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Sync of custom weapons and objects


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Hello ,

I am working on a mounted machine gun script , that places big guns on cars and a player is able to go on top and use it.

I am using


for making a base_minigun and then using


to make a custom weapon and attaching them both with


However these are all made clientside (since createWeapon is a clientside function) and are not visible and synced with all the players. when a player uses the mounted gun , he is able to rotate it and direct the line of fire, but the rotation of the weapon cannot be seen by all the players.

Is there a way i can sync the client side created object and custom weapon so it is visible to all the players?

My code so far :

Server :

addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), 
truck1 = createVehicle ( 470, 201.33500671387, 1908.2733154297, 17.640625 ,0,0,0, "Hex" ) 
setElementData( truck1, "mgtruck1", true) 
createBlipAttachedTo ( truck1, 0, 1) 
setTimer(triggerClientEvent, 500, 1, getRootElement(), "one", resourceRoot) 

i created the vehicle serverside because clientside vehicles aren't enterable.


function attachmgtotruckone() 
alltruck1 = getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) 
for key, thetruck1 in ipairs ( alltruck1 ) do 
if getElementModel( thetruck1 ) == 470 then 
if getElementData(thetruck1, "mgtruck1" ) then 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( thetruck1 ) 
local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation( thetruck1 ) 
stand1 = createObject( 2985, x+2, y, z-1 ,rx,ry,rz+90) 
mountgun1 = createWeapon ( "minigun", 0, 0, 0 ) 
setElementAlpha( mountgun1, 50) 
attachElements( mountgun1, stand1, -0.2, 0 , 0.-- s8) -->
attachElements( stand1, thetruck1, 0, 0, 0.6, 0, 0, 90) 
setElementCollisionsEnabled ( mountgun1, false ) 
setElementCollisionsEnabled ( stand1, false ) 
addEvent("one", true) 
addEventHandler("one", root, attachmgtotruckone) 
function moveup1() 
if isElement( stand1) then 
local thetruck1 = getElementAttachedTo ( stand1 ) 
if getElementData( localPlayer, "mg1controller") then 
if roty1 == 30 then return end 
attachElements( stand1, thetruck1, 0, 0, 0.6, 0, roty1+5, rotz1) 
roty1 = roty1+ 5 
function movedown1() 
if isElement( stand1) then 
local thetruck1 = getElementAttachedTo ( stand1 ) 
if getElementData( localPlayer, "mg1controller") then 
if roty1 == -30 then return end 
attachElements( stand1, thetruck1, 0, 0, 0.6, 0, roty1-5, rotz1) 
roty1 = roty1 - 5 
function moveleft1() 
if isElement( stand1) then 
local thetruck1 = getElementAttachedTo ( stand1 ) 
if getElementData( localPlayer, "mg1controller") then 
attachElements( stand1, thetruck1, 0, 0, 0.6, 0, roty1, rotz1+5) 
rotz1 = rotz1 + 5 
function moveright1() 
if isElement( stand1) then 
local thetruck1 = getElementAttachedTo ( stand1 ) 
if getElementData( localPlayer, "mg1controller") then 
attachElements( stand1, thetruck1, 0, 0, 0.6, 0, roty1, rotz1-5) 
rotz1 = rotz1 - 5 
bindKey("a", "down",  moveleft1) 
bindKey("d", "down", moveright1) 
bindKey("s", "down",  moveup1) 
bindKey("w", "down", movedown1) 

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