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TGA - Back in action

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You must login to be able to upload and download.

you can login here: http://thegamersalliance.com

i worked extremely hard on this, i dropped working on the rest of the website just to get this uploading stuff taken care of for you guys 8)

Whats new?

1) WEB BASED uploading system using javascript

2) uploading PROGRESS BAR

3) RESUMEABLE UPLOADS (thats right dial-upers... oh yes)

4) file descriptions (not viewable by users yet, i am working on it)

5) record of who uploaded what (not viewable by users yet)

6) running total of the number of files you have uploaded

7) running total of how many MB you have uploaded

8) Estimated time left on your upload

9) current upload speed

10) plus alot more

What i am working on now:

1) cookies

2) interactive files database that records hits and stores information about files (date created, uploaded by, url, filesize)

3) better site navigation

4) the rest of the site lol

Hope you guys enjoy, i have spent MANY hours trying to get this to work properly. I know its not the most beautiful thing at this point, but i figured you guys would want it up and ugly instead of down and pretty.

Oh yes, don't upload files larger then 100MB without permission, otherwise they will be deleted and it will just waste our bandwidth.

Please leave any comments or concerns you have.

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Can I get a HELL YEAH :D Seriously, props to my Homes Bloodymess for gettin that shiz together, while I sat back and drank beer :lol:

Here at TGA we are strictly By Gamers For Gamers

Cesar :o

very nice job, i think the "resume upload" feature is the best of all :)

edit: ffs, ive missed my 1000th forum post :S

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its not to big, its WAY to big. Your supposed to get permission for files that are over 100 megs yours was WELL over 300, i might put it back up once everyone else gets there files up, but that will be a while.

I will say it again, don't upload files larger then 100 megs without permission or they will get deleted.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have just upgraded our hosting package to be able to support all of the traffic we have. This more then DOUBLES our capacity that we have ever had.

Disk space: 22.5 GB

Bandwidth: 500 GB!!!

In the past we have had about 150GB bandwidth so we are rolling with the big boys now.

I am working on making a new upload system that is more seamless then the current system, it is also going to be seamlessly connected to the downloads section. I know the current system is not the best in the world but its working.

Give me a couple days and it will be up to par. Once all that gets taken care of i invite everyone to upload all the videos they have that are not on our server. We want the largest database of stunt videos on the net.

Enjoy the free hosting everyone, bring us some traffic so we can afford this stuff lol :(

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