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Using tables with if statement


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Hello, I'm a newbie scripter and I'm trying to script somethings for fun. I have a private scripting server. I have an accesspanel gui, there are some dev. access codes(passwords) to login as a scripter. Is is possible to use allow some poeple login with their own codes?

First one checks if the code which is in the editbox is exists or not. As you see if it does, the person will be able to click the button.

function devenable() 
local acscodes = {"1234", "1231"} 
if guiGetText(accesscode.edit) == acscodes then -- Checks if the code is valid or not. 
guiSetEnabled(connect.button, true) 
guiSetEnabled(connect.button, false) 
setTimer(devenable, 1000,0) 
function devaccess() 
if guiGetEnabled(connect.button,true) then 
guiSetVisible(ServAccess.window, false) 
if guiGetText(accesscode.edit) == acscodes[1] then 
outputChatBox("Hello, Egekan. Developer Mode is enabled!", 0, 200, 0) 
elseif guiGetText(accesscode.edit) == acscodes[2] then 
outputChatBox("Hello, AnyPerson. Developer Mode is enabled!", 0, 200, 0) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", connect.button, devaccess) 

it's fine if I use this one instead, which means the script is good enough :lol::lol:

local acscodes = 1234 

Thank you for helping

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use this:

local acscodes = {"1234", "1231"} 
local passwordEntred = guiGetText(accesscode.edit) 
if  passwordEntred ~= "" then 
    for _,password in pairs (acscodes) do 
        if passwordEntred == password then  
            -- your code here 

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