = guiCreateLabel(152, 143, 75, 17, prixarmes.tecneuf[1], false, achatarmess) 
achatarmeslabel3 = guiCreateLabel(20, 276, 75, 17, prixarmes.deagle[1], false, achatarmess) 
achatarmeslabel4 = guiCreateLabel(271, 143, 75, 17, prixarmes.shotgun[1], false, achatarmess) 
achatarmeslabel5 = guiCreateLabel(419, 143, 75, 17, prixarmes.ak[1], false, achatarmess) 
buttonclose = guiCreateButton(569, 23, 29, 25, "X", false, achatarmess) 
addEvent("achatarmesgui", true) 
function achatarmes() 
guiSetVisible(achatarmess, true) 
addEventHandler("achatarmesgui", root,achatarmes) 

So ... Could someone explain me ? Please :D

Edited by Guest
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When you trigger the event, by triggering it to 'root' you trigger it to every element in the game. This is why everybody is seeing it and it may also cause lag.

Also when you add the event handler you also put 'root'. Basically what I am saying is by using 'root' that triggers it for everyone.

Instead of 'root', try using 'source' in serverside and getLocalPlayer() clientside. This should prevent everybody seeing your GUI and only the person who types /seegui will see it.

You're welcome.

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