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An Unanswered Question

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Back in the early days of MTA, I remember reading a FAQ or an about file, that claimed MTA was based after netcode left over in gta3.exe. At the time I questioned this story's legitimacy as the mod was programmed in vb (and now in retrospect I learned from the history section of the site) that It was orginally an addition to the admin console. I posted back then, asking just what "netcode" was used, when I first signed up for the forums, but it went unanswered. Now I can't find a trace of this story, on this site. Was is b/s like I suspected, just to add flavor to the original MTA story, or did infact MTA use "leftover netcode" from Rockstar, if so, what code?

Yeah just curious, thanks.

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im not the person to answer this, but i beleive that some "multiplayer code" left over from development was used in the first mta release, but not the current ones, which is not to say "netcode" but possible some other multiplayer related code. if you look at it, VC had a lot of extra code that wasnt used at all (extra menus and such) so i don't find this hard to beleive.

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well those explinations make sense, the remaining question, is: what was the left over code?

btw, from the History section of this site, I found out that the 'original' mta mod was just an expansion to the admin console, so unless the admin console ALSO uses left over multi player code, then...

I dunno, I found the whole thing suspicious, but I love MTA so its all good.

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MTA doesnt use any 'multiplayer' code from gta3 nor vc. Basically it was stumbling across things such as an unused multiplayer menu and actors named player2, player3 etc, indicating that at some point early on there had been the intention to include multiplayer, that sparked IJs's interest and planted the idea in his head

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wow - gtatari is BACK - Did you miss the end of hibernation wake up and find it was still winter then go back to sleep?

How'd ya guess?

I'm still kind of drousy, tho...

Actually the truth of the matter is, is that I got caught up in school, my own projects, getting into \ starting college, and waiting for 0.3b.. which when it did come, never worked (for me), so I just kinda forgot about it knowing I was going to have to start all over waiting for 0.4 =) which has come, and totally rocked!

Anyway yeah I am back, but not to the extent I was before.. yet.

I forgot how much I loved mta!

Anyway Since I am a blasta guy, do I put [bLASTA]GTAtari in mta?

And I got to find some hosting for my avatar \ sig since Angelfire is mean now-a-days

edit: thats fixed I hope..

one other thing, I thought I had 300 posts or something, now it says I have 204, maybe I don't remember correctly?

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  • MTA Team

it looks like no one knows there MTA history :P

There is MP code in GTA3. It is even said that the ppl at R* North played DM altough that was never comfirmed. If you use the menu editor from GTA3 then you will fiind the MP menu. R* removed it because Sony reminded them that there exclusive contract prohibited them to add extra functionality to the game.

Was this code ever used by MTA? No it was not. There is nothing we can do with it. Our first release was a modded version of the GTA3 admin console. When IJs looked at the source he saw the mem addys for the previous and current car and he just synced those. GTA3:MTA 0.3b left most of the original VB code behind and since MTA:VC 0.1 we don't use any code from someone else anymore. And as far as i know the MP component from GTA3 is not present in VC.

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it looks like no one knows there MTA history :P

There is MP code in GTA3. It is even said that the ppl at R* North played DM altough that was never comfirmed. If you use the menu editor from GTA3 then you will fiind the MP menu. R* removed it because Sony reminded them that there exclusive contract prohibited them to add extra functionality to the game.

Was this code ever used by MTA? No it was not. There is nothing we can do with it. Our first release was a modded version of the GTA3 admin console. When IJs looked at the source he saw the mem addys for the previous and current car and he just synced those. GTA3:MTA 0.3b left most of the original VB code behind and since MTA:VC 0.1 we don't use any code from someone else anymore. And as far as i know the MP component from GTA3 is not present in VC.

Well that at last clears things up..


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it looks like no one knows there MTA history :P

There is MP code in GTA3. It is even said that the ppl at R* North played DM altough that was never comfirmed. If you use the menu editor from GTA3 then you will fiind the MP menu. R* removed it because Sony reminded them that there exclusive contract prohibited them to add extra functionality to the game.

Was this code ever used by MTA? No it was not. There is nothing we can do with it. Our first release was a modded version of the GTA3 admin console. When IJs looked at the source he saw the mem addys for the previous and current car and he just synced those. GTA3:MTA 0.3b left most of the original VB code behind and since MTA:VC 0.1 we don't use any code from someone else anymore. And as far as i know the MP component from GTA3 is not present in VC.

What about the GIF / JPEG codec or something Smithers found in your source , isnt that pprogrammed by someone else ?

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okay , that explains it. WOuld be better if screenies where saved as jpg tho...

hmm I think it should be configureable. Somewhere a option to change the format that the screenshots are saved in. Its no big deal anyways, just takes quite some time to convert all your screens though, so a option to change it would be great.

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