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[HELP]About Turfs System


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local isRender = false

local renderData = nil

local removeIfNotText = 0

addEvent ( "NGTurfs:onClientEnterTurfArea", true )

addEventHandler ( "NGTurfs:onClientEnterTurfArea", root, function ( info )

renderData = info

if ( not render ) then

addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onClientRender )

render = true


end )

addEvent ( "NGTurfs:onClientExitTurfArea", true )

addEventHandler ( "NGTurfs:onClientExitTurfArea", root, function ( )

isRender = false

renderData = nil

end )

addEvent ( "NGTurfs:upadateClientInfo", true )

addEventHandler ( "NGTurfs:upadateClientInfo", root, function ( data )

renderData = data

if ( not render ) then

addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onClientRender )

render = true


end )

local _sx, _sy = guiGetScreenSize ( )

local sx, sy = _sx/1280, _sy/720

local attackersProgWidth = 0

local defenderProgWidth = 100

function onClientRender ( )

if ( not render or not renderData ) then

render = false

renderData = nil

return removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onClientRender )


local data = renderData

if ( not data.attackers ) then

if ( removeIfNotText and removeIfNotText > 20 ) then

render = false

removeIfNotText = 0



removeIfNotText = removeIfNotText + 1



local mode = "prep"

if ( data.prepProg == 0 and data.attackProg > 0 ) then

mode = "attack"


if ( mode == "prep" ) then

ownerProg = 100 - data.prepProg

attackProg = data.prepProg


ownerProg = 100 - data.attackProg

attackProg = data.attackProg


local progWidth = 230

dxDrawRectangle ( sx*970, sy*520, sx*280, sy*145, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) )

dxDrawText ( "Turf War Progress", sx*970, sy*520, sx*1250, sy*720, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), (sx/sy)*2, "default-bold", "center" )

dxDrawLine ( sx*980, sy*555, sx*1240, sy*555 )

dxDrawRectangle ( sx*990, sy*570, sx*240, sy*30, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) )

dxDrawRectangle ( sx*995, sy*575, sx*((ownerProg*0.01)*progWidth), sy*20, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) )

dxDrawText ( tostring ( data.owner ).." - "..ownerProg.."%", sx*990, sy*570, sx*1230, sy*600, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), (sx/sy)*1.2, "default-bold", "center", "center" )

dxDrawRectangle ( sx*990, sy*620, sx*240, sy*30, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) )

dxDrawRectangle ( sx*995, sy*625, sx*((attackProg*0.01)*progWidth), sy*20, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) )

dxDrawText ( tostring ( data.attackers ).." - "..attackProg.."%", sx*990, sy*620, sx*1230, sy*650, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), (sx/sy)*1.2, "default-bold", "center", "center" )


local _setElementData = setElementData

function setElementData ( element, group, value )

return _setElementData ( element, group, value, true )


local turfLocs = { }

function createTurf ( x, y, z, width, height, owner, forcedId )

local owner = tostring ( owner or "server" )

local r, g, b = exports.NGGroups:getGroupColor ( owner )

if not r then r = 255 end

if not g then g = 255 end

if not b then b = 255 end

if ( owner == "server" ) then

r, g, b = 255, 255, 255


local rad = createRadarArea ( x, y, width, height, r, g, b, 170, getRootElement ( ) )

local col = createColCuboid ( x, y, z-5, width, height, 35)

if ( not forcedId or turfLocs [ id ] ) then

id = 0

while ( turfLocs [ id ] ) do

id = id + 1



id = forcedId


turfLocs[id] = { }

turfLocs[id].col = col

turfLocs[id].radar = rad

turfLocs[id].owner = owner or "server"

turfLocs[id].attackers = nil

turfLocs[id].attackProg = 0

turfLocs[id].prepProg = 0

setElementData ( turfLocs[id].col, "NGTurf:TurfId", id )

setElementData ( turfLocs[id].col, "NGTurf:TurffingTable", turfLocs [ id ] )

addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", turfLocs[id].col, onColShapeHit )

addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", turfLocs[id].col, onColShapeLeave )

return turfLocs[id];


function updateTurfGroupColor ( group )

local r, g, b = exports.nggroups:getGroupColor ( group )

for i, v in pairs ( turfLocs ) do

if ( v.owner == group ) then

setRadarAreaColor ( v.radar, r, g, b, 120 )




function onColShapeHit ( player )

if ( player and isElement ( player ) and getElementType ( player ) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle ( player ) ) then

local gang = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( player )

triggerClientEvent ( player, "NGTurfs:onClientEnterTurfArea", player, turfLocs [ id ] )

if ( not gang ) then

return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You're not in a gang, you cannot turf.", player, 255, 255, 0 )


local id = tonumber ( getElementData ( source, "NGTurf:TurfId" ) )

if ( turfLocs[id].owner == gang ) then



if ( turfLocs[id].attackers and turfLocs[id].attackers ~= gang ) then

return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "The "..tostring(turfLocs[id].attackers).." gang is already trying to take this turf. Try again later.", player, 255, 0, 0 )


if ( not turfLocs[id].attackers ) then

exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have started to prepare a turf war. Find cover, call backup, and wait for it to begin.", player, 255, 255, 0 )

local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source )

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( getPlayerName ( player ).." is preparing a turf war with "..tostring(turfLocs[id].owner).." in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName(x,y,z,true).."! Get there to help him, the war will start in 2 minutes!", gang, 255, 255, 0 )

setRadarAreaFlashing ( turfLocs[id].radar, true )

turfLocs[id].attackers = gang

turfLocs[id].attackProg = 0

turfLocs[id].prepProg = 0

setElementData ( turfLocs[id].col, "NGTurf:TurffingTable", turfLocs [ id ] )




function onColShapeLeave ( player )

if ( player and getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then

triggerClientEvent ( player, "NGTurfs:onClientExitTurfArea", player, turfLocs [ getElementData ( source, "NGTurf:TurfId" ) ] )



setTimer ( function ( )

for id, data in pairs ( turfLocs ) do

if ( data.attackers ) then

local players = { attackers = { }, owners = { } }

local isGangInTurf = false

local isOwnerInTurf = false

for i, v in pairs ( getElementsWithinColShape ( data.col, "player" ) ) do

local g = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( v )

if ( g == data.attackers ) then

isGangInTurf = true

table.insert ( players.attackers, v )

elseif ( g == data.owner ) then

isOwnerInTurf = true

table.insert ( players.owners, v )



local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( data.col )

if ( isOwnerInTurf and isGangInTurf ) then

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "The turf war in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, true ).." is paused due to both gangs in the turf", turfLocs[id].attackers, 255, 255, 255 )

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "The turf war in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." is paused due to both gangs in the turf", turfLocs[id].owner, 255, 255, 255 )


-- Add Points To Attackers

if ( isGangInTurf ) then

-- Prep the war

if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg == 0 ) then

turfLocs[id].prepProg = data.prepProg + 2

if ( turfLocs[id].prepProg >= 100 ) then

turfLocs[id].prepProg = 0

turfLocs[id].attackProg = 1

beginTurfWarOnTurf ( id )


-- Attack War


turfLocs[id].attackProg = turfLocs[id].attackProg + 1

if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg == 100 ) then

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has captured a turf in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." from the "..turfLocs[id].owner.." gang! Great job!", turfLocs[id].attackers, 0, 255, 0)

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang lost a turf in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." to the "..turfLocs[id].attackers.." gang.", turfLocs[id].owner, 255, 0, 0)

setTurfOwner ( id, turfLocs[id].attackers )



-- Take points from attackers


-- Prepare war

if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg == 0 ) then

turfLocs[id].prepProg = data.prepProg - 2

if ( turfLocs[id].prepProg <= 0 ) then

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang lost the turf preparation war in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." to the "..turfLocs[id].owner.." gang!", turfLocs[id].attackers, 255, 0, 0 )

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has defended the turf in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName(x,y,z,false).."!", turfLocs[id].owner..", from the "..turfLocs[id].attackers.." gang, when it was being preped for a war", 0, 255, 0 )

setTurfOwner ( id, turfLocs[id].owner )


-- Attacking war


turfLocs[id].attackProg = data.attackProg - 1

if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg <= 0 ) then

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang lost the turf war in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." to the "..turfLocs[id].owner.." gang!", turfLocs[id].attackers, 255, 0, 0 )

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has defended the turf in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName(x,y,z,false).." from the "..turfLocs[id].attackers.." gang", turfLocs[id].owner, 0, 255, 0 )

setTurfOwner ( id, turfLocs[id].owner )





for i, v in pairs ( players ) do

for k, p in pairs ( v ) do

triggerClientEvent ( p, "NGTurfs:upadateClientInfo", p, turfLocs [ id ] )





end, 800, 0 )

addEvent ( "NGTurfs:onTurfProgressChange", true )


addCommandHandler ( "attackprog", function ( p )

local gangAttacks = { }

local g = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( p )

if ( not g ) then

return exports.NGMessages:sendclientMessage ( "You're not in a gang", p, 255, 255, 0)


for i, v in pairs ( turfLocs ) do

if ( v.attackers and v.attackers == g ) then

gangAttacks [ i ] = true



if ( table.len ( gangAttacks ) == 0 ) then

return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Your gang isn't involved in any gang wars right now.", p, 255, 255, 0 )


for id, _ in pairs ( gangAttacks ) do

local x ,y, z = getElementPosition ( turfLocs[id].col )

outputChatBox ( "----Turf War Status---", p, 255, 255, 255, false )

outputChatBox ( "Current owner: "..turfLocs[id].owner, p, 255, 255, 255, false )

outputChatBox ( "Attacker: "..turfLocs[id].attackers, p, 255, 255, 255, false )

outputChatBox ( "Prep Progress: "..turfLocs[id].prepProg.."%", p, 255, 255, 255, false )

outputChatBox ( "Attack Progress: "..turfLocs[id].attackProg.."%", p, 255, 255, 255, false )

outputChatBox ( "Turf Location: "..getZoneName ( x, y, z )..", "..getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ), p, 255, 255, 255, false )

outputChatBox ( "Turf Server-ID: "..id, p, 255, 255, 255, false )


end )]]

function table.len ( tb )

local c = 0

for i, v in pairs ( tb ) do

c = c + 1


return c


function beginTurfWarOnTurf ( id )

local d = turfLocs [ id ]

local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( d.col )

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has begun a turf war in "..getZoneName ( x, y, z)..", "..getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ).." against the "..d.owner.." gang! Get there an help!", d.attackers, 255, 255, 0 )

exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "One of your turfs in "..getZoneName ( x, y, z)..", "..getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ).." is being attacked by the "..d.attackers.." gang!", d.owners, 255, 0, 0 )

setRadarAreaColor ( d.radar, 255, 255, 255, 170 )


function setTurfOwner ( id, owner )

setRadarAreaFlashing ( turfLocs[id].radar, false )

turfLocs[id].owner = owner

turfLocs[id].attackers = nil

turfLocs[id].attackProg = 0

local r, g, b = exports.NGGroups:getGroupColor ( owner )

setRadarAreaColor ( turfLocs[id].radar, r, g, b, 120 )

saveTurfs ( )


function getTurfs ( )

return turfLocs


function saveTurfs ( )

for id, data in pairs ( turfLocs ) do

exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "UPDATE turfs SET owner=? WHERE id=?", data.owner, id )


return true


addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( )

exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS turfs ( id INT, owner VARCHAR(50), x FLOAT, y FLOAT, z FLOAT, width INT, height INT )" )

local query = exports.NGSQL:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM turfs" )

if ( #query == 0 ) then

local data = {

{ -1867.8, -107.43, 15.1, 58, 65 },

{ -1866.5, -26.36, 15.29, 49, 200 },

{ -1811.33, 743.43, 20, 85, 85 },

{ -1991.5, 862.62, 34, 79, 42 },

{ -2799.25, -200.6, 7.19, 83, 120 },

{ -2136.84, 120.12, 30, 120, 190 },

{ -2516.52, 718.16, 27.97, 118, 80 },

{ -2516.41, 578.19, 16.62, 117, 120 },

{ -2596.49, 818.05, 49.98, 59, 80 },

{ -2453.17, 947.58, 45.43, 54, 80 },

{ -2740.6, 344.59, 4.41, 68, 61 },

{ -2696.24, 227.35, 4.33, 39.5, 50.5 },

{ -2397.31, 82.99, 35.3, 133, 160 },

{ -2095.33, -280.06, 35.32, 84, 176 },

{ -1980.58, 107.69, 27.68, 59, 62 },

{ -2129.01, 741.71, 48, 112, 57 },

{ -2243.24, 928.4, 66.65, 87, 154 },

{ -1701.62, 743.44, 10, 129, 83 },

{ -2696.23, -59.88, 4.73, 83, 89 },

{ -2541.18, -720.16, 135, 55, 125 }


outputDebugString ( "NGTurf: 0 Turfs found -- Generating ".. tostring ( #data ) )

for i, v in pairs ( data ) do

x = {

['x'] = v[1],

['y'] = v[2],

['z'] = v[3],

['width'] = v[4],

['height'] = v[5],

['owner'] = "server"


query = x;

exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "INSERT INTO turfs ( id, owner, x, y, z, width, height ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )",

tostring ( i ), "server", tostring ( x['x'] ), tostring ( x['y'] ), tostring ( x['z'] ), tostring ( x['width'] ), x['height'] );



for i, v in pairs ( query ) do

local id, owner, x, y, z, width, height = tonumber ( v['id'] ), v['owner'], tonumber ( v['x'] ), tonumber ( v['y'] ), tonumber ( v['z'] ), tonumber ( v['width'] ), tonumber ( v['height'] )

createTurf ( x, y, z, width, height, owner, id )


end )

-- Group payout timer

function sendTurfPayout ( )

local groupTurfs = { }

for i, v in pairs ( turfLocs ) do

if ( not groupTurfs [ v.owner ] ) then

groupTurfs [ v.owner ] = 0


if ( not v.attackers ) then

groupTurfs [ v.owner ] = groupTurfs [ v.owner ] + 1



for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do

local g = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( v )

if ( g and groupTurfs [ g ] and groupTurfs [ g ] > 0 ) then

local c = groupTurfs [ g ] * tonumber ( get ( "*PAYOUT_CASH" ) )

givePlayerMoney ( v, c )

exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Turfing: Here is $"..tostring©.." for having "..tostring ( groupTurfs [ g ] ).." turfs ($700/turf)", v, 0, 255, 0 )




setTimer ( sendTurfPayout, (60*tonumber(get("*PAYOUT_TIME")))*1000, 0 )

Help Me Please :'(

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