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B~Ware Crew 2004 New Stuntvideo (Just Realize) !!!

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Right.. you did miss my point so sod it!

I just watched the video and 10/10 from me! also 10/10 for the music ;-)

By the way.. i never said anyone cheated, but i did question the stunt, but then someone kindly gave me the answer not abuse :wink:

Nice to hear that. :P Thanks for the feedback. :)

thanks ramon but i timed out while you sent me the vid... ill just trx to dl it again and save on another partition

and btw, ive always tried to extract it with winrar

You can also add me on MSN Rebel. If you still don't have the right file you're most welcome to get it from me. 8)

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nvm nos it worked now and i gotta say that this is probably the best vc stunt vid ive seen, you guys did some amazing stuff and many times when i watched it i thought "damnit i wanted to put that in my vid" (if i make one)

great job guys, i hope youll make some sa vids too ;P

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blah, blah, blah, what they all said....etc 8)

Twas an excellent vid but had so much more potential in the editing dept. me thinks. Although it wasn't bad, it just could've been 10 X better with a little thought but maybe thats just me :lol: I love grinds but not just grinds if u get my drift ...Haven't seen that many grinds since i last played THPS. Ok, the things that I loved were the 360 and 540 to grinds, and that front flip air grab in LC was executed flawlessly and all the other stuff Bloody said. Awesome vid, twas 11 mins long yet felt a lot shorter which is hard to do. GJ all around :D Hope this isn't B-ware's last vid :cry:

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well to give some more feedback...i thought the same like sam, it could have had more effects and stuff, during the frontwheel-stuck-in-ground session with the sanchez you changed the colors a bit but ive missed something that... you know... just like every show is set up, it starts slowly than its getting more and more upwards and then theres the point where you think this is it.. like BAM!

maybe you could have synched the sound a bit more with the stunts

for example the grind at 7:25-7:50 is a waste of the refrain imo and pushing me away is an awesome track for boosting a stunt vid to a limit but i would rather use a spin when the refrain begins than a grind

-the "backflip at 8:20 should have been synched with the start of the refrain so that the bike hits the wall when the "why" is spoken in the text

those are just 2 examples (you find many more) and actually only little details but if you can fix them you can make a vid 3x better, it gets then a certain rythm and flow

music is sometimes so detailed that you cant really listen to every part of it, may it be a second melody played in the background or a beat which is almost impossible for someone to concentrate on, everything together makes up a song and gives impressions, if you can realise all those parts and synch them only a bit with your visuals you can make a video much more impressive

just look at holywood movies,f you only see the visuals you get an impression, if you can only hear the audio you can get the same impression too but only if its put together it gets the best effect

this stuff just needs practice and i guess those guys who make the big movies have to study that for years :P

hope you got me a bit and it helps

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[...]just look at holywood movies,f you only see the visuals you get an impression, if you can only hear the audio you can get the same impression too but only if its put together it gets the best effect [...]

People are never satisfied. Now their asking us to make our 'amature-videos' at Holywood level. 8)

Seriously even though your post had a slight negative-side on it I fully see this as a compliment. Thank you so much Rebel. :)

Ow and about this not being B~Ware's last video.... Maybe, just maybe there might be a Tricktips soon. :wink: (I did not say that)

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tbph i didn't think much of the vid

heres why - the grinds went on for WAY too long and there were just too many of them.

The other stunts were tight (the true flips were crazy), the editing etc was all great and typical b-ware quality but there were too many grinds and they should have been sped up sometimes

Just my opinion as I liike varied stunt vids =)

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