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getCameraMatrix( player ) problem on serverside


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function getCameraMatrixPosition(player) 
local camx, camy, camz, tarx, tary, tarz = getCameraMatrix(player) 
outputChatBox(camx..", "..camy..", "..camz..", "..tarx..", "..tary..", "..tarz, player) 
addCommandHandler("matrix", getCameraMatrixPosition) 

I need to use getCameraMatrix on server side due to some reasons but it just won't work.

it gives an error : attempt to concatenate 'tarz' a nil value, in line 4.

Any help?

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My guess on why it returns nil is probably because you have to set the camera matrix first before getting it (this applies for server-side only):

Note: The server-side version of this function returns the last camera matrix that was set by the server, and thus does not necessarily indicate the current matrix of the camera (since it may have been changed client-side).
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You can use it serverside.

You can use the synchronization of mta. (which doesn't always works dual the data reduction and optimization)

Or you use trigger events to request the data. (which has of course a delay, PING, because it isn't streamed)

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