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Triggering a client event holding timer details.


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Hey, it's been a while since I've asked for help, but I really need it this time :3 I don't know if I'm just to tired to think straight or I just don't know, but I'm sure you guys could help me out.

So here's my problem, I cant seem to trigger timer details of a set timer to my client file to output using DX text. It gives me errors when trying to output the sent details. The triggering works fine now, as of before it used to give debug errors showing it's expected an lua-timer or whatever.

--(Server Sided) 
timedTimer = setTimer(theFunction, 100000, 1, turfName, ePlayerGroup, ePlayer) 
triggerClientEvent(ePlayer, "MTA_RP_turfing.showTimedStatus", ePlayer, timedTimer) 

--(Client Sided) 
function showTimedStatus(timedTimer) 
    timedTimer = timeRemaining 
    addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderTimeLeft) 
addEvent("MTA_RP_turfing.showTimedStatus", true) 
addEventHandler("MTA_RP_turfing.showTimedStatus", root, showTimedStatus) 
function renderTimeLeft() 
    timeLeft = getTimerDetails(timeRemaining) 
    local x = math.ceil(timeLeft/1000) 
    dxDrawRectangle((680/824) * screenWidth, (590/687.4) * screenHeight, x / 0.5, 22.9, tocolor(157, 0, 0, 117.5)) 
    exports.MTA_RP_texts:boldText("Capturing turf: "..tostring(x).."", (688/398)*screenWidth,(600/702)*screenHeight, 100, 100, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.73, theFont, "center", "top", false, false, false) 


Bad Argument @ 'getTimerDetails' [Expected lua-timer at argument 1, got nil]

attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'timeLeft' (a boolean value)

I've tried changing arguments, variables and getting the code to recognise the timer but it's useless. To find a way around all this I triggered the client event to trigger a new timer, but that has allot of exploits so I need to fix this issue whenever possible. Thanks for reading, would be really appreciated if anyone could help :)

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1. Your timer only runs one time.

2. Do you have the function theFunction() ?

3. Is the event triggered randomly ? Like, you need to do something to trigger it ?

Well it's a turfing script so;

1) When someone enters a turf, it's triggered to that simple function

2) No it's not named theFunction(), I reduced variable length for your understanding. I'm experienced enough to change the variable back to it's normal one and I'd understand anything if you provided a code using theFunction().

3) No, as I said on (1), when someone enters a turf. To be more specific, when someone enters a turf that isn't owned by any. And that's not the issue because I've a full system to state the non-owned turfs.

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1. Your timer only runs one time.

2. Do you have the function theFunction() ?

3. Is the event triggered randomly ? Like, you need to do something to trigger it ?

Well it's a turfing script so;

1) When someone enters a turf, it's triggered to that simple function

2) No it's not named theFunction(), I reduced variable length for your understanding. I'm experienced enough to change the variable back to it's normal one and I'd understand anything if you provided a code using theFunction().

3) No, as I said on (1), when someone enters a turf. To be more specific, when someone enters a turf that isn't owned by any. And that's not the issue because I've a full system to state the non-owned turfs.

Give me more Server-Side code so I know how it get's created.

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Give me more Server-Side code so I know how it get's created.

You don't need more than what I provided.

You can trigger client with your desired timer length and use getTickCount to check how much time passed since the trigger

I'll probably try that..

What if I want this DX timer shown to all the players in a specific group? I've an export to get the players group..

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