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GOURANGA Comics- MTA related online comic book


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I would like to start comics, im good with photoshop, and im very creative. Just one thing, how did you get them pose's? they where well done.

example: when the chopper flew down, and they held there arms by there faces....

Please explain....

BTW, to all the actors that helped you. Good job to them too, they done well.

I would not mind helping you make a new one if you wish :)

Edited by Guest
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well, most of the poses you see in the comic are just regular animations caught at the right moment and correct angle angle using camhack. i had about 5 gigs of bmp files on my drive when i made this comic, I leaned on the f12 button in mta all the time. I used about 1 pic in 20 attempts at each pose.

the pic of them with their arms up is their upper half when jumping into a wall.

I did however cheat in 1 shot where the guy in the pinstripe suit is gripping the heli while escaping the sailers. I cut off his arm and repositioned it. I felt dirty after doing it, cause that was the only one I manipulated like that, but it was the only way.

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well, most of the poses you see in the comic are just regular animations caught at the right moment and correct angle angle using camhack. i had about 5 gigs of bmp files on my drive when i made this comic, I leaned on the f12 button in mta all the time. I used about 1 pic in 20 attempts at each pose.

the pic of them with their arms up is their upper half when jumping into a wall.

I did however cheat in 1 shot where the guy in the pinstripe suit is gripping the heli while escaping the sailers. I cut off his arm and repositioned it. I felt dirty after doing it, cause that was the only one I manipulated like that, but it was the only way.

Good job anyways, ive sent u a PM.

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truth is that I'm not planning on making one untill after I get some real life stuff sorted out. I can't devote a lot of effort into a monthly comic or anything. Will there be another? probably. soon? no.

I can help, we can. I'm pretty young and all, and just got alot of my school projects done, so I should be open for some freetime taking screenshots and such.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems erorr's webhost died and the second half of my GTA3 comic "Dodo Duel" has disappeared. If anyone has a reliable LASTING host and has some extra space, I would really appreciate some hosting so people can once again view the exciting conclusion :wink:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


ISSUE 3: Gangwar.

A mini-comic about a how a small robbery could turn into an all out gangwar. Could this be the reason for all the fighting in Shoreside Vale?

just a really short comic, done out of idle boredom and a night of work.


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