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A review of my visit to CFenix community, it'll be a little story.

Most of you know it as a retarded community..

I noticed that they have 100 players, approx, so I joined, wondered around the server, met people, the thing is the server was Spanish, I did find some English speaking people to talk to.

Everything was nice, yet many stolen ideas.. obviously.

Anyhow, I'm a really old player, before it even went Spanish.

So I called on the owner, Sensacion.. if you can possibly call him an owner, or even a person.

I said, I'm a Lua programmer, and I want to develop here , you don't have any forums for me to apply, I can give you examples.

So he made me talk to another staff member, a moderator, gave him examples, and I saw Sensacion again..

He asked me: "Do you have scripts from CIT Server?" I was like 0.0 did you just ask me that? dafq is wrong with people..

So I changed my PC date, made some empty folders, and sent him a screenshot (Wanted to see what did he really mean) .. he literally was like *.*

He said: "Send them all", "Why would I send anything? I just wanted to help developing here" I said, he replied "Fine, make a firefighter job"..

Now really.. why would I do it? he added "If you don't send, goodbye, I don't need you".. what kind of pathetic humans beings is this? :?

Ofcourse, he banned me.. for obvious, pathetic reasons, ever heard of a ban reason as an insult? yeah that's CFenix.


My point is, he's a disgrace on everything, human beings, brain cells, my monitor, and even Lua..

This is the real meaning of a ..


A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.

One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

He shot himself in the nuts? Geez, what a fucktard!

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What is it with you and firefighter jobs (if you know what I mean hehe)?

But yeah, I have to agree with you. He doesn't respect his players, nor does he know how to decline an offer whilst showing professionalism. The fact he is just looking for scripts from other servers is quite sad. No originality or creativity.

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Well honestly I don't have anything against people acting like that, bad people seems to appear everywhere and we have to accept that, what's more disturbing tho is the fact that "server owners" like him has a huge player base which he obviously doesn't deserve. It's our responsibility as players to support servers with original resources that does a honorable work instead of these noobs who take others work and threat their players as idiots.

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