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libVLC: Continue or not?


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Test build: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/desbynxsm2m36e ... ration.zip


- vlcCreatePlayer(element texture,string filepath,int sizex,int sizey)

returns true if player was created, false otherwise

- vlcPlay()

returns true if player was launched, false otherwise

- vlcStop()

returns true if player was stopped, false otherwise

- vlcGetState()

returns current state







- vlcSetVolume(float volume)

Sets volume of video. Returs true if success, false otherwise.

- vlcDestroyPlayer()

returns true if player was destroyed successfully, false otherwise.


- onVLCPlayerReachedEnd

triggered when vlc player reaches end of video

Test resource and debug libraries are included.

Update: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ol3pq1g3dwl81i ... n_upd2.zip

Fixed vlc player can't be stopped if resource, that has called vlc player, is being unloaded


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Isn't this quite useless? since with the new browser functions being added to MTA 1.5, we'll be able to play videos like you are doing here.
Good for you)

Last update: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/c4z7kj7ruqvjaz ... c_upd3.zip

- Video volume depends on MTA volume

- Changed function: vclCreatePlayer(element texture, string filepath)

- Texture should be a child of resource that calls vlcCreatePlayer.

There won't be any updates. Have fun with CEF, if you don't like this integration :wink:

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It seems like you are upset with the opinions of the other users. If you didn't want to get this kind of answer, perhaps you shouldn't have asked.

It is good work, but it is indeed pointless with CEF integration coming soon to MTA. In fact, it's been around for quite a while, how could you have not heard of it?

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It seems like you are upset with the opinions of the other users.
Naaah, I'm not upset :)
but it is indeed pointless with CEF integration coming soon to MTA. In fact, it's been around for quite a while, how could you have not heard of it?
I heard about it and I know what it is and how it works. But I see that people push themself towards using CEF and learning HTML5. Well, I can't stop them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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